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KSP2 v0.2.1.0 coming next Tuesday!


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  On 1/27/2024 at 2:41 AM, Scarecrow71 said:


Nothing on chutes not deploying?  That is...less than ideal.



Please refer to what @The Aziz said above. The highlights are not the whole patch (probably). Just stuff they wanted to let people know were in it (probably based on the top issues)

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  On 1/27/2024 at 2:41 AM, Scarecrow71 said:

Nothing on chutes not deploying?  That is...less than ideal.

  On 1/27/2024 at 2:58 AM, NexusHelium said:

Please refer to what @The Aziz said above. The highlights are not the whole patch (probably). Just stuff they wanted to let people know were in it (probably based on the top issues)


If you check the kerb item #11 there is a partial fix being tested. Sadly not clear if this partial fix or otherwise will be in


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Hopefully you guys managed to fix that vanishing oribital lines issue as well. It's one of the major bugs in my opinion. Sadly I think you would have listed it if it really was fixed instead of let's say having to double click something :-D

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  On 1/27/2024 at 3:17 AM, Pareidolia said:

If you check the kerb item #11 there is a partial fix being tested. Sadly not clear if this partial fix or otherwise will be in



You can tell these people are professionals who know how to prioritize, lol.


  On 1/27/2024 at 12:22 AM, The Aziz said:

Highlights =/= all patch notes, people.


We have seen their track record. If they have anything, they post a wall of text.


  On 1/27/2024 at 4:04 AM, Bej Kerman said:

"Orbital decay... again..."


Yeah...something tells me its inherent in how they programmed the game or they would be able to remove it easily.

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  On 1/27/2024 at 5:58 PM, The Aziz said:

With all the items that need fixing, these are low severity and priority. 


Let's keep in mind this is over 11 months from EA release. These devs don't understand priority. OR they do and the publisher doesn't. Either way, for the price, they could toss us some QOL features.


Edit: I haven't commented in the UI thread because everybody already knows what is wrong with the game. They should maybe probably get their stuff together. 0.2.1 over a month after 0.2.0? Someone needs to tell the devs what a hotfix is. Yeah, holidays...its January 27th. Get real.

Edited by Meecrob
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Nobody said it's a hotfix. It would be if it was

  On 1/27/2024 at 6:09 PM, Meecrob said:

Let's keep in mind this is over 11 months from EA release. These devs don't understand priority. OR they do and the publisher doesn't. Either way, for the price, they could toss us some QOL features.


Yeah, they made the game playable first, leaving minor details like camera for later because it barely affects gameplay and has zero chance of ruining your flight. QOL? You read the latest dev blog? Also, listed here are just few fixes, most likely a tiny part of larger changelog.

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Give it a rest. I am conceding it is a work in progress, and am just saying they could hurry it up a little. Untwist your underpants.

Edit: @The Aziz I didn't say anything about the camera, but now that you accuse me of complaining about it, they do suck. its like 8 of the same camera angle. Yes I'm exaggerating.

I dunno, I'm sure I'm not alone in that I have put the game down due to it being really annoying to play. and this hotfix has taken what? Like its 38 days as of today. Like can we call it a coldfix at least? This is ridiculous, especially for the cost of the game.

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It is strange the game is in the state that it is in so long after EA launch. As frustrating as some of these bugs are for playing the game, I imagine it is just as bad or worse for development and QA to have to continue to wrestle with some of these save-ending bugs.

Really hope 0.2.1 is just the start of a heavy cycle of additional fixes. The game aspect is really at a solid point, continuing to knock our the rest of the critical bugs would really bring it to a solid place and, in my opinion, should be top priority to do before colonies is released as that release is sure to bring in many new players given the significant step above KSP1 this will be in gameplay regards.

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  On 1/27/2024 at 6:18 PM, The Aziz said:

it barely affects gameplay and has zero chance of ruining your flight


Except that it does affect gameplay (the camera controls in the VAB suck, as an example), and your flight can get ruined due to camera angle (flying in Eve's atmosphere, change to map, come back to an odd angle really zoomed out and you can't see your craft and boom before you can react to something happening).

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  On 1/27/2024 at 3:09 PM, The Aziz said:

That's very vague, what's particularly wrong with it?


For me, when I come back from the map view, I'm in the middle of my ship, (like literally, the camera is inside the hull) and have to scroll out to where I was. Minor bug, but aggravating during rendezvous.

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