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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Sigh.  Spoke too soon.  ModuleManager is still awesome, of course, but after I fixed it so the rules get executed in the correct order (verified in the log), the modules and resource I deleted are still showing up in the VAB.



(Tried ! instead of - too, just for good measure, but no joy).



is bad

!MODULE[ELWorkshop] {}

is good.

Shame about not getting an error message, but I could have read the examples more carefully too...

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10 hours ago, cami said:

What is that supposed to mean? Should I use KSP 1.3.1 with MM 3.0.4 or MM 4.0.2, or do both work?

The 4.0.2 listed there is actually a backport (notice that the url is ModuleManager-RO rather than just ModuleManager).  It will work with KSP 1.3.1 but note that the regular 4.0.2 will not.

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On 4/13/2019 at 7:33 AM, blowfish said:

The 4.0.2 listed there is actually a backport (notice that the url is ModuleManager-RO rather than just ModuleManager).  It will work with KSP 1.3.1 but note that the regular 4.0.2 will not.

Awesome! You may want to make that a little more pronounced :-)

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41 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Anybody know what happens if the following is in a cfg file, but MM is NOT installed:

Pretty much nothing.  KSP will load it into the game database but with the :NEEDS part still in the name so nothing will ever look for it 

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I think I just came up with a bug in MM.

I have a mod, EVA Handrails Continued, which needs MM to run.  All of a sudden, it's not working, getting errors like this:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'NEBULA/EVAHandRailsPack/handrail 2mR curved/handrail 2mR/EVA handrail curved 3mR'
PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'NEBULA/handrail 2mR curved/model' as model does not exist

PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly

When I remove the MM dll, the models do get compiled properly.

Log files here:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t7uoksssesgahxe/AABTTxu7GMczgE4RSz6G05mPa?dl=0

The only change between the compiles is that MM was removed for the Good compile.

These logs are from a Windows, system, I saw the same errors on a Mac

Please don't say "remove the spaces".  The spaces are there, and have been there for a very long time.  For various reasons, they will be staying 

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@linuxgurugamer spaces have nothing to do with it.  A patch is pointing it to a model that doesn't exist, so of course it's complaining when MM is installed https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EVAHandrailsPack/blob/46f943a02b4644463c1e9690a1b894f37b34df11/GameData/NEBULA/EVAHandRailsPack/nebulaEvaHandrailsPatch.cfg#L72 (should be NEBULA/EVAHandRailsPack/handle/model )

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2 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

See my post (you ninja'd me).  MM is incorrectly rewriting the config

No, the patch I linked you to is rewriting the config.  ModuleManager doesn't do anything like that on its own.

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    // dry mass
    REFUSE_wet_mass = #$mass$

    // original liquid fuel mass
    temp_mass = #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[MonoPropellant]/density$
    @temp_mass *= #$RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/maxAmount$
    @REFUSE_wet_mass += #$temp_mass$
    -temp_mass = delete
    !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}

    // configure new propellants
        name = HTP
        amount = #$@REFUSE_FuelTanksConfiguration/HTP_units_per_metric_tonne_of_wet_mass_for_HTP_tank$
        @amount *= #$../REFUSE_wet_mass$
        maxAmount = #$amount$

    // adjust dry mass
    @mass = #$REFUSE_wet_mass$
    @mass *= #$@REFUSE_FuelTanksConfiguration/HTP_dry_to_wet_ratio$

Anyone understand why patching a simple mono-propellant tank produces a warning about variable not found in PartLoader:

[LOG 22:12:15.795] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR25/RCSFuelTankR25/RCSFuelTank'
[WRN 22:12:15.800] [ShipConstruct for RCSFuelTank]: part cost (330.0) is less than the cost of its resources (811.4)
[WRN 22:12:15.801] PartLoader Warning: Variable REFUSE_wet_mass not found in Part
[LOG 22:12:15.808] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR25/RCSFuelTankR25/RCSFuelTank' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 22:12:15.809] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'RCSFuelTank'


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@Someone2018 because the REFUSE_wet_mass value is left on the PART at the end, and KSP doesn't know what to do with that when compiling the part.  It's harmless but you could include a separate patch to remove it at the end (it would have to be a separate patch - all values are processed before all nodes so you wouldn't be able to use it in the RESOURCE node otherwise).

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1 hour ago, blowfish said:

@Someone2018 because the REFUSE_wet_mass value is left on the PART at the end, and KSP doesn't know what to do with that when compiling the part.  It's harmless but you could include a separate patch to remove it at the end (it would have to be a separate patch - all values are processed before all nodes so you wouldn't be able to use it in the RESOURCE node otherwise).

Oh, I have that patch, but since I tried with and without (and got the same warning) I removed it from the example.

    // cleanup
    -REFUSE_wet_mass = delete

Anything wrong with the way I clean up?

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3 minutes ago, Someone2018 said:

Oh, I have that patch, but since I tried with and without (and got the same warning) I removed it from the example.

    // cleanup
    -REFUSE_wet_mass = delete

Anything wrong with the way I clean up?

That should be :HAS[#REFUSE_wet_mass] since it's a value not a node

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Just now, Nightside said:


Unfortunately <br> didn't work in my test.

I had to futz with color to get it to work, had to include a space after the < and before the > or something like that.

I also tried for linebreaks - but got distracted. Somebody has to know. :) Am curious myself.

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9 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

I had to futz with color to get it to work, had to include a space after the < and before the > or something like that.

I also tried for linebreaks - but got distracted. Somebody has to know. :) Am curious myself.

Thanks for the tip, its working! I think had the line break in the wrong place in string.

@PART[*]:FINAL { @description =  #$description$ <br> <color=#7F7F7F> [$name$]</color> }

Credit to @Tonka Crash for the content of this patch, I just wanted a line break too.

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2 minutes ago, Nightside said:

Thanks for the tip, its working! I think had the line break in the wrong place in string.

@PART[*]:FINAL { @description =  #$description$ <br> <color=#7F7F7F> [$name$]</color> }

Credit to @Tonka Crash for the content of this patch, I just wanted a line break too.

Glad to hear. :) You are welcome. Thank you for futzing and putzing so now I don't have to. *chuckle*

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Okay, I have come to realize I've probably been doing something stupid for years. Do I need to keep every different version of MM that comes with individual mods, or do I just need the latest version? I have like five different versions of MM (i.e. MM 3.1.0 - 4.0.2) in my GameData folder and basically I'm wondering if I can delete all of them aside from 4.0.2 and it be fine.

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25 minutes ago, Bioman222 said:

 I have like five different versions of MM (i.e. MM 3.1.0 - 4.0.2) in my GameData folder and basically I'm wondering if I can delete all of them aside from 4.0.2 and it be fine.

yeah.. delete all but latest. Pretty sure having multiples is not a problem, as it self-checks for newest installed version, and uses that one, IIRC...

caveat, tho... I guess *some* mods DO require specific version of MM... tho I dont recall coming across any vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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