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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I got the bulk of my Minmus Station assembled in Kerbin orbit. There are a few Konstruction ports left open mainly for parts I haven't unlocked yet (ISRU and a reactor). Landing lights for a lander on approach provided lighting for this shot. The lander was hauling up a load of tourist that want to land on Minmus.


Launch for Minmus Orbit. A lander docked under the nose is running a Terrier at around 50% power keeping the nose up since the center of gravity is a offset from the thrustline. Without the Terrier the engines can't gimbal enough to keep the ship from pitching under thrust.


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10 minutes ago, Tonka Crash said:

I got the bulk of my Minmus Station assembled in Kerbin orbit. There are a few Konstruction ports left open mainly for parts I haven't unlocked yet (ISRU and a reactor). Landing lights for a lander on approach provided lighting for this shot. The lander was hauling up a load of tourist that want to land on Minmus.


I'm curious to know where the centrifuge parts are from, they look good. :)

I delivered the flight crew of Discovery (DSEV-04), the last of the Protector-class Deep Space Exploration Vessels, to Minmus Station. DSEV-04 is in the drydock and currently being provisioned for her shakedown cruise. Nautilus (DSEV-03) can be seen in the lower-right. She delivered the flight crew and will be headed back to Skybase once refueled.


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High-speed and high-altitude transport craft for fast continent-hopping. 8 panthers for takeoff kick, engage whiplashes once panthers are at half thrust. keep going up until panthers flame out and go about 3 KM further to cruise. Around land 1000 KM range for a pilot and copilot.

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13 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

I'm curious to know where the centrifuge parts are from, they look good. :)

I went looking something different for a centrifuge and found it. The developer didn't quite complete it before going MIA, so it's got quirks. There's no IVA which didn't bother me. Deployed the ring and 3 large spokes have colliders, but they seem a little oversized. The wires don't, so you can EVA through them and only have to worry about the spokes. I tried to run a Kerbol on the inside of a ring, a spoke caught my Kerbal from behind and everything blew up, like no Kerbal and a no station left in orbit. After reloading a quicksave I haven't tried that again.

I was able to launch it without a ridiculous rocket and the deployment is cool. I have a video posted showing the deployment animation.  I modified the textures a little bit to airbrush out the developers logo and an unfortunate use of the internal hatch emblem that couldn't be hidden. I had to write a USI-LS patch and tweaked the basic config a little to better balance it to me. 

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7 hours ago, MaverickSawyer said:

the overheating is from the exhaust plumes if the Seperatrons striking the core. They will absolutely burn up a tank.

I know; I realized this fairly quickly. Though it is not a tank that the engines are attached to; the way I made the orange segments on this rocket was using Restock fairings (some of which have a nice orange colour scheme), and, in the case of the first stage and the boosters, the engines are attached to an adaptor (rescaled appropriately) to which the fairing is connected; the engines are clipped inside of the fairing and through the adaptor, which I decided was preferable to the alternative of clipping them into fuel tanks (and there is no need for the extra fuel anyway, since the rocket is already overpowered for the crew spacecraft). It is the adapter which is destroyed. I will be removing the solid fuel from the booster tanks and instead using sepratrons, rather than the built-in separation motors, which should fix the problem.

The other remaining issue with the vehicle is the connection between the spacecraft and the rocket's upper stage, but I know what is wrong and it is an easy fix.

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After a brief hiatus it was back to pushing a boat around the coastlines of Kerbin.

But first my tanker support team were moved from the Dessert Airfield to Woomerang Launch Site.


Hmmm... so no runway huh.


Time to send out some fuel.


Bill falls off the boat.


Jeb and Val are loving the outdoors life.


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Yesterday was the day of departures, today was the day of arrivals:

EDM-1 and GDM-1 arrived at Eve unfortunately EDM-1 didn't have enough fuel to capture so I was forced to let it shoot out of Eve's SOI, on a happier note GDM-1 arrived at Gilly:


After landing KSC tried to get Adzlon (I think) to sit still for the flag pic but after a passing a year in his capsule he wanted to stretch his legs:


Which proved rather difficult in Gilly's low gravity

DDM-1 should arrive at Duna in 22 sols and capture using a Ike assist

I've already placed the alarms for the return transfer windows so in 300/400 days Adzlon and Bob should be at the KSC eating lunch at the astronaut center

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guess what? neon cat is in KSP today! I'm playing KSP 1.3.1, I'm not sure which other versions have neon cat


Also, I had my first successful mun landing and return in career mode since installing the deadly re-entry mod (last time there was lots of reentry explosions and 2 kerbals were lost)


I may have over-killed it on the fuel, but I decided it was better to be safe than sorry, especially since I didn't want to re-enter kerbin's atmosphere too fast and explode again.



and here is a successful reentry!

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After Eve launch, I had just under 1500m/s Δv remaining in my 30ton direct ascent return vehicle/hab module.


Decided to go for it anyway. The transfer burn left me with 48m/s.


The mid course correction at the descending node left me with 5m/s. I also used a lot of RCS for this maneuver.


Coming in hot.


Home sweet home.


Big shout to @Reinhart Mk.1 for his Eve thread... Haven't focused on Eve since the 1.0.5 days, and never with a direct ascent/return vehicle this large.


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First Munar crewed orbit in my new 2.5x Stock 1.6.1 game. The brave kerbalnauts Dirys Kermanov and Rocy Kerbsson launched on a Kemini LR for a 5.5 day mission to orbit the Mun, take surface observations and test ship's systems. (thanks to @Beale for the awesome capsule parts)

Full Album @: https://imgur.com/a/tofxoR4






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Well, today I went on landing with my Deep Space exploration probes - Argotech 1 lands on Hale.

I'm currently on a mission to harvest as much orbital science and get ScanSat scans done for every moon in the Sarnus system.

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I re-installed KSP today. Fired it up to insure it worked. Went to CurseForge. Downloaded Mechjeb; watched a video to remind me how mods in this game work. Extracted the MJ archive and plopped into the folder. Fired up KSP. Got an error about MJ not being properly installed. Realized it was the dreaded double-packaged problem that so often happens with 7zip. Grabbed the inner directory and moved it outside the outer directory, deleted the outer and fired up KSP again to success.

Then, my modaholism kicked in and I began to download every mod I recognized and loved (from my previous install on a version long, long ago, on a hard drive, far, far away) . . . I think I got about 3 pages deep before I realized I was creating an enormous backlog of installing for myself and restrained my urge to download still more mods.

I closed the window and made a mental note to myself to install and debug those dozen or so mods I had downloaded "when I get the time."

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