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KSP 2 is a perfectly playable early access game (v0.1.4)


Your impressions of KSP 2 version 0.1.4  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Is KSP 2 v0.1.4 [PLAYABLE] as an early access game?

    • Yes
    • Not yet, but it's on the right track
    • No
  2. 2. Is KSP 2 v0.1.4 [FUN] as an early access game?

    • Yes
    • Not yet, but it's on the right track
    • No

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I've played KSP 2 when it came out for about 65 hours and then I skipped all the patches until now. I tried out 0.1.4 now after ~5 months and I have to say that my impression is very, very good. The game is in a very good state right now. I really don't agree with the people complaining and hating - the number of bugs is small and I have not encountered any major problems (except for the parts symmetry issue, which I think is a regression). Here's my feedback (for now):

Positive feedback:

  • The UI is in a much better state. I love the Parts Manager speed.
  • Performance is great compared to how it was at launch.
  • Revert to launch and to VAB buttons are working now!
  • The left side menu (the one when you press ESC) works as expected (it was ultra buggy).
  • Working with the maneuver nodes feels good.
  • I did not experience orbital drift around the Mun or Kerbin.
  • The NavBall dark colors are nice on the eyes.

Bugs and mini-suggestions:

  • In VAB the translate tool for mirror symmetry orientation is not respected (if I move a battery, solar panel or wheel up the other one goes down) because one part is flipped when placed (it's upside down). (not a bug, sorry, I was in 2 x symmetry mode)
  • Notification keep popping up (lack of solar) and it's annoying.
  • Map view UI is still very pixelated.
  • Limit celestial body zoom-in in Map View / Tracking Station so the camera does not enter the planet.
  • Allow the usage of Space-bar key to pause / resume tutorial video.
  • Right click hit-box is not accurate in Tracking Station for some celestial bodies.
  • Sometimes I have to click multiple times on the Parts Manager "x" to close the window.
  • A loud sound sometimes plays in my right speaker when clicking in the Part-picker in VAB.
  • In VAB when right clicking somewhere to exit the 2D vehicle viewer there is no fade out effect.
  • In the Parts Manager please group parts that have been placed by symmetry (like identical solar panels or batteries) so the list is more compact.
  • If I want to import a vehicle in my current workspace then save it here, I can't see where to select the name of my current workspace file (the other one shows up by default).
  • Wheel collision mesh is still very basic (center of the wheel).
  • I can't create a maneuver node when in atmosphere and game is paused.
  • Please allow me to move the AP / PE node info mini windows by dragging them.
  • When focused on another celestial body I can't time warp to a point inside its influence sphere(from outside).
  • Please increase the right-mouse-button pan speed when looking around the vehicle.
  • If I deactivate an engine I get a "out of fuel" error when trying to create a maneuver plan.
  • I need to be able to press >>> (warp to maneuver) again to go down to 5 seconds from 30 (so I don't have to wait so long). Right now I get the "proximity to celestial body" alarm (which needs its text changed).

I will continue to play the game and experiment with the parts. I feel it's really fun to play now. I can't wait for the water / heat / terrain updates. With those in place we're off to the races for Science mode.

Great job development team - I'm really proud of you guys and girls!

Edited by Vl3d
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The sand box doesn't work yet. Docking is janky, orbits are unpredictable and going EVA gives an impulse to your craft.

In my opinion, once the sandbox works as it should and there is some kind of official modding API then the communithy will pick up the slack and the game could be a replacement for KSP1

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So where are we? Still not on the roadmap it seems...


Edit: Call me a hater if you want. I just want what was advertised. If that is being a "hater" then I guess I'm a hater.



22 minutes ago, jacksawild said:

In my opinion, once the sandbox works as it should and there is some kind of official modding API then the communithy will pick up the slack and the game could be a replacement for KSP1

If this is true, there should be rewards for modders doing the work (for free) of the paid developers. Fair is fair.

Edited by Meecrob
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Talk about loaded questions. My biggest gripe with the talk about performance is that 90% of all the "gains" comes from removing elements from screen. Take a look at how low graphics looked in 0.1.0 vs 0.1.4 and it's pretty damning that there's been minimal performance gains, only fidelity losses.

Edited by PDCWolf
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13 minutes ago, Superpluto126 said:

I'm having fun driving around the KSC in small rovers and i'm even getting good FPS! Around 20 at min and 40 at most!

Yeah, performance has really improved.

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The biggest bugs still affecting me badly (although I think I've found workarounds) are when separating and then docking two parts of a craft together again. The dV calculator often doesn't recognise active engines or fuel tanks, meaning your dV is calculated as zero (even though your engine still works). You have to "re-stage" the engine to get it recognised again, moving it to a stage and then staging. Until you do this, because your dV is officially zero, you can't make manoeuvre nodes!

Plus the unstable orbits bug, until that's fixed I can't really call the game "playable". You really need to be able to do a fairly straight-forward Apollo-style mission to the Mun without having to work-around any bad bugs at least before it can be called "playable" IMO.

In terms of fun... Currently the feature set is an early version of KSP1 that only had Sandbox mode (and no re-entry heating). I enjoyed KSP1 when it was in that state, so I'd say this game is fun too.

Edited by Mutex
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As long the Spiffing Brit doesn`t show up here... i don`t care :D

Edit 5:I voted 2xyes because it is fun and playable. I greatly enjoy to smart out the known bugs and loitering around Kerbin and mun, i haven`t get farther until now. It is damn good in my opinion.

(I am not a fanboy, i just have issues typing stuff in a foreign language)

Edit 6: playable, sorry:lol:

Edited by Mikki
you guess it typo, an another one ha, damn typo in the edit, i really have issues with the keyboard sometimes
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KSP 2 would be a perfectly acceptable early access game, but that is not what it was advertised to be. In particular I am referring to the Beta Capture images. KSP 2 is nowhere near that state, and that misrepresentation is the problem. Plus, the bugs (and other issues such as the "vessel destroyed" pop-up) get in the way of the fun

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Is there anything to say about this game that is positive? Lets be 100% real here. This piece of software, for $50 USD, with what it offers, deserves praise?


Edit: The soundtrack is pretty good. Thats about it.



Edited by Meecrob
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This is some choice bait good sir :joy:

I’m happy the game has improved! I’ll be hopping back on the train when Science drops, in the meantime, good launching and hot jets!

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Ok, fair enough, fair enough...I'm just raining on your parade...Sorry, I should have realized.

I'm glad that you are all happy about this patch.


Again..sorry, I didn't realize how cringe I was being.

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People are entitled to their opinion.    You do not get to tell them they are wrong for having that opinion of the game.    Please do not harass other members for having an opinion you do not agree with.  

A number of posts have been removed. 

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I think as far as early access games goes it's not very good. DayZ was worse but this is a close 2nd. I also don't think it's good to demonise people who have a different opinion than you. I think this is a bad thing which brings us all down

Edited by aLTOR
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For the last time, do not reply to posts you believe are a problem. It only clutters threads and leads to arguments. 

Also, if you DO report a post, tell us what you believe to be the problem. We're not mind readers.  

More comments removed. 

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I was torn on what to say about playable. On one hand, the game doesn't crash every time I launch a rocket, and most of the rocket generally goes where I want it to, for a while at least. On the other hand, many of the basic mechanics like orbits, docking, etc don't work and are intended to work, especially for the current gameplay mechanics. I ultimately leaned no, as the buggy behavior bricks most of my missions, preventing me from playing the content. If those bugs were not present, I'd easily say yes.

On fun, I also said no - Again, due to the bugs, there's nothing fun about having a mission be bricked. IF those bugs were not present, I would be on "no, but its on the right track" - If the sandbox was working right, I'd have simply run out of fun things to do by now, but during the moments it does work, it works right and enjoyably so - I'd just have grown bored of doing the same mission profiles with the same parts.

They're only a few bugs away reaching the point where the idea of good is over the horizon though, as opposed to mired away. Not easy bugs, it seems, but no less close to that. The fact I can enumerate the problems clearly rather than a vague sense of distaste and displeasure over some lack of "Game Feel" is good in its own regards.

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In todays reviews and livestreams of Starfield you see a kind of tale-of-two-games--one of which was dramatically controversially delayed and the other which was forced into a pre-mature EA. No one thinks Starfield is perfect, but even with the headwinds BGS is facing from FA76 the general impression Im getting from Starfield is its remarkably stable and solidly playable despite some pacing and structural deficiencies. I know the folks from Intercept have played the happy warrior through this but whoever made the decision to force the 3.2023 launch rather than delaying a year and giving players a solid gameplay experience plus science and heat is a goddamned fool. I deeply hope that all of the people who poured their souls into all of the genuinely brilliant ideas in KSP2 are being given an extra long runway to correct for the obvious disservice management handed to them. There are a number of core bugs that are still substantially preventing even the kind of multi-mission, long-span gameplay KSP1 offers that in no way required the broader community to notice and address. We've always loved this game and have always been happy to address edge cases and balance issues and structural questions about the games future. Thats what we're here for and thats what we've always done. Its been cruel to to make even hardcore, devoted players and content creators slog through this though and Take Two for its own shortsightedness really does need to devote real resources to fixing the game and making sure that by the time Science and colonies are introduced the core devs have been given time to make the game truly stable. 

My heart goes out to Nate, Shana, Tom, Chris, former Squad members and countless artists and programmers and incredibly passionate people who have put everything they have into this game. Even with the bugs its an amazing achievement. I dearly hope you've all been given all of the time and space you need to make KSP2 what you've been dreaming it could be. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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23 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

whoever made the decision to force the 3.2023 launch rather than delaying a year and giving players a solid gameplay experience plus science and heat is a goddamned fool.

(Emphasis mine) I'll do the usual: this should say "delaying a fourth year".

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