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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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The dev link still give 404 by the way

I'm still trying your fix, I have a bunch of other mods, mostly USI stuff, and It seems like I have some problem with the thermal turbojet. It doesn't seem to understand when he's hook on a reactor. The reactor is online at 0% and the turbojet gives 0 thrust. I'm just wondering what kind of mods could mess with kspi thermal mechanics. There's a lot of new stuff related to ressources and I'm not sure if it could conflict with how KSPI handles them. I'm thinking about regolith and CRP maybe even EPL. What kind of interaction is messing with interstellar ?

Anyway, don't bother trying to reproduce it, I'm gonna install from scratch and reboot until I find some culprit... If I can't find anything I'll output the log later today

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Well in fact, I just realise the toolbar "megajoule power manager" button was not doing anything. I would say that as long as I can't make that button work, means something is broken with the thermal mechanics dll. As I was saying, I'm gonna try it on a fresh install right now and try to outline the mod that could cause it.

EDIT: Here's a screen of the results (tweakscale1.50 and modulemanager2.5.6 only). Actually, it's only happening with the Fusion reactors. They don't have any power output... I don't have the log right now, my game booted with -nolog and I'm leaving for shopping. I'll make one tonight.


Edited by Saint-Stanislas
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Delete Techtree.cfg from save folder and reload the save. Tell me if it doesn't work.

tree.cfg file in your save folder is not used by game, it was a legacy interstellar code that copyed it there. I just removed this useless operation.

personaly i would like to see u split off a maintence topic for mod.

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1). There is always a debugger log - it's located in KSP_Data\output_log.txt

2). I was finaly able to reproduce science tree bug, thank you. Will handle once again.

3). Reproduce fusion reactor bug, will debug now.

Be patient please and we'll be able to finish it until new year!

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personaly i would like to see u split off a maintence topic for mod.

Your're right. If you want to help me out, come to dev topic. I need comunity help to clean the bugs.

all further bug reports, fixes, proposals - go to development topic - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104943-0-90-KSP-Interstellar-port-maintance-thread

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Success! Thank you Boris!

Delete Techtree.cfg from save folder and reload the save. Tell me if it doesn't work.

tree.cfg file in your save folder is not used by game, it was a legacy interstellar code that copyed it there. I just removed this useless operation.

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What does it take to keep a reactor cool? I have 8 of the medium sized radiators hooked up to a single 2.5m Aegletes on trajectory out of Kerbin and it is rapidly approaching shutdown.

Nevermind...I attached the small ones. Well now I either have to construct a rescue mission with a very fast ship to do a retrofit or just write this one off as a $400,000 learning experience....:blush:

Edited by ravensoul6@hotmail.com
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I find current solar panel heat generation system highly unrealistic. They can act as radiators themselves (their back side), so in real life we don't really have problems with them overheating. I've corrected heat generation curve, so now you can safely use solar panels up to Eve, but not closer. Yes, that means you won't get stupid overheat somewhere close to Jool.

New heat production curve for solar panels in red:


You are the hero we needed and deserved.

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Fractal, Have you planned release a fix for 0.9 before the 0.14? I know that's a fix created by another person, but... It crashed my savegame, and now, i have the R&D-exit-Bug. I think i've solved it, but i lost all my ships, and now... I miss Interstellar and it's the mod that i need!

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Maybe. Look for https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Illustrated-Guide-Chapter-0%3A-Installing-and-Patching under Patching section. I've made those changes stock in my fork.

THanks, but the .625 ANTILA truster is now worse. fortunatly with the correct 1.25 scalling, the 0.625 scaling are easy to fix

@mass = 0,0625

@scale = 0.4,0.275,0.4

@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.09, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

Edited by FreeThinker
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Has Fractal ever discussed a continuation of the tech tree? If not, what are some of anyone's thoughts? What kinds of future tech might be included? Would be nice to keep the need for science as a game objective after all is researched (Especially as more stars and planets are added!) I have about 10k to go to get the final tech in a save, very fun game!

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Hay everyone. I'm about to put together my mods for the .90 release and I'm wondering what are the odds of me being able to update the unofficial ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104943-0-90-KSP-Interstellar-port-maintance-thread?p=1630968&viewfull=1#post1630968 ) to the official version when it is released?

As a plan B I was wondering if maybe I could just starting playing without KSPI and add it later when it updates but I'm not sure if that would work.

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