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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Designed and tested 11 different eve landing and ascent crafts, all of them failed to launch and orbit from eve :((

there goes 2 days of my life.


Well, 12th time's the charm right?

Edited by Batavia
Forgot to say orbit
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oof, had the same experience with my first "lander", it was a revamped version of the ion probe, didn't even have landing legs XD

and yet, once i managed to get it to minmus, i managed to land ON THE DARK SIDE FIRST TRY. i don't even know how.

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So, I'm continuing on with my current career, and I got a contract to gather a stone from the Mun.  In addition to other science I needed to collect, I wanted to collect the stone because that's 120 science that I simply cannot pass up.  So I built a rocket, flew it to the Mun, collected said stone with Valentina, and started flying home.  Which is when I noticed something very odd on the rocket that just happens to be perfectly me:  radially attached ladders.  Yes, you read that right.  Radially.  Attached.  Ladders.

See, when I'm building stuff in the VAB, ladders are about the last thing I put on a command module.  And by the time I do it, I've usually attached multiple tanks and engines radially.  So if I don't forget to go back to a symmetry of 1, I end up with multiple parts on the command module.  This generally involves having like 4 thermometers, or 3 barometers.  But ladders?  That's a first for me.  At least that I've noticed.  But hey, at least I'm not this meme today:


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14 hours ago, Batavia said:

Well, 12th time's the charm right?

Well, 12th time is the charm! Designed this eve lander and somehow it works and has enough Delta v to get back to Kerbin.


Now it's time to send Jeb there





Edited by Batavia
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Today, I spent the whole day debugging and improving my MAS Mk2Pod IVA, which is "95% complete" for a first WIP release, according to my milestone track thing. But I have the same feeling as doing renovations in a house, the bulk of it goes fast and feels great, but the final touches never end haha :D 

And so, as my brain was toasted after doing all that, its "toasted" state made me start working on a reentry light logically... to fake the reentry plasma lighting up the capsule interior, because this is cool :) 


It's WIP, and still needs to scale with the aero fx intensity... but this will be when I have more brain power available (tomorrow lol)
Cheers !

Edited by kurgut
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The project is almost done! I’ve completed most of the work, and now it’s just a matter of fine-tuning a few final details. The main issue remaining is resolving a problem with TweakScale, specifically with resizing the cockpits, which is likely due to a conflict with the IVA mods I’m using.
Once that’s sorted, everything will be ready to go!

I’ve chosen the Blue Angels' colors.
I’ve also made two short videos: one demo of the L-39 in flight,  and another showing how I built the plane.

screenshots :)







More soon

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@Vanamonde, can you make it so that we can have profile images larger than 256kB? that's kinda really small for a profile pic. even 1MB(i think that's 1000kB, correct me if i'm wrong) would do. i have a holiday PFP i'm trying to upload and it's 900-some KB.

Edited by Eclipse 32
i can't grammar good
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1 hour ago, Eclipse 32 said:

@Vanamonde, can you make it so that we can have profile images larger than 256kB? that's kinda really small for a profile pic. even 1MB(i think that's 1000kB, correct me if i'm wrong) would do. i have a holiday PFP i'm trying to upload and it's 900-some KB.

Are you aware that the profile picture expands if you click on it? They're already fairly large. I'd suggest you resize the image if it's not being accepted. 

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i sent val to vall




here you see the vessel val will be stuck on for half a decade


here you see it again but this time it has taken off and it is launching to orbit


after the first stage has been burnt out then there is a dual vector stage (lost the image)after the vector is burnt it drops and reveals the wolfhound that will complete the orbit and start the burn to jool


at jool i decided to do a gravity assist around tylo because that is what everyone keeps telling me to do because it is so much more efficient


these two pictures are from one of the last burns with the interplanetary stage that is made of 14 liquid fuel tanks and 1 nuclear engine



the picture above shows the craft just chilling in orbit 


and here is are the two pictures of the landing




after 6y:342d she finally made it she will now be stuck here for the rest of eternity

special thanks to my friend to recommend me the mission i shall not name him for privacy reasons

anyway thanks for reading this 


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Launched a seismic impact probe to Pol yesterday. After a mid-course adjustment, it should hit at 6 km/s. 







And a much more difficult operation to finish recovering 3 lost cockpits from orbit of Eve, Gilly and Moho. I redesigned my single claw reentry probe into one with 3 claws and 7 science containers. The kraken blew up the lander after clawing the second part so I had to release the claw from the lander the instant I clawed it with the probe. Major accomplishment for this JNSQ career.























And my reward that effort was an offer for this truly insane mission...


Edited by Krazy1
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I don't know if this fits here, but I bought Juno recently and have been playing it (mostly because I cannot play KSP on my Mac, for various reasons). I've really enjoyed just flying rockets again. Most of the learning curve has been "OK, how is this different from KSP?" So far I've just launched a few cubesats for contracts, but I'm excited to make Soviet-type launch vehicles when I get to that point. I love the procedural parts, but they make it hard to get a grip on the size of your rocket. Sometimes I just grab a person from the parts menu to check the scale. In KSP, you instinctively know how big a rocket is from the parts you use. I need a banana. (For scale. You know.)

Edited by Kimera Industries
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made a V2-based glider for part testing and mid-atmosphere sounding

launch from LC-26 at Cape Kanaveral

apoapsis about 15 km, proceeding to test zone
approach into Banana River

landed just north of the Port

actually flew okay, 7/10 will use again

Also made an early war surplus monoplane for an observation contract
takeoff from Skid Strip

observation taken

approach, with flight recorder enabled

somewhat bumpy landing (in-universe probably due to aged suspension, out-of-universe because I am a bad pilot)

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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Over these two weekends I've flown KSS Venture back to Rhode from Verna. Even with FFT engines, such interstellar journey takes time.

Burning for home:


Interstellar space is dark. I wonder how the game calculates when it needs to cut off lighting from the star(s) to simulate this since you have a pretty good lighting even at the furthermost planet in a system.


Let there be light!


Home, sweet Rhode



All that is left now if the final circularisation burn at low Rhode orbit and getting the crew back to the KSC.

And then I can declare this campaign to be comleted

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The crew of KSS Venture returns to KSC.

The science lander returns separately since I've an outstanding mission to return a craft that landed on Talon to Rhode. Which is the lander.




Huh? Only 11k science after all those experiments I've conducted in Kerbol system and brought home? I feel cheated a little, to be honest.


As for the rest of the KSS Venture's crew, I decided that they should receive a very special transport to bring them home. So I made this shuttle-craft powered by dark magic Kerbal Flying Saucer technologies for the final flight of this save:





Gotta simulate all those technological advances made since the departure of the interstellar exploration mission, somehow.

And with this, the BH save is completed. I can finally put this 1.8 install to rest and move on to the current version of the game.

Edited by NHunter
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I took a few days off over the holiday weekend, primarily to spend time with my wife and cats and eat a whole lot of turducken.  Yes, we decided to change things up this year and cook a turducken which, surprisingly, came out pretty good.  Not sure I'd permanently replace the turkey with this, but it was a decent change-of-pace.

Anyhow, today I planned on starting the Gemini program in my career save, so-to-be-named for Minmus being the twin of Mun.  Or, well, close enough for all of Kerbalkind to call it a twin.  But when I went into Mission Control, I had 3 contracts dealing with collecting science and planting a flag on the Mun.  In the poles, which I hadn't been to yet in this career.  Only problem was I needed to do a Visual Observation, thanks to the station parts mod I'm using.  So I built this ugly thing and, for the first time in this career, landed a pair of Kerbals on the Mun:


Still building tall and not wide, but that is about to change.  Came home with a lot of science, and I should now have the parts needed to start building outwards.  I hope; landing this thing was like walking blind and barefoot through mouse traps while holding a Fabergé egg on the tips of your thumbs.  I thought for sure this thing was going to tip over.  But, it didn't, and there we have Jeb and Bob standing on the Mun's northern pole.  Or, well, Bob is standing, while Jeb seems to be working on his line dancing.

Tomorrow I shall be able to start the Gemini program...unless the game wants to give me some more easy Mun missions.

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Today was the first Mun landing in my current "hard mode" career. Val carefully navigated the craft into a moderately safe landing inside a Midland crater. Collected science, planted a flag, and then headed for home again. Quick trip, lots of science and more funds to continue growing our space agency.


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