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Stock Coaxial helicopter development is going well. This is stable(-ish) and runs at 30 rads or so. Now wondering if its small enough for a replica I plan on making.


And if that's not bright enough *cough azimech  cough*


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  On 6/15/2017 at 5:14 AM, qzgy said:

Stock Coaxial helicopter development is going well. This is stable(-ish) and runs at 30 rads or so. Now wondering if its small enough for a replica I plan on making.


And if that's not bright enough *cough azimech  cough*



Daytime pictures are so much easier ;-)

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Designing new model of a broadcast hoverdrone.


This hovercraft features longer table and more reporters/casters.


If flies! Not so well, and needs to be gentle and careful, but it flies anyway.


Here we landed! Now you can broadcast something on the R&D bridge!

So what to introduce, that is the question...

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It's been a long time, Mun. It's time to go back, Apollo Style :D.



Long time no see, space.

Lunar Module docking 



Within my reach, the Mun!



We have landed.


Time to leave and return to the Main Command Module



Aerobraking to save Delta-V







Made it back safe, and in one try :D




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  On 6/14/2017 at 12:16 AM, Triop said:



Thanks :)


  On 6/14/2017 at 4:06 PM, TheDARKOMETER said:






Totally stealing this design. (And maybe that plane in your signature)


  On 6/14/2017 at 11:08 PM, Triop said:




Pretty........ So... So..... Pretty.............. Is there a KerbalX link?

Edited by DarkOwl57
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  On 6/15/2017 at 7:02 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

Thank you so much. Would you be okay if I used this in my new story?


Sure. If you don't mind, can you credit me somewhere for the craft?

Oh, also, the camo is not on the craft. I think you would have to ask @Triop for the files.


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 I was working on a space plane, and I finally got it to orbit. This was early on in my current career save. I had managed to strand Val in orbit. I decided to do something that I would never normally do... build a spaceplane. I called it the ABI-01, for "A Bad Idea 1." What's weird is that it worked...


Here it is on the pad. Quite the monstrosity. I was playing on a modified easy level of difficulty. I'm here for fun, not tedium. Anyways, that's why the pad is upgraded. Below is the rocket on its ascent. This thing was a beast to fly. It kept trying to flip over after the first stage, but luckily I had enough control authority to overcome it.


And below is the rescue itself. This plane had very poor handling and could barely pull itself out of a steep dive. But it worked.


I used this plane for a few missions afterwards, but it was quickly superseded by the ABI-02! Unlike the 01, the 02 could actually land, since it has landing gear. Not to mention it had much better handling. The version shown here is actually a sort of block 2, as the original ABI-02 did not have a docking port. The mission here is to rendezvous with a small station in orbit.


Shown below is the spaceplane with the station. Notice the wing mounted wheel up in front.


Using this new design I had much more flexibility. I mainly used it for tourist contracts. Here's a picture of the landing from one of these missions. This is the earlier version without a docking port. I'm quite happy that I finally landed a spaceplane at KSC.


Here's a view of the plane on the runway.


And here's a weird glitch or something I encountered on my way to the runway...


The reason for the jet engines is to give me some leeway when I'm on approach to KSC.

This is where things got hairy. The backstory of this image is a fairly successful munar mission. Loads of science, loads of money, and lots of fun. But on the way back, poor old Jeb ran out of propellant. He managed to get himself into a highly inclined eccentric medium orbit. The only problem was that I forgot to leave him some fuel to get into the rescue ship...


So I had to essentially use a main engine, without any RCS, to put the ladder close enough to Jeb so he could get inside. It took a while, but I got him on the ladder.

Anyhow, I did a bunch of other stuff, but this post is getting pretty long. And I'm having trouble finding screenshots...

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Another day, another moon. All my heavy launch vehicles tend to have two Mammoth sustainers and two Twin-Boar boosters these days.

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The ship itself was smaller than usual, as it was supposed to land on Vall on its own.



I had never seen the Vallhenge before. It was much larger than what I expected.



The same four kerbals as always.

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I had to use two Thuds as VTOL engines. The gravity on Vall is too strong for the uphill landings I use on smaller moons.

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Time to go home.



In order to accommodate the VTOL engines, the ship had smaller than usual fuel tanks. While my typical Jool exploration ships have 10 km/s at LKO, the Vall ship only had 8 km/s. That meant an interplanetary launch directly from a Vall orbit with a 60-degree inclination, and aerobraking for over 1 km/s at Kerbin.

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The usual crew recovery with a spaceplane. I overshot the runway by 100 km and had to fly back, as I had no idea how to return from an orbit with a 24-degree inclination.

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