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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I have working landing gear and working docking system to drop and pickup loads for the S-64 Air Crane. Still working out the most efficient way to have them be able to transfer to the Mack truck.

I have added an open frame carrier for the Humvee and Unimog. Had to redo their wheel colliders so they wouldn't get stuck when driving on. Have created a small gator utility vehicle that uses the "Command Chair" system for the Kerbals. I built a GoCart with the "Command Chair" system but Kerbals falling out or turning to dust when going faster than 52m/s was getting old, so now also have an internal model one. Is serious fun, but I wish it was possible to race against somebody. And I have built a Bus that carries a driver and 28 passengers.




Edited by ColdJ
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Continuing from last time...

Baguette reached Moho and started dropping cargo.


Some space frogs enjoyed Lander Eclipse.

Shortly after an enormous gravitational disturbance wrecked starfleet infrastructure and caused loss of most scientific data. But space frogs are not known for giving up, so after some scrounging new cruiser was sent to investigate the cause.
Learning on mistakes of past designs, Modulus series is much more... modular. First two are now bouncing around Kerbin SOI, with nuclear powered third unit on its way to Eve to investigate loss of contact with Astarte sent there beforehand.


An invasive mass has been found on edge of Kerbin SOI, and Modulus crew bravely landed to check how it tastes.

Suspecting presence of other invasive bodies in Kerbol space a deep space observation vessel, Ivore Tower, has been launched.

Of course rebuilding spacefleet would not be possible without its backbone passenger/rescue workhorse cruiser. This time Bombardier  was commissioned. Initially sent with sixteen two-Kerb unpowered drop pods, under guise of cargo capacity extension contract its now testing new design of slightly powered drop pods after successful partial pod restock operation.

Going by orbital data obtained by Ivory Tower, it would seem that starfleet will need much more capable spaceship classes to properly categorize all new invasive astral bodies by their taste.

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Today, in Kerbal Space Program, the day that I wrote this, I took Valentina Kerman out to deep space and got to do interstellar travel how I had been wanting to do it for the first time — which was without the problems from before — and had a great time (what some might call "the time of my life") right up until Valentina had died upon approaching a planet that I had locked Valentina into a descent towards, at which point I had. It was much too rapid of a descent for the RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine on-board to stop the beyond dangerous fall into (what I presume to be) "Oceanogseaf", a planet orbiting a star that I had flew all the way out to as Valentina Kerman called Recalewh, that of which is "roughly 0.94 times the size of Kerbol", according to the .cfg file for the planet. It was a sad note to end on, but I had learned a lot about how to do space travel using @RoverDude's Alcubierre drive part mod to travel to the stars provided by @Sushut's mod that randomly generates them while doing that space mission. Thanks to the helpful advice from @capi3101 and @JadeOfMaar, I was able to finally break through the battling with understanding how to utilize warp drives for interstellar travel and have not had the same problems that initially had stopped me from trying interstellar with the warp drives since, which just goes to show that those two really truly had knew what the Kerbal they were talking about. No more burnout due to being stuck within the confines of the Kerbol System or whatever planet packs have been released and no more having to worry about warp drives causing adventure-stopping explosions caused by lack of awareness about Exotic Matter levels, that of which had previously been extremely exasperating to deal with. Now I can post my interstellar space missions instead of having interstellar space mission breakdowns. So... that being said... big shoutout to four involved that I tagged with an @ sign... becauseall four them, combined with my determination, effort, and smarts, are what made the mission being posted about possible.

Here is a GIF created with recorded footage of Valentina burning up:

The mission lasted for a total of 18 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 11 seconds. During this time, it reached a maximum altitude of 43,565,771,237 meters and achieved its highest speed at 52,896,341 meters per second and 52,896,339 meters per second over land. The mission covered a ground distance of 8,921,565,727 meters and a total distance of 9,646,708,988 meters. The most significant G-force endured during the mission was 366.3G.

For a relatively small test ship, its reach was truly "out of this world". I remember falling asleep orbiting around a star, waking up, and then getting right back to business. This mission wasn’t just simply merely an impressive space mission like my others before that I have posted here; it was a cosmic achievement of epic proportions that was more far-reaching than any mission previously done before! It showed me proof that the world full of infinite potential due to infinite discoveries (see what I did there?) was now well within welcoming reach and that now I have the foundation for turning Kerbal Space Program into a nifty spaceflight combat wargame KSP RPG, but whether or not that is going to be with code in the form as a mod with some sort of release for the public is TBD. As of writing this, I am wondering if it going to be more of a D&D type of thing where imagination and immersion in combination with mods to boost — and perhaps even hypersupercharge them — take center stage, or if it is going to be more of a full-fledged roleplaying game system with coding and .dll files that goes in the GameData folder. Either way, I am sure that it will be epically fun and create engrossing procedural tales. 

That's what I did the day that this post was made, along with making a YouTube account for posting KSP videos. More on that and other stuff later. You all shall see.

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Continuing from last time...

Surveyor  was launched toward first star on the right first available transfer window sporting pulse fusion fresh out of factory it sails like Ion craft. Just with more explosions. Loaded with a dozen various mini satellites its meant to prepare comm network and basic telemetry of invasive astral bodies, regardless of their orbit... as long as its not retrograde. By the grace of transfer windows its now on course to Sarnus gas giant and its numerous moons.


With resources now drained, some silly publicity stunts in Kerbin SOI had to be done.

ISRU resource extraction was tested in various scenarios, as dictated by client requirements, and thus DigDug moon hopper/base was born.

Some unlucky kerbonauts were drafted to test new simplified semi-propeled descent pod equipped on Bombardier. Discovery that nowadays one can stage both drag and normal chutes before entering atmosphere was a welcomed breakthrough in drop pod design.

With some funding secured, first Modulus cruiser purged its modules...

and performed propulsion transplant

Aside of plentiful fuel tanks and scientific cargo, new engine section arrived with construction drone and some handy modules to upgrade other cruisers.

Ivory Tower received battery module, which allows it to properly transfer scientific data from onboard laboratory. Due to some minor design oversights its capabilities were... less than stellar.

Due to discovery that numerous kerbonauts were stranded in hulls with no airlocks, small hull breaching device was added to Bombardier.  Apparently Claw can't be Clawed, thus tug drone had to let itself be clawed by its cargo for transplant to be successful.

With maintenance done, Modulus proceeded to yet again investigate invasive astral bodies in Kerbin SOI.

After two landings at edge of Kerbin SOI, Phybi was found to be slightly more annoying to land on than Mun although contrasting regolith colours helped with finding flat terrain. Iszmi turned out to be a colourful Minmus... with lander piercing mountains.

Two Munders were then deorbited in tandem for further testing in planetary laboratories.

With some funding secured, and research slowly recovering to pre-disaster levels, a new vessel was commissioned. Light cruiser Eclipse  was build from keel to serve as orbital survey vessel. With four moons now around Kerbin, there is a plethora of contracts requiring just a simple low altitude flyby for quick scan. Some experiments, however, need to be dropped down to Kerbin for completion.
With new propulsion and hull technology unlocked, and limited cargo space required, a small and nimble hotrod of a spaceship could be made.

Central cargo bay is fitted with replaceable survey module, mounted on a handy hinge for easier access. Two sponson hold a trio of sample return pods each, which with proper mission planning can be used quite sparingly.

During a flyby of Minmus at altitude which would terrify civilians not familiar with orbital mechanics, Thomney reported sighting of some mysterious monolith on surface. Reports remain unconfirmed so far, and Thomney habit of basking in radiant glow of reactor cores in constant state of meltdown puts his reliability in doubt.

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Continuing from last time...

Not much. A new starship has been sent toward Urlum, draining almost all available funding.

Upcoming launch windows for Urlum and Neidon prompted design of a deep space cruiser. Design based on Eclipse was chosen, which prompted some redesigns of existing satellites and landers to fit into Mk2 cargo bays.

Fitting kerbed lander-rover into Mk2 cargo bay resulted in kraken infested wobbly sausage, which was saved in archives as learning experience.
After testing it under simulated low gravity, with results matching its beauty, I went on to prep some classic landers for various moons, only to discover after two hours of building that MechJeb dV/TwR readouts are affected by gravity cheat...

Redesigning standard probes to better fit into Mk2 cargo bays went much better.


Eclipse Nullam relay satellite has been launched, with inline relay dish mounted on a hinge to uncover twin ion thrusters.

It was then docked to Eclipse Magnum awaiting in orbit for transfer window to Urlum. It will be left behind at Urlum to provide access to planned inner-outer system relay sat constellation.


Its three cargo bays loaded with orbital science boom, half a dozen small relay sats, quintet of generic science satellites, suicide drone for gas giant probing, kerbed ion lander for two moonlets, and a transformable Origami lander for other two heavier moons along with two refills of LOx stuffed in main hull.
With all cargo mounted on hinges amount of RCS/SAS on deployable cargo has been cut to a tenth, and redocking has been greatly simplified.


Due to uncertainties of such long voyage, command+lab module Eclipse Effugium can serve as escape pod worth few thousand km dV worth of Xenon.
Similarly ships primary reactor, Eclipse Ardens, can also be detached be it for safety, replacement, or to serve as a tug drone. Rated for 27 years of continuous low power settings it should lats for duration of mission, but just in case it comes with a big drum of glowing stones and in case of accident Effugium module can take over with its onboard backup reactor.


Reactor module offers ventral docking port, and sponson cargo bays are replaceable to allow for simplified cargo restocking.

With tests and preparations done, for a brief 12 minutes a new star could be seen down from Kerbin...

(all the handy Mk2 parts used for this vessel come from https://spacedock.info/mod/473/Mk2 Stockalike Expansion)

Edited by PT
mission progress has been made :)
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We aero-braked around Duna to deliver an end to end test of a new lander. The intention was to pre-position the next lander with a full fuel load and wait for the crew on the next launch window.  To save fuel areo-braking was required.  5 passes dropped the AP to 450 km


Then the landing sequence was tested


As was take off from Duna to orbit



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Anyone know what this is?



I've been exploring Duna. (I'll make a mission report post when I've achieved a few goals)

I've also been using the ScanSat mod. It pointed out several anomalies, so once I got a proper rover landed, I went looking.

The first Anomaly was a whole lot smaller than I expected, so I had to do a lot of 'circling'. I was starting to feel decidedly like I was on a wild goose chase, when I finally saw this.

It's the anomaly I was chasing, but I don't know what it is. It's probably a reference to something I don't know.

But, I planted a flag right next to it, and labelled the site as an Anomaly, so if I ever want to come back, it'll be easier to find.


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So, not today, i have posted this Spacecraft earlier somewhere else.

But, it is a very good reentry vehicle and also able to do landing operations on f. e. Mun or Minmus.

Of course not able, to start from Kerbin.

With working lift in the rear-section, so my Kerbals need no dangerous ladder. :D



Here bunrning for reentry and going into atmosphere.





Edited by Tecorian
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