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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4951: This floor is rather interesting, isn't it? You can't phrase anything about it as anything but a question, correct? Is this floor a hot dog water-filled swimming pool?

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Floor 4957: The KSC Administration Bulletin's "KSP2 Doomsday Clock". The Clock was at 11:53 PM on release day (7 minutes to midnight). By the early patches, the clock moved down to 11:48 PM (12 minutes to midnight). By the time For Science arrived, the clock moved down again to 11:40 PM (20 minutes to midnight). When the layoffs first began, the clock moved to 11:44 PM (16 minutes to midnight). As the layoffs continued, the clock moved to 11:50 PM (10 minutes to midnight). After the last communications from the devs, the clock moved to 11:55 PM (5 minutes to midnight). And as more and more new evidence uncovered showing KSP2 was seemingly doomed from the start, the clock moves to 11:58 PM (2 minutes to midnight).

Keep in mind that this is all the interpretation of the recent events by the KSC Administration Bulletin. We are still editing the clock as new events come to light.

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Floor 4960: A temple on the Mun. The marble pillars were carved into rockets, SRBs, and space plane designs. Inside the temple are two fireplaces. One is the fire of KSP1. The other are the embers of KSP2, smothered out but barely still hot.

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Floor 4966: A secret dimension where the KSP2 team stuck to the original plan to just fix the base code and make it prettier. They had it out in 2 years and within budget.

(in this plain of existence, there was nobody with great dreams but no way to make it work, pushing it off the rails.)

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