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2 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

Time for more pointless analysis!

I know that digging past records and assuming that it'll stay the same in the future is dumb, but 0.1.5 looks a lot alike 0.1.3 to me, both targeting to fix major issues and adding new parts/features. So my guess is 0.1.5 will be around two months after 0.1.4, hopefully releasing before mid-November. However, it's also possible that they're targeting Halloween/Christmas for science and want to have more time to polish that big update, in which case 0.1.5 will likely be mid to late October.

In the latest AMA, Chris Adderley has stated that thermal effects will come out before the actual system, and the development team has confirmed new features in 0.1.5 as this post has mentioned. I am likely to be wrong, but features are not the same as just some new parts. If correct, then 0.1.5 is confirmed to have either CBT terrain or thermal effects, with a slim chance of adding both. 0.1.5 is also probably the last patch before science/0.2.0, given the current status. This does not mean no future hotfixes though, especially if 0.1.5 introduces some new serious bugs.

Just my humble opinion.

I wouldn't call CBT a feature, as it's just supposed to fix performance 

Also based on the prior patches, I'm expecting 1.5 to take longer than 1.4, because each patch has taken longer each time.   And for the number of bugs to be fixed to be 1/2 or less of the bug fixed per week of 1.4, since that's been true of each patch as well.  

I also expect then to release heat vfx without the rest of the heat system, and call that a big news feature, as they've been teasing it for months now and shown little progress on anything else.

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14 minutes ago, RocketRockington said:

Nah the major rift is because the picture the hype and marketing painted was so dramatically different from the result, and some people are fine with the discrepancy - even seeming to revel in it

If marketing got you hyped, you'd expected one thing. If you drew conclusions from that demo in early February(?), you'd expect another... Difference in expectations....

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44 minutes ago, RocketRockington said:

I don't care if you are ok with it or not, but some people seem to have entirely forgotten or forgiven, and set their expectations based on the idea that now the tram is going to be honest and transparent.  The rest of us expect bad faith because bad faith has been shown.

For me, I've changed the way I've felt about KSP2 just based on comparing results of what we receive against what was hyped up before release. This is very much in line with what you've pointed out, but in my mind I put the question of good or bad faith entirely aside.

Going forward, I'm strictly trying to judge what I expect from the development team based SOLELY on what they release, and giving just about zero credence to any claims they make or justifications they pop out. In this way, assumptions of good or bad faith are pretty much irrelevant. Keep it results based!

And judging solely from those metrics, things are pretty rough for what you'd expect out of an early access title. As always, I hope things improve but don't expect it, because I've yet to see something like the major improvement I would hope for, in many aspects.

Edited by Stoup
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59 minutes ago, Stoup said:

Going forward, I'm strictly trying to judge what I expect from the development team based SOLELY on what they release, and giving just about zero credence to any claims they make or justifications they pop out. In this way, assumptions of good or bad faith are pretty much irrelevant. Keep it results based!

And judging solely from those metrics, things are pretty rough for what you'd expect out of an early access title. As always, I hope things improve but don't expect it, because I've yet to see something like the major improvement I would hope for, in many aspects.

Exactly. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt but will still rake them over coals when their results are subpar (like not actually fixing the camera when switching between flight and map view).

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Some content has been removed, and a number of posts quoting said content have also been removed.  

Feel free to state your opinions as you wish.   We don’t care if your opinion is for or against.   It doesn’t matter.  That’s what the forums are here for.  

What we don’t allow is to make comments about a person, or people in general.    Do not tell others how to post, or what to post.   Do not make comments about others motives or intent.    

If you disagree with another person, use facts, logic and reasoning to counter their arguments.     Even then, they may still disagree with you, and that’s OK.    Reasonable minds can disagree.  

That means we don’t need to delve into the same arguments in every thread.  If a comment had been addressed in a previous thread, it’s often best to reference that thread and continue the discussion there, as the topic has been covered.  Granted, given the state of the game right now, that might not give us a lot to talk about.  Until we do get more stuff to talk about, rehashing the same arguments over and over won’t do any good.   


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So the next KERB will come out at friday 15.09.2023? I really had to read the whole thread and all the linked discord images.

What I got was:

  • KERB is a friday thing
  • Comes out every 2 weeks unless there is a release in the week the KERB would happen, then 2 weeks after the release
  • Last KERB was 8/11 and now next date is 9/15

Did I get this right?

And about the hint about 0.1.5 features: Is there any indication what these features are? Because usually you do not tease stuff you are not sure if you can actually deliver it. You only talk about things which you are 100% sure will come. At least that is what we do where I work.

So what are the features which will be included in 0.1.5?

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The only change we know of for a fact that'll be in 1.5 is this (taken from the ksp2 modding discord):


I seriously doubt thats the feature they've been teasing, nor would I recommend reading too much into this. Dakota has also stated on the ksp2 discord that this change is primarily for developmental reasons and the only players this will really effect is modders (hence why this news was only delivered on the ksp2 modding discord). As far as I can tell, the only direct effect players may expect to see is a minor performance benefit. That being said, modders are very happy about this, apparently a lot of really nice developmental tools will be introduced with this change. These developmental tools will likely speed up ksp2's development as well which is nice, but of course this alone can only do so much. Don't expect colonies out January 2024 because of this change. 

For changes we dont know of, if the two videos in the pipeline have things that could be relevant to 1.5 (reentry heating and wobbly rockets), I expect that if they are relevant, they will confirm so in those videos at the end (IE btw we plan on doing these wobble changes in 1.5).  I have no clue how long itll be till we get these videos, we know the previous one took quite a while to make, but also doing something a second time will always allow you to do it quicker so in short idk. 

Edited by Strawberry
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