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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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38 minutes ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

That animation is insane?

Is this all blender? Do you have any tips on tutorials for where to get started? I'd like to try to make mods too when KSP 2 finally comes out.

@mcwaffles2003, I came across this video that goes through a modelling workflow from Blender and a follow-up video that shows getting the model into Unity. It may be good to have some basic experience with Blender as he goes a bit quick, but it should give you an idea of the work involved.



Edited by hemeac
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Spehss Dust update

The Space Dust part roster looks like this:

  • Gas Analyzer
  • Gas Spectrometer
  • Spectral Telescope
  • 1.25m Atmospheric Processor
  • 2.5m Atmospheric Processor

I'm done all but one of the parts, which is a revised model for the 2.5m processor. I'm currently proxying it with the old processor model from NF Propulsion, pretty bad.

Maybe some pictures?

The Sift-O-Tron 125 Atmosphere Processor sucks in atmosphere with its fan and extracts the things you want out of it. It has a surface attach variant.


To scan things, you need PT-SN1-FER Trace Gas Analyzer and the PT-L00K-ER Spectrographic Gas Scanner (right). The Analyzer is limited to in-situ measurements, you put it on a probe you drop into atmospheres, and the Scanner will let you detect things from orbit if you're close enough.


The most exciting one is the PT-EDW1N Spectral Telescope. This part lets you detect and identify resources from far away. Configure it with scanning instruments (up to two) in the VAB and launch it. Select a planet as a target and start surveying; eventually you will discover any resources the telescope is configured to detect. 






A couple of updates on the resource display: it now works better, and when you have identified a band, you can see its max concentration in the UI now.


One thing that I could use some thought from the forum from is on the distribution of the following resources throughout the Kerbin system. I indicated what I've thought about so far:

  • Oxidizer: Kerbin (atmo), Laythe (atmo)
  • LiquidFuel (say hydrocarbons): ?
  • XenonGas: Kerbin (atmo), Eve (atmo)
  • ArgonGas: Kerbin (atmo), Duna (atmo)
  • LqdHydrogen: Kerbin (exo), Jool (exo), Jool (atmo), The Sun (exo)
  • LqdDeuterium: Jool (atmo), Jool (exo)
  • LqdMethane: Duna (atmo)  
  • LqdHe3: Jool (atmo)
  • Antimatter: Kerbin (exo), Jool (exo)

Remember, I don't real deal in perfect realism, more interested in 'interesting'

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8 hours ago, Nertea said:
  • Oxidizer: Kerbin (atmo), Laythe (atmo)
  • LiquidFuel (say hydrocarbons): ?
  • XenonGas: Kerbin (atmo), Eve (atmo)
  • ArgonGas: Kerbin (atmo), Duna (atmo)
  • LqdHydrogen: Kerbin (exo), Jool (exo), Jool (atmo), The Sun (exo)
  • LqdDeuterium: Jool (atmo), Jool (exo)
  • LqdMethane: Duna (atmo)  
  • LqdHe3: Jool (atmo)
  • Antimatter: Kerbin (exo), Jool (exo)

IMHO, Methane from Duna doesn't feel right.  If hyrdocarbons could be converted to Methane,  then have an underground lake on Duna's surface.

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If Eve's oceans are mode of rocket fuel, I can't see why the atmosphere might not have some. Also, having antimatter around Kerbin would be overpowered no matter how rare it is, giving it to Moho or low solar orbit might be a good idea.

You could also replace LqdMethane with Carbon Dioxide as an extractable resource to Duna, which can then be broken into Oxidizer and/or combined with an onboard supply of LqdHydrogen to make LqdMethane. This would make a "Mars Direct"-style mission possible as well as add realism.

Edited by coyotesfrontier
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Is there any eta on FFT? Externally at least it seems pretty close to complete. Also, I'm curious, which form is your NSWR? The unenriched one with a few thousand seconds Isp or the highly enriched one with a few hundred thousand seconds?

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7 hours ago, WarriorSabe said:

Is there any eta on FFT? Externally at least it seems pretty close to complete. Also, I'm curious, which form is your NSWR? The unenriched one with a few thousand seconds Isp or the highly enriched one with a few hundred thousand seconds?

Hopefully depends on the quality of the Uranium :D

On 10/17/2020 at 8:34 PM, Nertea said:


If you look in the tube what kind of telescope is it?

Just noticed its a 1:1 Hubble replica, nice

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On 10/18/2020 at 1:41 AM, theJesuit said:

IMHO, Methane from Duna doesn't feel right.  If hyrdocarbons could be converted to Methane,  then have an underground lake on Duna's surface.

Ok sounds fine to me

20 hours ago, coyotesfrontier said:

If Eve's oceans are mode of rocket fuel, I can't see why the atmosphere might not have some. Also, having antimatter around Kerbin would be overpowered no matter how rare it is, giving it to Moho or low solar orbit might be a good idea.


Good idea for Eve! However I'd like to keep the concept where strong magnetic fields trap the particles as with reality. That means primarily Kerbin, Jool in the KSP context. 

20 hours ago, coyotesfrontier said:

You could also replace LqdMethane with Carbon Dioxide as an extractable resource to Duna, which can then be broken into Oxidizer and/or combined with an onboard supply of LqdHydrogen to make LqdMethane. This would make a "Mars Direct"-style mission possible as well as add realism.

Probably not going to happen from me - I don't have parts or tanks to support that. Someone else can add that. 

14 hours ago, WarriorSabe said:

Also, I'm curious, which form is your NSWR? The unenriched one with a few thousand seconds Isp or the highly enriched one with a few hundred thousand seconds?

The former, the latter would look significantly different. 

14 hours ago, WarriorSabe said:

Is there any eta on FFT? Externally at least it seems pretty close to complete

Appearances can be deceiving. I will quote what I wrote before:

On 7/23/2020 at 5:15 PM, Nertea said:

So, I would love to say that I work on this 3 hours a day and there are 70 hours left in the project, and therefore it will be released in X. However the reality of things is that some days I work on this 0 hours and some days 6 hours. That means the completion estimate, if I work on this in this pattern, is very very vague. This seems like it's a very difficult concept for the community to grasp and I'm not sure why, perhaps many people are students or very young with big buckets of free time. 

Now, if someone were to pay me my usual engineering consulting rates to do this, it would get done more consistently ;).

In addition, there will likely soon be a release of KSP 1.10.1, which will mean that I no longer have an excuse to not work on Restock 1.10 updates, which will be time consuming because Squad did Squad things (> 20 hours to fix). This will take precedence over work on this mod. Similarly, I will update all of my other mods to 1.10.1, which will also take precedence. 

So in short, I don't know. I would be communicative if I could. I will say that once the models are completed (as indicated, about 3-4 remaining), SystemHeat works to my satisfaction, and the rest of the mod's plugin works to my satisfaction, I will release development versions. 

Any further requests for dates and I'll be annoyed. 

I still have 2 kids, a demanding job and other hobbies. 



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1 hour ago, Nertea said:

However I'd like to keep the concept where strong magnetic fields trap the particles as with reality. That means primarily Kerbin, Jool in the KSP context. 

Kerbalism magnetic fields FTW then.

But only if kerbalism provides support for all Nertea's code around the Heat codification magic.


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21 hours ago, coyotesfrontier said:

You could also replace LqdMethane with Carbon Dioxide as an extractable resource to Duna, which can then be broken into Oxidizer and/or combined with an onboard supply of LqdHydrogen to make LqdMethane. This would make a "Mars Direct"-style mission possible as well as add realism.

1 hour ago, Nertea said:

Probably not going to happen from me - I don't have parts or tanks to support that. Someone else can add that. 

I can make it so and give the same treatment (though not as much of it, hopefully) as with Rational Resources which (optionally) alters parts to provide tanks, harvesters and converters for CO2 and so on, but the increased requirements and granularity of a Space Dust config (and how much more than stock style resource placement configs these will inflate your MM cache) do take away from my motivation to produce a resource placement template system for Space Dust. I would like to ensure that OPM is immediately supported but I'm in no hurry to provide support for any planet packs after that.

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On 10/19/2020 at 1:17 PM, Nertea said:

Appearances can be deceiving. I will quote what I wrote before:

On 7/23/2020 at 8:15 PM, Nertea said:

So, I would love to say that I work on this 3 hours a day and there are 70 hours left in the project, and therefore it will be released in X. However the reality of things is that some days I work on this 0 hours and some days 6 hours. That means the completion estimate, if I work on this in this pattern, is very very vague. This seems like it's a very difficult concept for the community to grasp and I'm not sure why, perhaps many people are students or very young with big buckets of free time. 

Now, if someone were to pay me my usual engineering consulting rates to do this, it would get done more consistently ;).

In addition, there will likely soon be a release of KSP 1.10.1, which will mean that I no longer have an excuse to not work on Restock 1.10 updates, which will be time consuming because Squad did Squad things (> 20 hours to fix). This will take precedence over work on this mod. Similarly, I will update all of my other mods to 1.10.1, which will also take precedence. 

So in short, I don't know. I would be communicative if I could. I will say that once the models are completed (as indicated, about 3-4 remaining), SystemHeat works to my satisfaction, and the rest of the mod's plugin works to my satisfaction, I will release development versions. 

Any further requests for dates and I'll be annoyed. 

I still have 2 kids, a demanding job and other hobbies. 

Take your time dude,  KSP 2 doesn't come out for over a year anyway :P and theres plenty of mods to enjoy until then.

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15 hours ago, Nertea said:

Barring anything critical coming up with the last releases of SystemHeat, SpaceDust and Waterfall, FFT betas will start on Friday.

*realizes my Kerbal career is still very much in the NFT phase of spaceflight*


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Happy Halloween! 



(click image for part gallery )


Things to understand:

  • There is no commonality with the old mod. Uninstall it completely first!
  • The mod is in beta. Content is complete but I *know* it's buggy, please report things so I can fix them (don't just go off and post that it's buggy in the ksp subreddit)
  • Chargeable engines: a lot of engines are chargeable - they need to store charge and release to start up. They will shut down if throttle is below a certain level.
  • Fusion reactors: powerful reactors that need to charge up to activate. When activated they automatically scale to demand but need a constant background level of fuel use to run. 
  • Fusion engines: fusion reactors with engines. If the reactor is on and running, the engine can turn on and off with no chargeup time need. They usually generate power too.
  • Pack radiators on almost everything
  • Balance is nascent.
  • SystemHeat is integrated and required. It is probably the buggiest part of the mod right now. In this release only the FFT parts and radiators are patched to work with SH; if you want more parts to use the system (NFE reactors, ISRUs, etc), go to the thread and download the full mod. 
  • SpaceDust drives harvesting. Check out the thread to learn more about how this works.
  • All the plumes are driven by Waterfall.
  • If you make pretty things you are legally obliged to post them here

Changelog from the previous version

  • KSP 1.10.1+
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.1.4
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.17.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.5.3
  • Updated CRP to 1.4.1
  • Updated DyanmicBatteryStorage to 2.1.10
  • Rewrote plugin components completely. Some highlights
    • Better UI and UX overall
    • Plugin stability and robustness is improved
    • Antimatter system is simplified; pay Science to load onto your ship at launch
    • Integration with SystemHeat to drive thermal gameplay
    • Integration with SpaceDust to drive atmospheric ISRU
    • Integration with Waterfall to drive all engine effects
  • New engines
    • JP-10 'Impulse' Magneto-Inertial Fusion Engine: entry level fusion engine with great impulse but poor thrust. Uses D-D or H-He3 fusion
    • JR-15 'Jet' Spherical Tokamak Fusion Engine: workhorse fusion engine that can inject more propellant for more thrust. Built in power generation.
    • JR-20A 'Ouroboros' Torroidal Tokamak Fusion Engine: high tech fusion engine optimized for high thrust operations.
    • JR-45 'Fresnel' Mirror Cell Fusion Engine: hugh tech fusion engine, optimized for vacuum operations. increase length for more capabilities. Built in power generation.
    • K-80 'Hammertong' Inertial Confinement Fusion Engine: Very large high Isp laser fusion engine.
    • X-2 'Heinlein' Nuclear Salt Water Rocket Engine:
    • X-6 'Clarke' Fission Fragment Rocket Engine: Unrefuelable engine with awesome Isp and piddly thrust. Generates good power.
    • X-7 'Asimov' Afterburning Fission Fragment Rocket Engine: Super low thrust fission fragment engine with refuelability and the ability to use LH2 as an add-in for more thrust
    • X-20 'Verne' X-20 'Verne' Pulsed Fission Engine: Z-pinch fission pulse engine, lower impulse, higher thrust
    • A-134NG 'Casaba' Antimatter Catalyzed Fission Engine: antimatter + fission pellets + ablator = kaboom
  • New power generators
    • FX-2 Fusion Reactor: 2.5m fusion reactor, can run on D-D or D-He3 fusion
    • FX-3 Fusion Reactor: 3.75m fusion reactor, can run on D-D or D-He3 fusion
  • New fuel tanks
    • ST-412 Fusion Fuel Tank: small 2.5m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • ST-824 Fusion Fuel Tank: medium 2.5m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • ST-4L3 Fusion Fuel Tank: small 3.75m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • ST-4L3R Fusion Fuel Tank: medium 3.75m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • NTS-001 Fissonables Tank: big 2.5m fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTS-002 Fissonables Tank: medium 2.5m fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTS-003 Fissonables Tank: small 2.5m fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTR-001 Radial Fissonables Tank: big radial fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTR-002 Radial Fissonables Tank: medium radial fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTR-003 Radial Fissonables Tank: small radial fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • LFT-A40 Lithium Tank: big 2.5m lithium tank
    • LFT-A20 Lithium Tank: medium 2.5m lithium tank
    • LFT-A10 Lithium Tank: small 2.5m lithium tank
    • LFR-08 Lithium Tank: medium radial lithium tank
    • LFR-01 Lithium Tank: small radial lithium tank
    • PW x4 Nuclear Pellet Storage Container: 5m fission pellet storage
    • A-R7 Antiproton Storage Ring: 7.5m antiproton storage
  • New ISRU equipment
    • CRANE Gamma Ray Spectrometer: scanner for detecting antimatter
    • CHROMA Imaging Spectrometer: scanner for detecting light elements in atmospheres and exospheres
    • PK-1 'Vulcan' Nuclear Smelter: ISRU tool for generating fission particles, nuclear salt water
    • PK-ATMO 'Hoover' Atmospheric Ramscoop: Atmospheric scoop for scooping resources
    • PK-EXO 'Bussard' Particle Scoop: particle scoop for scooping exospheric resources


If you made it this far you can have the link.

Edited by Nertea
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