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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today I wanted to hire a new pilot, looks like the keminists are taking over . . . <_<


I think it is ok to have the option of hiring women, but please don't force it.
Now I can't choose a male pilot, do I have the right to feel discriminated ?
I don't think so.
As a man I like male role models, nothing wrong with that.
Edited by Triop
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Woo finally Duna time!

All gassed up from Ike,

So mysterious...

This should be fine. I hope.

This whole modular design thing has been so fun.

Autobots transform and roll out!

At some point I decided to build the hab right into the DAV. I think it was the right call.

On this day brave Kerbals traced the stars to yada yada yada...

The drive section pushes the rover into the atmo and then jumps back up to park in orbit. Not a bad placement for a no-correct re-entry.

I christen thee: Dunabago

Woop! that there on the left is Toto the nuclear powered drone. It... sort of works.

Edited by Pthigrivi
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I landed the largest base expansion EVAR! Pale in fear of it's mightiness mortal scum!


Here it is dwarfing one of the Mun arches. Okay I admit it isn't very big. Just a lab, ISRU, Klaw, two large holding tanks, and lots of batteries and Nuks and solar panels.


Here it is plugged into the base. I originally landed this base right under the  nearby arch, but the terrain was crap so I had to move to the crater floor.


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3 hours ago, Triop said:

Today I wanted to hire a new pilot, looks like the keminists are taking over . . . <_<


I think it is ok to have the option of hiring women, but please don't force it.
Now I can't choose a male pilot, do I have the right to feel discriminated ?
I don't think so.
As a man I like male role models, nothing wrong with that.

That was probably just a pure coincidence

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19 minutes ago, Clockwork13 said:

That was probably just a pure coincidence 

I wish...

I'm not a new player, I think there are people who could back me up on this matter.

But to be honest I've not started to dig in the config files to find the ratio of m/f in the game.

Maybe you are right, maybe you're not . . .

Edit: I have nothing against women, maybe you are one, who knows ? I don't care.

I'm not judging, just stating facts. ^_^


Edited by Triop
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Two contracts became available today to position satellites in equatorial Munar orbits.  They were small affairs only requiring solar panels and an antenna.  In addition one of them needed a thermometer.  The higher orbit was to go counterclockwise the lower one, clockwise.  I was going to reject them, but then I had the idea of trying to shove them up there on one rocket.  I had set up geostationary orbits with three satellites around Kerbin before, and always being out to make a quick buck, the financial rewards would total almost 225K for a total expenditure of less than 12K, nothing to be scoffed at, and so "The Roman Project" was initiated...

The rocket turned out to be a simple, clean, elegant affair with a stage powered by one LVT-30 to get the whole shebang underway, and a second stage with a Terrier engine to make orbit, perform the TMI, and set both satellites - now named Romulus and Remus - on their merry ways.

I9RqB0u.png Ready For Liftoff.

The countdown proceeded without a hitch and the launch was successful.

HzdKUBQ.pngAnd Away She Goes!

Because of the characteristics of both engines, it had been decided to let this rocket fly higher than normal before tipping over to begin its gravity turn, and indeed it had went through an altitude of 17km before reaching 45 degrees.

PvUKFXh.pngSoaring Skywards.

As7Sh6U.pngStage Sep!

FOVk2kE.pngAt an altitude of about 68k the fairings were popped open.  I tend to keep the fairings longer than most KSPers, I've had trouble with payloads overheating in the past, so I'm willing to sacrifice a little fuel efficiency to keep everything nice and safe.

eNaYZWi.pngNow safely out of the atmosphere, Romulus (in front) and Remus are ready for the transfer burn to the Mun.  The stack decouplers are a bit big for this mission, but they're all I've got at the minute, the smaller decouplers and stack separators are still locked in the tech tree.

Unfortunately most of the rest of the mission took place in the dark, but almost everything went as planned, except a slight miscalculation in the Delta V saw the second stage of the rocket fall short of achieving what was intended, failing to reach a Munar encounter.  However this was not a problem, the satellites had more enough Dv to make their orbits, thus fulfilling the contracts, and helping the expansion of the KSA's bank account.

brwyaDP.pngRemus In Orbit Around The Mun.


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I am about to finish my first MH Mission and make final tests to share in the forum... Prepare yourself for a extreme challenge... :confused:     100 % awesome stock gameplay!


I think i`ll post the first version tonight, 99 nodes and rising, have to write some dialogues at the very end still, you have to actually land back on the KSC with a shuttle... :cool:

Edited by Mikki
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put the finishing touches on my electricity, crew, science and core modules for my mun base.
built the rover/science hopper module, only need to build a launcher for it and its good.

ran into alot of headaches trying to balance my electricity module launcher, damn thing kept pitching over so fast that it would smash into the beach after launch so i came up with a rather kerbal solution that actually worked.

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10 hours ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

UMMM, I don't have hack gravity on but my Pelican is floating away.... Help!

So ugly the ground repels it? :sticktongue:

10 hours ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:



Nope, definitely not that. Grabbity curled up in the corner whimpering about a “happy place” for sure... and it’s dragged physics there, too. 

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Decided to take advantage of the increased performance I've been seeing since the 1.4 release and install the RealPlume enhancement. Testing the NERVA plumes resulted in this disaster after the SRBs didn't quite survive the pitch maneuver I was trying to make...2zVepdo.png

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10 hours ago, Mikki said:

I am about to finish my first MH Mission and make final tests to share in the forum... Prepare yourself for a extreme challenge... :confused:     100 % awesome stock gameplay!


I think i`ll post the first version tonight, 99 nodes and rising, have to write some dialogues at the very end still, you have to actually land back on the KSC with a shuttle... :cool:

Really looking forward to seeing more of this!

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I like to complete 2 missions with one simple rocket. Earning 1 million credits with that ship. Brings me money in my carrer mode for fun missions.

253000 for Surface data from Laythe, 623000 for satelline on Pol orbit

plus other milestone achievements fulfilled during those two mission. 60000 for first Pol fly by, first enter to orbit of Pol, first fly by Laythe, orbit of Laythe... first landing on Laythe etc. 

1000000+ credits with one ship. I wish making money could be so easy in real life :)





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19 hours ago, Triop said:

I wish...

I'm not a new player, I think there are people who could back me up on this matter.

But to be honest I've not started to dig in the config files to find the ratio of m/f in the game.

Maybe you are right, maybe you're not . . .

Edit: I have nothing against women, maybe you are one, who knows ? I don't care.

I'm not judging, just stating facts. ^_^


There are a couple of things that could be going on here. First, actual randomness doesnt look like people think it looks. You'd think it would mean most of the time you would see 50/50 male and female kerbals, but if you flip a coin 100 times its really not that unlikely that you'll have a string of 10 tails in a row. If youve been playing a while you've probably checked the astronaught complex hundreds of times. Its not surprising you'd see this from time to time. 

The other component is probably unconcious bias. You've almost certainly aslo seen the roster stacked with male kerbals, but this seemed natural to you so you made no note of it. Its a well documented phenomenon that when a fictional cast of characters is composed of 50/50 men and women respondents will say that its predomenently female. They're more likely to guestimate things are equal when the group is 2/1 male. Thats because were used to watching shows and movies and reading books that skew heavily male, so are more likely to take note when that ratio deviates toward more female representation.

It doesnt make you a bad person or anything, its just the way weve all been conditioned. 

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I'm going to launch that Star Trek SSTO to KerbalX today but I wanted a space station where it could dock for refueling. Got a bit out of hand.


This is Minerva Station: 124m long, 334 parts, 697t empty, 1129t tanks full.


It's self-propelled, has its own launcher, a huge docking bay with door; and multiple decks, colour coded. All stock.


Deck 1: Command, gold.
Deck 2: Comms & IT, purple.
Deck 3: Med/Sci, blue.
Deck 4: Crew, green.
Deck 5: Engineering, red.
Deck 6: Storage/Fuel Dock, cyan.
Deck 7: Docking Bay.







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1 hour ago, Azimech said:

How cool is that??? And very handy, this old girl will need some place to refurbish when she get´s home. ;)


(Disclaimer: I used infinifuel for this one. Yeah, I´m a dirty cheater, but partcount is already high as it is, without putting a hundred xenon tanks on this thing.)

In other notes: I´ve had a pretty constructive day today (the weather was just awful where I live).

I´ve tested a new Duna plane by flying through the canyon, testing service ceiling, practicing landing, aso. . So far no issues, and thanks to the inflatable MH docking ports it is completely reusable. Hey @Azimech, how reliable is your ladder bearing? It could help getting the part count down on this little beauty.


Next I set out to claim the Dessert Airfield by setting up a bit of infrastructure over there. I thought a fuel refinery, an aircraft refueling/tow-truck and a crew bus might be useful in the future....


.... because: Could it eventually be possible, just maybe, under certain circumstances,... that aerial refueling is friggin´ hard??? :huh:


 I´ve tried it serveral times this week. So far no cigar. I´m really thinking about buying a flight stick for this. (My old one died 2 years ago. Cables and office chair rollers don´t seem to get along nicely)

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