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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Well made this thing when i had nothing better to do (too hot to leave house, and wasnt in the mood for any other games), and wanted to take a bit of a break from building DLC mechs:


Only thing i wasnt able to do is a door since the part count is already so stupidly bad at over 600 it lags too badly.  Other then that, authentic amount of weapons emplacements, 4 per side and the smaller side guns.


Fully useable internal hangar which is comparable in size to a small carrier (will store 2 TIE replicas i have, or like 6 micro-fighters (smallest pod, RCS only propulsion, single shot nose weapon only).


And ofc i managed to give it close to realistic engines (biggest is too big and smaller should be slightly bigger, but i really wanted not to use MH parts for it even though 1.8m would rpolly look closer to authentic).



Its not perfect by any means, but i think it came out actually useable as a warship (weapons work, it has so-so armor but it can still take some fire, and ofc its hangar is actually useful and not purely for show like the hangar of my imperial-I replica which cant fit squat inside it (any fighters stick out halfway :)).

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Expedition Vall

"The Moon that no one remembers for a Jool-5 mission :("

YASSSSS There is one more destination before we get to the bad 4: Eeloo!!! But first we must head to Vall!

I do have a question and I know this isn't the forums to ask but how much can ablatives resist this orbiter had to survive 7000 M/S during kerbin aerobrake

Favorite moments:




POSTER: "Unbeatable" by MadsenA


Poster available with credit find over 30 media on https://kerbalanders.wordpress.com/2019/07/06/expedition-vall-concludes-successfully/

You can see all the surface features of vall on "spoiler thread for surface features"

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I finally tested my "equipment drawer" (ED) idea on wing assemblies and initial results are ... well ...

Some background.  About  year ago, I made Salamander and I wanted a way of embedding a VERT-reference probe controller into it (for VTOL), such that I could pull the equipment out for maintenance/design change.  So the idea is to place an octa strut somewhere on the fuselage; then attach one or more pieces of internal equipment; then rotate the strut 180 degrees to bury the equipment; then shift-gizmo-translate the octa flush with the surface (preferably an undersurface); so that it is only visible when you are looking for it.  At any time, you can, in the hangar, pull the ED octa out and work with the equipment.

Ever built a very complex wing, piece by piece?  Then wanted to shift it forward or aft to adjust the CoL?  Or wanted to rotate the whole assembly to adjust wing incidence?  Or you've attached the wing root to a Mk3 fuel fuselage that you want to replace with a short Mk3 fuel fuselage?  It's annoying to have to shift every piece of the wing assembly.  Of course, you can build your wing with each piece connected successively to the previous piece in the assembly.  The result is a very weak wing, of course.  Perhaps you build your wings with segments each of several pieces to make it easier.  Still annoying.

So here you see this morning's exercise in which I am rebuilding the wings on this craft (thank you, @ARS and @swjr-swis) with the intention of removing the original wings and then moving the copies into place.  For that purpose, please note the 3x octa struts floating above the Mk2 drone core just in front of the cockpit...


On completion, I moved the central octa (known as the ED "equipment drawer") down flush with the underside of the Mk2 drone core just visible enough to get a mouse on it to Shift-Gizmo pull it out later.  Then I moved the dual-symmetry octas you see into the position for the wings to be precisely where I wanted them (for CoL) and rotated as needed for wing incidence.  Those octas were no longer visible nor accessible but, of course, they are attached to the ED and pulling the ED out pulls them -- and the whole wing assemblies -- out when needed for further adjustment.


The single ED here is an extra and unnecessary connection but it can be optimized away by simply using the dual-symmetry octas as the EDs.  (They would be left flush with e.g. the underside of the wings.)

This assembly allowed me to set each wing component to Heaviest Part auto-strut and the result was a version of RavenEye that can, traveling at max speed in the 900s, reverse course in a single second, still traveling at 200 m/s (it's maneuvering sweet spot).  Enormous "G forces"...

I need to do some extensive testing with this, but these initial results are ... well ... astounding to me!


I'll be rebuilding the Manta wing in the near future so that it doesn't krakenate when lowering the gear to raise the machine off its belly when parked.


UPDATE: technically speaking, the octas could be completely eliminated as a connection-intermediary, by simply attaching the first wing component to the fuselage and then attaching all the subsequent wing components to that "root" component and moving them to where desired.  The whole assembly could be moved as desired, re-attached elsewhere and even saved as a Subassembly for re-use, by operating on its "root" component.  That "root" would always be visible for access.  (I may have actually been told this idea about that wing root being called then as the "chord" but without any additional explanation.  Without the ED at all, this method of assembly is probably obvious enough that a lot of people are already using it -- and I'm only just figuring it out!  :)  )

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Not played in a while did my usual of install the latest version and start a new career.  Only this time I finally bought Breaking Ground and Making History to go with it. 

Installed a bunch of my usual mods (EVE/Scatterer/etc, KOS, KER, ScanSat, RemoteTech, USI-LS) and dusted off my KOS scripts.

First flight got enough science to get my second flight suborbital and the third orbital.  Now raising some money with tourist flights, and my 3xMk1 capsule tourist bus just made it to orbit...just... 70,800m by the time it circularised, I was getting a bit nervous :D

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I change my website Domain address



not two L's for kerbal and landers!

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On 7/6/2019 at 2:26 PM, panarchist said:

@Cavscout74 - what 'chute mod are you using to get that awesome separation? Looks great! 

The parachutes are stock with the Restock mod installed, the separation is one of the tweakables on stock 'chutes - spread angle or something like that.  It defaults to 7, but for something like this I bump it up to around 9

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I can usually get by with 3.75m parts, but since 5m parts were available, I built a Saturn-V analogue launcher to put my Duna station into orbit to wait on the transfer window.  Since it's stock Kerbin, the first stage was enough to clear the atmosphere



I also managed to find my first Mun small crater near the new fuel station I landed a few days ago  - I've found several large craters now, but the small ones have been remaining elusive till now.  Of course, I passed a second one on my way back to the fuel station after finding this one.



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Built my CSM and LM for a real solar system Apollo recreation. Not aiming for an exact visual replica, just getting the general size and layout right and most importantly the delta-V and TWR. I went with the Nerv for the service module engine, a Wolfhound would have looked better and given me an overall mass similar to real life whereas the Nerv saves about 12 tonnes, which I'll want when I come to do the Saturn V because the KSP engines are nowhere near as efficient as the real J-2 was.


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Well after a bit of dabbling in 1.7/BG I guess Im giving up the ghost on my old 1.3 save. Spent the holiday wrapping some unfinished business though--landing on Eve:



More on all that:


This is the Anne Sexton, Eve mothership with 8 crew, a Gilly-miner, and two surface rovers for the landing expedition.

First the drive section with mining equipment breaks off and heads to Gilly:



While thats working the Eve Ascent Vehicle arrives unmanned into the system. It came packed with a complement of communications and survey satellites which fan out and deploy.


Then the EAV makes its decent:



With the Gilly-miner returned and life support topped off, the first crewed rover detaches for descent:




The first vehicle is a hab and science rover. I did some exploration before trekking back to the EAV waiting a few km away.


Next is the surface mining rig:


Fully linked up and refueling the EAV. They've got about a year on the surface before the Eve>Kerbin window opens up.


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Freezing Experimental Tests Team mission (FETT)

This mission was a weird one. The goal was originally to land the lander and then drive the rover to different locations. BAUT I failed to add relay dishes on the lander so the rover couldn't communicate with ground control. So I then try hovering over the surface with the lander but then ran out of fuel... SO I then went full on kerbal and here is what I did







Expedition Eeloo (The mission I wanted to do since I began playing)

It all begins Tommorow

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(1.6.1) Began my weekend on Friday over Duna at LSV House Corrino, where Bill and engineer Gemlorf Kerman began work on a Pink Noise 7a probe for delivery over Jool while they were awaiting the return of J.G. Backus from Ike. Backus burned for a rendezvous with Corrino as soon as it left Ike's sphere of influence, rendezvousing and docking 76 minutes later, about the same time my engineers finished up work on their probe. At that point, Corrino performed a warp to flip into a retrograde orbit, settling into a 325.8 x 292.3 kilometer, 176.3° inclined orbit over Duna. The G-LOC 7a return-to-Kerbin craft I'd dispatched earlier to go pick up pilot Samzor Kerman was then set on course to rendezvous with House Corrino, and because having sufficient fuel for the rendezvous was a concern, I settled for a rendezvous after multiple orbits.

Deployment of the Joolcomm satellite constellation continued at that point. Joolcomm Charlie was successfully deployed to its target position 120° away from Joolcomm Alpha in equatorial orbit, but Joolcomm Bravo ran out of gas and had to be terminated. I ran the numbers on the maneuvers on Sunday to see if I could figure out what exactly happened. Turns out that going from a six-hour orbit over Jool to a 4-hour orbit over Jool, going around one orbit and then returning to a six-hour orbit requires 1,474.409 m/s of delta-V all told (in two burns, of course - one to lower the periapsis, the other at apoapsis to re-circularize).  The side probes of a Pink Noise 7 have 1,251.6 m/s of delta-V (game says 1,210 and I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why - guessing the game is counting the decoupler as part of the side-probe's mass). Going from six-hours to eight-hours and back - what I did with Joolcomm Charlie - only takes 728.26 m/s, which is why that maneuver worked while the other failed. The crapper of it is that I went ahead and did the math for six-hours to ten-hours and back, and the delta-V requirement there was 1,175.40 m/s; Joolcomm Bravo would've made it had I gone the other direction and it would've only tacked on two hours to the whole operation...

Anyway, I had to replace Joolcomm Bravo, so I designed the Pink Noise 7x communications satellite - basically a side-probe with the fuel tank upgraded from an FL-T100 to an FL-T200. One of those was ordered up aboard LSV House Atreides in equatorial Jool orbit and engineer Jergar Kerman had it ready for launch 63 minutes later. The new probe was fueled and set to rendezvous with Joolcomm Charlie for initial placement, arriving five hours later. In the interim, I transmitted EVA reports from outposts Deepwater Horizon on Minumus and Ocean Ranger on Gilly to satisfy a couple of easy contracts.

After taking a break from the game on Saturday, I got some business taken care of yesterday, starting with the rendezvous between the G-LOC and House Corrino over Duna.

After all the crap I went through to pick up Samzor in this thing, I was awful happy to see just how low the relative target velocity turned out to be.

The G-LOC affected a successful rendezvous with House Corrino 9.5 hours after making its rendezvous burn with a mere 65 m/s of delta-V remaining afterwards, docking safely. Jobs finished at Duna, House Corrino received fuel supplies from the Enchova Central outpost on the surface via mass driver, after which the ship warped to Jool.

House Corrino damn near caught a Laythe encounter on the way in. Indeed, if I hadn't continued warping, I would've gotten one two minutes after this shot was taken. Had I braked sooner, I could've gotten both Laythe and Jool in the shot...

Because I needed Corrino in a polar orbit for deployment of the Pink Noise, warping took a while but the ship did ultimately settled into a 7,205.1 x 6,948.8 kilometer, 90.13° inclined orbit over the green planet. Once in orbit, the probe launched.

Another day, another probe...

After launch, the probe headed towards a six-hour orbit over Jool, and in the meantime Bill and Gemlorf got busy putting together a stock lab (having learned Jergar's trick aboard House Atreides for leveling up without having to leave the ship). One the probe reached its final position, the central probe was christened as Joolcomm Delta and the side-probes were released. Having learned my lessons from the failure of Joolcomm Bravo (and having ran the numbers by this point), Joolcomm Echo was maneuvered to an eight-hour orbit while Joolcomm Foxtrot maneuvered to a ten-hour orbit. The lab was finished aboard House Corrino and the crew leveled up before recycling it. Bill and Gemlorf are now 5-star Kerbals (number 4-5 of the staff to acheive that rating, with Bill being my first veteran to do so). Pilot Aldler Kerman (who happened to be aboard Corrino after delivering colonists to Ike) leveled up to 4-stars, while Samzor leveled up to 3-stars.

After that, the Pink Noise 7x rendezvoused with Joolcomm Charlie. It had 1,505 m/s of delta-V remaining after affecting the rendezvous.

You can't really tell, but there's less than a hundred meters distance between these two probes right now.

After checking which way the probe needed to go, from Joolcomm Charlie's position, the Pink Noise 7x was desginated Joolcomm Bravo and put into an eight-hour orbit. It should arrive on station with plenty of extra gas in the tanks.

Last thing that's happened is the print of a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe at the Dystopia Planitia shipyard over Kerbin. The station needed a substantial refueling op, which transpired via mass driver shots between it and the South Base outpost near KSC. Once fueled, the probe launched and burned for a successful rendezvous with Module RPPJJ, which turned out to be a Mk-1 Cockpit. After grabbing it, the probe de-orbited and landed safely in the Deserts about 150 kilometers west of KSC for contract. The replacement contract was uninteresting so I'll be skipping it.

At this point, I haven't got anything going on for another five hours, so today I'll be sending House Corrino back to Kerbin long enough to drop off Samzor and the G-LOC before heading on to Eve. Corrino will be the return-to-Kerbin craft of the current tourist expedition there, assuming the launch of the Beer Can 7 Eve ascent module here in a few days goes according to plan. I have been given a rescue contract over Eve, and the plan right now is to have Strange Cargo docked at space station Eveport go and conduct it - all of Strange Cargo's original passengers were delivered to Enchova Central on a colonization contract and so right now the only kerbal aboard is capsule commander pilot Gwenlock Kerman. I'll also probably be working on the final positioning of the Joolcomm satellites.

Also have an idea for a working airplane design on Eve using O-10 engines. I'll probably be trying the idea out at some point in the future...I'll need a Runway before that goes anywhere as likely as not. I need to see how many of my plane formulas for Kerbin still work for Eve. Not many, I imagine.

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I resurrected a craft I had built back around 1.4 - basically a cruise missile with landing gear for scouting base locations on Laythe prior to landing kerbonauts.  I had to update a few things & build a new launcher for it, but it is now safely on its way to Laythe.  I thought about modifying it to use folding wings, but decided to keep it simple

Test flight at KSC:


I did fix the one major issue with the original - I had totally forgotten the ore scanner, so it's primary purpose couldn't be accomplished.  I also improved the antenna, batteries, power production & drone core.  Pictured here in LKO, waiting on the Jool transfer:


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I didnt play ksp today. In fact i havent for quite a while.

Every moder will likely agree that once you code for a game you cant play it without the nagging feeling of "i should work on my code".

But i did work on my code today....and hit a wall. I hope it will do "click" and everything becomes clear because im trying to understand the tutorials and docu for weeks now. :)

SO yes i did exciting things with and for ksp today and things exploded but not in ksp :)

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I really rather enjoy the early career game.

A few tourist shots to raise some cash and we're ready for a Mun flypast...but due to a cockup by the R&D department we don't have any solar panels, and the 30 part constraint limits the amount of batteries that can be carried.

Bob made it successfully to the Mun, but with no pilot or remote unit onboard he's totally reliant on the KOS module for control, and shut off all non essential electronics to ensure he had enough power left to setup the re-rentry burn. 

This meant a several day return journey from an almost free return trajectory to burn at periapsis on the way back.

He had plenty of time to enjoy the view though


As it turned out he probably had enough fuel to burn for aerobraking as soon as he popped out of the Mun SOI but he had plenty of snacks on board so didn't really want to take the risk.

It's all worth it in the end though.


That should unlock enough science for him to go back and land!

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After getting all the Jool-bound probes headed on their long journey last night & today, it was time to get my career first manned mission to Duna going a few days later.  Everything but the crew module was already in orbit - a science station, 2 small Duna bases & rovers, an Ike mining base, landers for both Duna & Ike, assorted science & comm satellites for both as well and finally the NERV-powered transfer vehicle to push Jeb & company to Duna.   Fifteen craft in total.  Ugh, what a pain getting all the transfer burns done.  At least Duna will be well set up for future missions.

Crew module docked with the Duna Express


Leaving everything behind....


Both my Duna & Ike landers were designs I've been using for a while, and I didn't think about adding space for the new surface experiments.  Rather than lose out on the science, I launched an extra mission to dock with each & leave a full set of experiments to deploy.   It's ugly, but it works for now.  I still need to go back into the designs & fix them too.   As I'm typing this, I just realized I forgot one other thing too - I have nothing purpose built to be impactors for the seismic experiments.  


Also with much regret, I removed Scatterer for now.  My game started running really slow the last few days, even though I haven't changed anything in that time frame.  I'll probably load it back up when I want a really pretty screenshot, but the rest of the time I'll go without to reduce the load on my system.  I've also gone through pruning more mod parts that have been gathering dust.  The "never gonna use" parts are long gone, the "probably not gonna use" got pruned last time, now I'm getting rid of the "I might use it someday" and "I used it once, I may use it again" parts

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Not just today but also over the last couple days, made a very small somewhat poor replica of the Vulcan (mostly cause I gave @Servo the idea and then thought it would be fun to try my hand)



KerbalX if interested - https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Tiny-Vulcan

Can be massively improved some details aren't correct and it handles about as well as a brick in the pitch axis.

Small building is hard. Parts are very limited.

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