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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

Apologies, I think you're right, I think there is something going on with 3.1.2 and KSP 1.6

I did NOT try with 3.1.0...

But I AM using MM 3.1.1 with KSP 1.6 right now and am not having any issues with it.

Last night it was happening with me on 3.1.0 all of a sudden.

I went into the landercan cfg file and // out the varient module.  Without doing anything else like verification or deleting files there was never any issue but the variant obviously wasnt available.  S o maybe a conflict with MM and how the variant is enabled with this particular part?

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Maybe.  There are a lot of strange extras in the variant module I hadn't seen before.  Could there be some parallel name calling? I agree with the ant analogy though.

I should say that it's affecting the right mouse click.

And it happens when MM isn't loading any patches.


Edited by theJesuit
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@evileye.x I'd like you to test something please. Try KSP again with Module Manager 3.1.2 and any mods that you were going to run with, or some small selection of them. 

Then go ahead and start up KSP. Once MM finishes patching, and you are at the main menu, exit KSP. (or if you are masochistic, go ahead and check that the bug is still happening)

Start up KSP a second time with no other changes (no mods, leave MM and its files alone) and then see if the problem with the lander can still happens.

What I'm seeing is that when there are certain changes such as deleting PartDatabase.cfg or adding new parts or patching via Module Manager, the issue will happen for that play session. If KSP is exited and no changes occur between exit and restart, then the issue doesn't happen.

So this could be a work around until  the problem is resolved either with an MM update or KSP 1.6.1 since this isn't entirely a MM problem.

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4 hours ago, blowfish said:

I was able to replicate the issue without ModuleManager by deleting PartDatabase.cfg, so I think the problem lies in how KSP is generating that

I confirm that.

1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

start up KSP a second time with no other changes (no mods, leave MM and its files alone) and then see if the problem with the lander can still happens.

Thank you very much, it does solves the problem. 

So, in conclusion, in KSP 1.6 double start needed to rebuild PartDatabase.cfg in proper way.

That's sucks pretty hard when you handle 100+ mods in the game and try to add them in small steps (this time I will migrate from 1.3 to 1.6 - I promise :) ), but still it's manageable.

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1 minute ago, 5thHorseman said:

I just had this with the lander can and have not even placed MM in the gamedata folder yet. I wiped my Steam install from existence, reinstalled, wiped all my local files (except settings.cfg) and now it's fine. All without ever installing ModuleManager at all.

All you actually needed to to do is restart the game it seems

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Just wanted to post a finding from my experiments:


After freshly loading MM 3.1.2 via CKAN into my KSP 1.6.0 install, this happened. Neither KER nor the game itself picked up any dV readings and the nuke appeared to fire in the SPH.

Solution similar to the issues described above:

  • Close the game
  • Verify install files via Steam (found 2 files that couldn't validate)
  • delete PartsDatabase.cfg
  • Start game --> same error
  • Close game
  • Start game --> error is gone

I hope this helps anyone who encounters similar phenomena.

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I used version 3.1.0 (because that was what I had at hand at the time) and actually got the same results. Any part(which I tested)with animation had either broken aninations and/or right click menu issues. It behaves exactly as described above. Verify, load game, is broken, close and open again, is fixed.

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KSP 1.5.1, MM 3.1.2.

I'm updating from KSP 1.4.5 to 1.5.1.  I suspected that I would get some errors and, in fact, I did.  MM reports on the loading screens 16 warnings and 1 error.  I would like to see what they are.  Didn't it used to be in the MM cache file stored in the GameData folder?  The .techtree and .physics files are there (and updated to the latest run time)  but after a brief search of this thread and a google search, it's still a mystery to me where I can find the log.

Where is the MM log file?

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Just now, Brigadier said:

KSP 1.5.1, MM 3.1.2.

I'm updating from KSP 1.4.5 to 1.5.1.  I suspected that I would get some errors and, in fact, I did.  MM reports on the loading screens 16 warnings and 1 error.  I would like to see what they are.  Didn't it used to be in the MM cache file stored in the GameData folder?  The .techtree and .physics files are there (and updated to the latest run time)  but after a brief search of this thread and a google search, it's still a mystery to me where I can find the log.

Where is the MM log file?

Errors and warnings are in KSP.log 

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1 hour ago, Brigadier said:

Didn't it used to be in the MM cache file stored in the GameData folder? 

Still does, but it won't be created all the time there's errors; I believe it will be created if you only have warnings (as well as if there's no problems, of course)?

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6 hours ago, Fireheart318 said:

I'm trying to make an across-the-board change to the attach rules; I want to have everything be radially-attached - "x,x,x,1,x". How do I only change the fourth value? Also, how do I edit every part? I have the syntax in another window but I just can't figure it out!

I think this should be possible.  Something like

	@attachRules[3] = 1

I'll break that down a bit:

  • @PART edits every PART node (note that this is only true for root notes)
  • @attachRules will edit the attachRules value within that node (if there is one)
  • [3] will target the 4th value (it's zero-indexed), separated by commas (you can specify another separator but it's not necessary here)

Also be aware that I haven't actually tried this patch this so I might be forgetting something

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2 hours ago, IMLL1 said:

When making a patch and defining a boolian, does it matter if the word true/false is capitalized? Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't and I'm not sure if this even matters.

KSP does not care. false = False = FALSE.

HOWEVER, MM patches do not deal with boolean values like true or false and case sensitivity matters. So if you want your MM patch to check if a given value is true/false then False != false and you would have to do multiple checks or do some sort of supporting patch that walks through and converts all true/false to some arbitrary case.

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Is there any way to say "search for this value in any part at any number of nodes down (as in a node inside of a node or even deeper)" and then go to that node? For instance, if I want to search for anywhere that isVar=true and add to that node 'isAnotherVar=true', is there a way to do that without searching for each level down?

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4 hours ago, IMLL1 said:

Is there any way to say "search for this value in any part at any number of nodes down (as in a node inside of a node or even deeper)" and then go to that node? For instance, if I want to search for anywhere that isVar=true and add to that node 'isAnotherVar=true', is there a way to do that without searching for each level down?

You can specify nested nodes to search if you know exactly where you want to be looking for it. In other words, it wouldn't work if what you want to find is some unknown depth in.

The first post gives examples of how to conditionally match on nested nodes and properties.

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15 hours ago, Starwaster said:

You can specify nested nodes to search if you know exactly where you want to be looking for it. In other words, it wouldn't work if what you want to find is some unknown depth in.

The first post gives examples of how to conditionally match on nested nodes and properties.

Oh ok. Thanks!

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I need to create module definitions to drop into several different parts but I can't seem to get it to work.

I'm getting these errors:

[ModuleManager] Can't find nodeType:MODULE
[ModuleManager] Error - Can not find the node to paste in @PART[AJEETemp_TurboJet] : #@AJEE_Jet_Engine_Templates/@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]

With this code:

		%flameoutEffectName = flameout
		%powerEffectName = power_dry
		%engageEffectName = engage
		%disengageEffectName = disengage
		%spoolEffectName = running_dry



Is this possible? Am I doing something wrong?

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1 hour ago, Citizen247 said:

I need to create module definitions to drop into several different parts but I can't seem to get it to work.


Is this possible? Am I doing something wrong?

Yes, you're trying to edit a MODULE that isn't there.  Remember that @MODULE looks for an existing module but does nothing if it isn't found

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