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[WIP] SheepDog Institute [VAB Organizer Support Mod]


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3 hours ago, The Dressian Exploder said:

Have you considered making a 'propeller engines' category for mods like Airplane Plus? It seems that currently all the props are in the miscellaneous category, and I think there's enough of them both in Airplane Plus and other mods to warrant them having their own category. Helicopter turboshaft engines and tail rotors could potentially go in their own category as well.


EDIT: Looking through the config, it appears this exists, but given that the prop engines all appear in the 'Miscellaneous' category I'm guessing that the prop engines category needs to be defined somewhere.

The propeller engines category exists in VABO itself. After all, players love to make those with robotics and they do love Airplane Plus (which I've made a config for and given it to this config pack). For simplicity's sake, a propeller engine is defined as any fan type engine which is usually unducted and ideally won't be taking you to supersonic speeds on its own power. The engine method that drives the fan isn't too important as ultimately, the in-game performance won't be very different per the method.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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On 8/31/2024 at 4:12 PM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

FYI - the procedural parts patch will throw module manager errors. Possibly related to doing @Priority = 1  -- if there is not already a "Priority" defined in the VABORGANIZER node, I'm guessing that's the source of the error..

Im not getting the error but ill look into it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 1.2 Ready to go.  Thank you to everyone who is helping out!

Added Support for:

  • Mk-X Spaceplane Parts
  • Kerbalism
  • Less Real Than Real(ism) & LRTR-Kerbalism
  • Mark IV Spaceplane System
  • KODS - Kiwi Orbital Designs Services
  • BREAD - Bruno's Rocket Emporium And Designs
  • Provenance Aerospace
  • DMagic Orbital Science (Support from Adventurer13)
  • DeepFreeze Continued (Support from Adventurer13)
  • Global Construction (Support from Adventurer13)
  • USI Series (Support from Adventurer13)
  • SpaceY Heavy-Lifter (Support from zhangyuesai)

  • Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (Support from zhangyuesai)

Edited by SheepDog2142
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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Peri0dic said:

Great stuff my parts list is much cleaner now! Any chance of extraplanetary launchpads support?

Possibly. Its got a tone of parts. Ill need to reinstall it back because I cull out all the parts and just use the configs for support for MKS and PBS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

V1.3 has been released should update to CKAN soon. There is probably more changes then this I am missing as allot was added and adjusted. Many updates and fixes to already supported mods as well.

New Supported Mods

  • Rocket Motor Menagerie (Support from Sheepdog2142
  • ORANGES (Support from Sheepdog2142)
  • Photon Corp (Support from Sheepdog2142)
  • Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (Support from Adventurer13)
  • Smart Parts Continued (Support from Adventurer13)
  • USI Series (Support from Adventurer13 & jthero3)
  • ALCOR (Support from jthero3)
  • Bumblebee (Support from jthero3)
  • Coriolis Space Systems (Support from jthero3)
  • DaMichel's CargoBays (Support from jthero3)
  • HullcamVDSContinued (Support from jthero3)
  • Luciole (Support from jthero3)
  • Mk2Expansion (Support from jthero3)
  • NSS/OctoSat-SOAR S3-A300t (Support from jthero3)
  • Planeside Exploration Technologies (Support from jthero3)

Additional Subcategory Support:

  • Buoyancy
  • Cameras
  • Cores
  • Expansion Boards
  • Fabrication
  • Fluid Containers
  • Life Support
  • Manipulator Arms
  • PLC - (Programmable Logic Controller)
  • Resource Utilization
  • Visual Scanners

Additional Bulkhead Tags:

  • 11m size8p8
  • 15m size12
  • 20m size16
  • 30m size24
  • PCB CircuitBoard
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  • 5 weeks later...

Heya, just wondering, is this intended for RSS/RO? If so ignore this comment

But if its not, then a lot of the sizes for the Tundra Exploration parts are wrong, all 4 of the F9 tanks are specified as 3.75m when they're 2.5m, the Falcon 1 Parts are 2.5m when they're 1.25m. 
The Rodan and Gigan pods and trunks do not have any labels, same goes for both the F9 V1 and F9 B4/B5 engine cluster/
The solar panels for Gigan, and the panels for the Dysprosium and Gaira 1 parts in TT have 2.5 and 1.25m labels when they're surface attached.
The Gigan nosecone is set to SRF when its (i believe) a 1.5m part.
And the rideshare adapters are also 2.5m when they should be 1.25m.

Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey, i found some issues with your Tantares config. For example all of the command modules are in the " Kerbal transport" category despite some of them being pods, landers or station modules which have their own categories. All the probe cores are also categorised as reaction wheels for some reason and i also found some minor issues like fuel tanks being marked as monoprop even though the can only hold LFO

I want to do VAB Organizer patches for all of Tantares mods and I'm thinking of including a heavily modified version of your config instead of making the same thing from the ground-up. But i want your permission first

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You also have this @JadeOfMaar

Structural Fuselages from AirplanePlus miss their subcategories

AirplanePlus + Stock:


Also Mk1 Structural stock is in Nacelles for some reason



Got it! So, CPT moved the mk3s1p5hull from Payload to Structural (since it doesn't have any doors), and VABO is there to create Cargo Bays for that part now under Structural. And now I am asking why other structural parts from AirplanePlus is not in the same Cargo Bays, which is not suppouse to be there in the first place.



Edited by flart
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On 2/5/2025 at 12:51 PM, Ligma Gaming said:

Hey, i found some issues with your Tantares config. For example all of the command modules are in the " Kerbal transport" category despite some of them being pods, landers or station modules which have their own categories. All the probe cores are also categorised as reaction wheels for some reason and i also found some minor issues like fuel tanks being marked as monoprop even though the can only hold LFO

I want to do VAB Organizer patches for all of Tantares mods and I'm thinking of including a heavily modified version of your config instead of making the same thing from the ground-up. But i want your permission first

Yeah, I've noticed a lot of problems with how Tantares is sorted as well. The launch escape systems are in the right category, but they're marked as liquid fuel for some reason.

Can you do configs for the Bumblebee mod? 

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