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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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@RoverDude, there is an NRE thown if I have more then 6 blades in the config file. Also it would be nice to support more then 3 blurr switches and perhaps have a config function to force the rotation to spool down to the model's default position for props/rotors. 


Blades deployed


Blades Stowed


Blades stowed after operation.


blade 7, used to switch out the main rotor mast, not working, 


and throws an NRE


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Hm, @RoverDude do you know off hand if anything has changed with fstextureswitch in 1.2? I'm getting complaints in SPC that the buttons show up for swapping textures but appearance doesn't change when clicking them.


  On 10/17/2016 at 8:12 PM, Jiraiyah said:

ok, the button and label shows up but


as you can see current texture is not showing up, and hitting the button, nothing happens

although i never used this mod before, is that texture the only result? because looking at the folders of mod, each part has only one texture on them?

actually no, there are 5 textures on this part and it does not change !!!!



EDIT: Hold for a sec, want to confirm if it isn't him missing ModuleManager or something else.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  On 10/19/2016 at 3:14 PM, RoverDude said:

Working just fine last I checked, I use texture switching in several of my mods.


Hm, he might just be missing one of the required mods. Also could be that he's on MacOS. He's been having issues with WindowShine as well which could be related to his OS :P

EDIT: He's running Win 10 x64 so it's no issues with his OS. Just passing around news at this point. He's trying on a clean install, he didn't mention it was modded before

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I hope you can pardon my stupid question, but where do you download your most recent release? I can see you made an edit to the master on GitHub 8 days ago but I can't find the actual download. Your update messages don't have any hyperlinks either :/

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  On 10/19/2016 at 4:00 PM, RoverDude said:

Under releases....


Ach, I meant most recent plugin release sorry :/. The official download links correctly to this page for releases, but it doesn't mention whether the "plugin" button is the most recent version or not. The "Download Firespitter" button works correctly linking to here but I'm only using the Firespitter plugin for my purposes, and I'm not sure whether it is linking to the correct thing. Would you mind if I include the Firespitter .dll in SPC to start with to solve some confusion?

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  On 10/19/2016 at 5:01 PM, RoverDude said:

The same plugin that's in that download... just grab it and the version file.


Many thanks. Quick last thing before I delve into this more myself, can you link me one of the more simple mods you have that swaps textures? I want to look at your config and see if I did anything strange in mine when I created them.

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  On 10/19/2016 at 5:19 PM, KOCOUR said:

Is the CKAN version of firespitter sound? cause when i try to use firespitter parts in SPH, the game crashes.



If there are bugs, report them.  An issue with the electric engines was reported earlier, and wheels need sorted. Priority for me is plugin updates, parts are secondary.

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I found out why the red biplane texture has that tan patch.

You made a mistake in the texture. If you find the right texture part, you can see how you made it a tan patch instead of red.

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Just want to ask if "FSwheelAlignment" is broken?

EDIT:@RoverDude,it's definitely broken.I'm using this MM patch to add "FSwheelAlignment" to stock wheels and landing gears.

 name = FSwheelAlignment




Edited by sebi.zzr
i don't have github account
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Hello. I've been working on a simple mod that uses FSTextureswitcher and I'm not sure how to get the objectName of my part or what it does. Am I correct in thinking that it I should the line that says which part to allow texture switching on? Any help would be great. Thanks,


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  On 10/25/2016 at 1:25 AM, RoverDude said:

That should have been fixed in the most recent release - if it is not, let me know.


Is the latest release v7.4.1? Because that was the version I was using when I encountered the problem.

Anyways, I had already failed the mission so I wouldn't be able to test the part in that situation again.

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I was able EVA from the default part, but I also noticed that the textures are completely different form the ones that are available. Could this have been a old version of the part that wasn't completely removed?

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