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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The excellent space shuttle rework is looking awesome....lot's o' fun....

got it to 300 km with autonomous solar power array and comms relay combo...testing for next station build.


The crew was asked to do a close inspection and promptly ran straight into the fully deployed panels...back to square one again....

Tried to land the crew short of the run way into the water....all soul's lost....funny how that works out...;)

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8 hours ago, Puggonaut said:

Can you tell me which mod pack creates this ship please ?

It's several mods: Wild Blue Industries Pathfinder and Heisenberg; USI MKS, LS, Konstruction, and FTT; Near Future Electrical and Heat Control; LLL Continued; Planetary Base Systems; Stational Cunstructs; possibly a few others that are skipping my mind at the moment. I am also using my own .dds for the cabin lights on the Wild Blue Heisenberg gondolas. Hope that helps!

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I finished and uploaded two of the craft that have been WIP for a bit to KerbalX

The North American B-45 Tornado, America's first jet bomber




And the most famous spy plane in the world (which is also a rock group), the Lockheed Martin U-2 Dragon Lady



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Today was an occasion to create another small SSTO inspirated from the B-1A this time... while the two others are in orbit. I found it's totally inadequate for orbital transport as it got only 600 m/s available once in orbit at 140 km.

So to pass the time I just built a small craft to discover the Kerbin biomes I never went before on the career :

The OT-2A Diplococcus (not Diplodocus).



Powered by two Panther turbofans, she's way to heavy for her size but this gives her some long legs.




Geronimoooo... damn... we're not on a rocket....



Just the time to get some inspections of her possibilities and...




... we head for the western desert at a ridiculous cruising altitude and speed.



Some flat area at 2 o'clock seemed to be good for a landing. Initiating descent.




Mmmh, not so flat finally. Anyway we kept on. The landing gears should support enough stress.




The braking chute appeared to be more than helpful here! The suspention acted as some terrible srings, the poor OT-2A bouncing two times and requiring some hard throttle work to recover from each.




Bill got the job to repack the chute while some science points were collected. Here is where I stopped today and with a problem, the science points could be transmitted but we all know what it means, or I have to go back to the KSC. And I should re-place the main landing gear much more to the nacelles center.

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I slingshotted the Halestorm 2 low over the Moon

Halestorm 2 slingshotting low over the Moon

And onto Venus

And onto Venus!

The margins were thin as they could be. I'd used up my reserve fuel and then some limping the probe to LEO to compensate for the shortfall from the lifter, and had to get the Moon assist to compensate. I achieved the Venus flyby with about 0.5 units of LF left over, maybe 50 m/s out of 12 thousand total.

Flush from that success, I sent Val on a free return flyby of the Moon in the rocket Inna.


RSS doesn't half need a BIG rocket to get places. Four Swivels under the core, four Reliants under each of the six asparagus-staged boosters, 909 for the upper stage. Meant to make LEO with the upper stage core remaining (having shed the drop tanks). And it still fell short and had to use some of that dV.

Nonetheless, Val got her view.

A pod with a view

Stupid night flybys.

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I had to open KSP quite frequently today; doing some precise terrain editing and learning while doing so (adding gentle inclines to the KSC island's shores for GPP). I had some fun with Jeb, both above and below sea level in a new race car, and wrecked the VAB with a larger on-road craft. :) ...I was previously quite upset that a hard drive failure lost me my DAKAR car.


Later, watching @RocketPCGaming's stream today I got inspired by his pod-recovery cargo plane to create something loosely similar with an added Kabonite RATO (his plane doesn't contain OPT though...it's made with Mk3 hulls, Nertea's Mk4 engines, and SXT wings). It can leap around the planet very well but its stall speed is very high. I currently consider it a fail because it keeps exploding on unpack (a weight problem, I'm sure) forcing me to use Unbreakable Joints. It's also therefore unworthy (for now) of a decent name.



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Someone ...from a deep, dark corner of the Administration Building seems to be a thrill-seeker and borderline sadist. Nonetheless this insane 65-part low-tech machine was born and some willing victims pilots quickly hopped aboard. Ascent power is not important but braking power before crashing, is.

The Vomit Comet Y (Axis), guaranteed to KO every one, every time. Gallery :: KerbalX. 14+ Gees or your :funds: back!


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5 hours ago, Odonian said:

It's several mods: Wild Blue Industries Pathfinder and Heisenberg; USI MKS, LS, Konstruction, and FTT; Near Future Electrical and Heat Control; LLL Continued; Planetary Base Systems; Stational Cunstructs; possibly a few others that are skipping my mind at the moment. I am also using my own .dds for the cabin lights on the Wild Blue Heisenberg gondolas. Hope that helps!

Ah hell I was hoping it would be just one mod lmao , Ok then could you try an remember which mod this bit came from please


The big round bit inside the  red circle , As i have an idea for a counter roatating Space Station and that is just the right shape for it .

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Slow night last night; had to run an errand, so all I managed in KSP was upgrading Selene 1 Mod. 2 into Selene 2.  I was correct, rearranging the module order allowed me to upgrade to a Mk. 1-2 three-seater command module, and a 2.5 m service module for it, let the (now 2-stage) lander ride on its nose, and still save on liftoff weight.  This might, with an optimum launch profile, SSTO to put the second stage, CSM, and lander into orbit with full tanks.  If so, the second stage probably has enough dV to reach Duna (but I'll have to get Kerbal Engineer to know if the CSM has enough to get home from there).

I'll know more when I can let Jeb test fly it.

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So after lurking for a while (more than a year) I am finally posting first time!


For now I'm going to post my white elephant, hideous to control and doesn't really work (and totally not a rip of of @Hotaru's design, the Lemur is a bit silly! But looks cool so,


I'll post logs of everything else later

Edited by The Artful Badger
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Today, I fueled my Munar outpost. The station is dedicated to launch a science lander to the mun, can be manned with 4 kerbals but still, there will be 1 pilot and 1 scientist to reset experiments. The right end docking port will be for the lander. The 2 other Jr Docking ports will be for unmanned science container probes wich will return science to Kerbin.

Bringing the 2 orange tanks was a pain and after trying yesterday to haul both of them with a tug unsuccesfully, i decided to bring them one by one.

The first tank arrived with exactly 0 M/s DV in main engine tank at 200m of the station, but for the second, i had to enable crossfeed and use a bit of fuel from the orange tank.


First tank approaching of the station


Both tanks were docked successfully


***Edit*** Wonder how to post images on this forum !!!??? insert other media seems not to work for me
***Edit*** I had to copy/paste the BBCode .... inserting the link does not work for me ... at least you can enjoy the pics !

Edited by Riton Lafouine
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(1.1.3) Yesterday began with an Auk IV probe delivery flight into a retrograde orbit; this is the first time I've flown an Auk westward and I'm happy to report that the plane performed admirably, delivering the Bleepity-Bleep 7k probe to a 97 kilometer orbit. Plane returned safely to KSC 09 and the probe was placed into the target orbit for contract. Replacement contract was a VIP heading for a Minmus landing - this puts half my extant contracts into the Duna/Ike mission and the other half into tourism.

Spent pretty much the rest of my time continuing the refit of the rover Lunkhead into an industrial crane and fuel hauler. Engineer Barna Kerman, chief engineer of the Deepwater Horizon refinery site, went out and stripped down the Jiffy Lube 7 rover parts delivery lander as much as she could by herself (getting the Poodle engine off was impossible due to its mass, which turned out to be as far as she could go. I did get to the point where the KAS electromagnet was able to pick Jiffy Lube up and I decided to reattach the three remaining lander legs onto the lander. It's technically upside down now, but at least it's not just laying on the ground waiting to explode...

The refitted rover Lunkhead, having uprighted Jiffy Lube 7, with Deepwater Horizon in the left background.

I didn't really need that large SAS wheel on Lunkhead but the ore hauler Lewis and Clark was nearby, so I drove Lunkhead over and was able to refit it with the SAS wheel (had to remove and a Docking Port, small-size RCS tank and Rockomax Adapter to do it first - and then put them all back afterwards). The refit took a while to complete but was ultimately successful, and I promptly used the new SAS wheel aboard Lewis and Clark to help affect a much smoother and closer landing of the ore hauler next to Deepwater Horizon for supply. Barna drove Lunkhead back to its default position, hooked up Deepwater Horizon to Lewis and Clark and refueling commenced. The refinery was disconnected and recharged, and now Lewis and Clark is finally ready to make its way back up to the Minmusport space station, which I will do at the next opportunity.

Last thing that happened last night was the return of Next Objective to LKO; powered aerobraking maneuver was successful, and the ship will come within a kilometer of the Kerbinport space station in five orbits on its current trajectory. I am debating whether or not to try to affect a rendezvous sooner, but in any case I hope to bring the ship in for docking later today.

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di di di dddii ticka ticka ticka.... !!NEWS FLASH!! This just in!

One lucky tourist placed a bid on a Mun landing, which KSC happily granted... albeit combined with a "Test NERV on Mun" contract.  Not a bad little ship actually.  Final stage is just a NERV, Mk 1 Fuselage, Service Bay with electronic goodies and Mk 1 Capsule with landing legs offset down past the engine bell.  The friendly atom, taking everyman into the future!  Something like 1,800 m/s in dV... which wasn't quite enough to do a Mun insertion, landing, and re-orbit, and no one noticed until she was halfway to Mun.  Shame on you KSC...  Our brilliant rocket scientists sent yet another Klaw out on a fast intercept before the NERV tourist made it to Mun SOI, which was a VERY expensive dV-wise.  The rendezvous timing was tricky, with a closing speed of over 900 m/s, but our pals with pocket protectors pulled it off.  Landing went smoothly, but the tall narrow ship slowly tipped over due to a slight grade at the landing site.  Not a problem!  Closing the Service Bay doors quickly was enough to pop the ship's nose up off the surface and give her a clean take-off.  Things were a bit dicey for a moment, but our plucky tourist is back in Mun orbit and on her way home.

In other Munar news, Jeb, Bill, and Sambro are in back in Mun orbit after a successful science and flag dance.  Our boys also popped an ore Scanner into polar orbit, where preliminary results show concentrations of up to 90% in two areas at northern latitudes.  They are currently sitting on their little green hands waiting for KSC to send up an RCS and command pod for their service / return module.  Someone ..tsk tsk... forgot to install a probe core on the service module that remained in orbit and is meant to give them enough fuel to return home.  Since the lander was built as light as possible it has no parachutes and no RCS, and insufficient fuel to complete rendezvous maneuvers and a main engine only docking.  They have roughly 130 m/s remaining, and combined rendezvous and docking are estimated to cost 160 m/s.  Further calculations are required to determine if they can simply wait for a cheaper rendezvous, or if it is necessary to wait a full day in parking orbit for rescue.  But have no fear, our boys in orange will get home safe!

On her way to Minmus, our darling Val is leading several rescues and rookies on the world's first mass training mission to Minmus, Mun, and Kerbol orbit.  And Bob... Bob is set to be the first Kerbal to set foot on the minty moon.  With any luck, he will bring home science from several biomes, but his landing is still several days away.  Too far away to be of interest to most Kerbals, but we'll bring you all the updates as they happen.

This was your Kerbal Network News !!NEWS FLASH!!  di di di dddii ticka ticka ticka....

Edited by HalcyonSon
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On 1/29/2017 at 5:21 PM, Servo said:

I had a lot of free time, so I made a lot of planes. I'll be uploading them to KerbalX once I put the finishing touches on each of them later in the week.

F-86 Sabre


F-91 Thunderceptor


B-2 Spirit


B-45 Tornado


U-2 Dragon Lady


These are amazing.  Have you posted them on KerbalX for dowload?  I want!

On 1/29/2017 at 11:24 PM, Enceos said:

@Cupcake... There's an offset limit disabler in stock KSP as well if you hold down Shift while dragging the arrows.

If you didn't have a fresh install of KSP 1.2.2 then your settings.cfg is running some old values:

Find and change the value of VAB_FINE_OFFSET_THRESHOLD to 20

And to make sure Shift is the fine tweak key, compare that section of settings.cfg to this:

    primary = LeftShift
    secondary = None
    group = 0
    modeMask = -1
    modeMaskSec = -1

I recently found this ability.  Love it.  

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Launched Kerbin's first orbital lab - roughly Gemini era - I don't have 2.5m engines yet, so I've been experimenting with clusters of 1.25m engines. It's working really well. Pix of the launch vehicle and engine cluster hidden below.


Pix of the launch:










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35 minutes ago, HalcyonSon said:

These are amazing.  Have you posted them on KerbalX for dowload?  I want!

I recently found this ability.  Love it.  

The U-2 and the B-45 are up now. I'll probably post the F-91 and the F-86 soon. The B-2 is trickier, and will take more work. 



https://kerbalx.com/servo/craft for all the other stuff I've uploaded.

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Hi, my name's Rizzo and I'm a Kerboholic.  I'd been clean for over 6 months, but fell of the wagon last night.


I did my usual thing of starting a career game, but I often find the initial grind a bit of a pain, in particular getting to the first orbital flight.  So this time I decided to give Sounding Rockets a try.  Nice mod for the early game, meant my first crewed flight was sub orbital, second was Jeb and a couple of tourists to earn some cash, third was orbital, and 4th was a Mun flyby.

I particularly like that the larger payload module from Sounding Rockets fits on top of a Mk1 pod, meaning you can land some payload without having to mess about with heat shields


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