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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4820: Mad Hatter tea party. You join in for some games and cake. And you answer the riddle of "why a Raven is like a writing desk".


(This floor is the correct number, previous post was having fun with the floor before)

Edited by ColdJ
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Floor 4824: The beer bar of the club.

32 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

A table with a bottle and a piece of cheese. One says "Eat Me", the other says "Drink Me"

Swap the caption tables, then drink the wine and eat the cheese.

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Floor 4837: A hard drive containing KSP 2 in full release with no bugs, perfect features, and an awesome UI. Unfortunately, Newton's Fourth Law states that no game can be perfect, and so the data immediately degrades into the early access version we have now.

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