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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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1 minute ago, eddiew said:

3.2x sounds interesting actually... really forces you to kick out those improved engines I would think! Although whether that big oxygen world can ever be conquered in a larger size... that's hard to call. Darn thing's going to need Star Wars tech to get off :) 

Possibly, but I think Tellumo should be doable with some ISRU.  Galileo and JadeofMaar keep encouraging people to install Karbonite, so I'm looking forward to seeing what the deposits/concentrations are like on and near the planet.  I suspect that there may be some way to use it to get a leg up.

And yes, the 3.2x scale does really force you to look at where to spend your science points and decide how far to upgrade things.  I've put some limits on myself, so I'll never get the crazy powerful LV-Ns that you were getting.

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Today I concluded the maiden voyage of my first Minmus-capable SSTO (in the new aerodynamics). It has the potential to be developed into an interplanetary craft (the prototype landed on Minmus with ~8 tons of liquid fuel left) by adding a mining kit, and some sort of crew module. It's powered by 8 RAPIERs and 2 nukes.




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22 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Do you have any other replicas from the Imperial fleet? I get the feeling some of them could be a pain to mimic, but I suppose with Tweakscale things become a lot easier.

This is my first. My next replica will come straight from Eadu with this on it's tail, though, not from the Imperial fleet.

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Took a break from modding (been tired this week) and after crashing the Armstrong Munar Science Rover (MSR-1), I sent its replacement, the Aldrin MSR-2:


MSR-2 has tripple-redundant communications, double-redundant science instruments, and extra batteries. MSR-2's jump jets came in handy when I unexpectedly drove off a cliff and had to soft-land. I'm trying to conserve MonoPropellant though; the fuel cells run on MonoPropellant and I want to be able to drive during the night.

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I made this rocket and I was surprised that this thing is actually capable of going as far as Minmus! This is actually perfect for early career mode if you are still starting out and you only have the smaller rocket parts, but you want to collect that juicy science off from Mun and Minmus. It can't land, however, it can only do flybys (which is fine by me).


We have a LIFTOFF!



I didn't care about circularizing on Kerbin and just headed straight for Minmus. Once that upper stage uses up its fuel, I jettisoned it. Unfortunately, this creates space debris since it can't crash land on Minmus (the gravity of Minmus is so low that the thing just shoots off into a higher orbit).






Getting close enough to Minmus that I can now collect some science.








Happy new 2017 everyone! :)

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When it comes to creativity in crashing things Kerbal, I think I've reached a new high today.

After discovering that runway segments generate some lift, I crashed runway into R&D.




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I just sent some new mining equipment to my Minmus base. In order to solve the continuing heat issues (since the heatflow had been changed back when 1.1.X came around), I added some serious heat exchangers to the base. Guess that'll do for a while...

Launching a rover with asymmetric CoM on a "not that stable" launcher is fun for sure. What initially looked like a 2h task finally took me 5h. KSP at its best....

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@blorgon What is this and what does one do with it? :)

Today I made an air-breathing engine dual-mode. It doesn't change to LFO, it changes to LF + (Oxygen-less) IntakeAtm. In the process I nerfed it some. Now I ponder making my patch rewrite the whole engine as its sound and texture FX only work with one mode or seem to become confused to which mode after hopping planets.


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My 1-launch 500 ton Duna City is operational



Made a plane that can go to Eve and back without refuelling (but I haven't actually used it yet, due to habitation needs)



My first warp ship is stranded in Duna orbit, so I launched a rescue ship to refuel it and bring it home (it's expensive!)





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3 hours ago, MR.Mac said:

I made this rocket and I was surprised that this thing is actually capable of going as far as Minmus! This is actually perfect for early career mode if you are still starting out and you only have the smaller rocket parts, but you want to collect that juicy science off from Mun and Minmus. It can't land, however, it can only do flybys (which is fine by me).

Happy new 2017 everyone! :)

The escape tower is a nice feature on a low-tech rocket.  Thanks for posting this to help folks with their early game.  

I bet we just got a lot of new players from the holiday sales.  Some of them will learn from this and go on to build wondrous things.

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Didn't play for more than 6 months. 1.2.2 seems the most stable KSP I've ever played, so another career. Sent probes to Eve.

As you can see the probes inflatable boat has some CoM issues. Just kept the heatshield then instead.





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54 minutes ago, hendrack said:

So whats the bbcode for imgur albums again?

Imgur albums have been broken for a while, ever since Imgur changed some stuff about how everything works. You have to embed individual images. It's kind of a pain if you have a lot of pictures to add, but I find that an effective method is to post a significant picture from your photoset, and then post the rest inside a spoiler with descriptions.

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35 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Imgur albums have been broken for a while, ever since Imgur changed some stuff about how everything works. You have to embed individual images. It's kind of a pain if you have a lot of pictures to add, but I find that an effective method is to post a significant picture from your photoset, and then post the rest inside a spoiler with descriptions.

Or image spam, it's 90% of why I like this thread is just to ogle a ships retrograde aspects :wink: 

@eloquentJane are you another 6.4x? If so what do you use as a rough dv to orbit? I aim for 6500m/s to 7,000m/s

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3 hours ago, eloquentJane said:

So it's the CR90 Corvette?

Can't just make a Destroyer without going the extra mile and replicating the opening scene, you know! :wink: I've already got three tabs open on it.

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So since the Mun2/Minmus1 landing mission is just weeks away, I decided that biome hopping in that lander won't be feasible. I had hoped to use the PackRat Rover, but I'm impatient and I really like the Karibou with its roomy interior and lots of room for science experiments. So I made several "simulations" to see if I could get it to the Mun using its VTOL engines for final landing all the way uncrewed. All simulations were unsuccessful.

Perhaps I'll have to amend the rover build a bit. I think the center of gravity is off as it wants to flip out under powered landing approach. Also, the nerv engine I used for the trip out to the Mun and orbital insertion when I got there is ridiculously slow for that much mass.

These sorts of simulated disasters make me want to pull whats left of my hair out. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

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