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[1.3] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.3.3 7/24/17


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11 hours ago, iGGnitE said:

KJR/L is dependent of KSPe, and KSPe is known to bork due a serious bug on Mono's runtime, when a DLL is loaded as dependency of other, and it fails by some reason (usually, by not be installed). And this is 99% of the reasons people ask for support on KJR/L and, well, there's some of there problems on your KSP.log:

[LOG 18:52:32.184] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\[x] Science!\[x] Science!.dll
[LOG 18:52:32.208] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies
[ERR 18:52:32.249] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: 001_AnisotropicPartResizer, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 18:52:32.249] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: 001_AnisotropicPartResizer, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 18:52:32.251] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'MultiAnimators': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly '001_AnisotropicPartResizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: '001_AnisotropicPartResizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'


[ERR 18:54:35.625] [ModuleManager] Post run call threw an exception in loading 002_MultiAnimators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[EXC 18:54:35.626] ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
	System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes ()
	ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext ()
	ModuleManager.Logging.UnityLogger:Exception(String, Exception)
	ModuleManager.Logging.ModLogger:Exception(String, Exception)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

The previous problems appears to be the root cause (until the moment, only exceptions that follows a "[ERR hh:mm:ss.mmm] ADDON BINDER" style are confirmed to break things). 

Install the Add'Ons that provides that DLLs and you should be good.


The following ones (until the moment) are not confirmed to be problems (usually, fixing the above ones solves for good). But you probably would want to fix them, as you installed the Add'Ons for a reason :) :

[EXC 18:52:33.029] TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'.
	System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributesBase (ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Type attributeType)
	System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Type attributeType, Boolean inherit)
	System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes (System.Type attributeType, Boolean inherit)
	Kopernicus.LogAggregatorWorker.Awake ()
	AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


In time, apparently ModuleManager is taking some hits from the same problem. I suggest you confirm this with the MM guys;

[LOG 18:54:35.539] [ModuleManager] 

[EXC 2019-04-21 18:52:39.949] System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ModuleManager.ModListGenerator.GetAdditionalModsFromStaticMethods (IBasicLogger logger) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[LOG 2019-04-21 18:52:40.001] Checking Cache


I also found some more on the Log, and these ones are "safe".  I'm posting them here to document them - you can ignore them unless you decide yo want that features.

[ERR 18:54:35.763] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: TestFlightCore, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 18:54:35.763] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: TestFlightCore, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 18:58:31.700] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: RecoveryController, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 18:58:31.700] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: RecoveryController, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


Finally… (sigh) I found a Exception on the prefab phase of TweakScale (and this one I support directly).  I noticed that you are still using TW 2.4.0. I recommend you to use the 2.4.1, that added a few small features and fix a nasty problem. If after updating this exception persists, please kick me on the TweakScale thread.

[EXC 18:58:04.469] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	PartModuleList.Contains (Int32 classID)
	PartModuleList.Contains (System.String className)
	TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter.checkForSanity (.Part p)
	TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter+<WriteDryCost>d__3.MoveNext ()
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

This exception, by its nature and location, it's a clear example of Kraken Food (see my signature :P ), but chances are that the changes I did on 2.4.1 would be beneficial to you. (Faith programming, dude! :D )


— — — POST EDIT — — — — 

I just came my attention that I borked beautifully on the DLL versioning. (sigh). You are using the latest, my apologies.

Please be in touch on TweakScale Thread about this specific issue. There's a new bug in town, TS will be issued soon.

Edited by Lisias
There's a new bug on the block
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12 hours ago, Lisias said:

Install the Add'Ons that provides that DLLs and you should be good.

I don´t know what addons you´re talking about and can´t find them in the context since I´m no programmer/software dev. Could you point me to the Add'Ons and how to install them?

12 hours ago, Lisias said:

Please be in touch on TweakScale Thread about this specific issue. There's a new bug in town, TS will be issued soon

What do you mean by this, I don't know what to say about the bug you found, I'm not able to recognise it or its characteristics.

I am however eager to help you out so just give me a little more specific instructions so I can be of more use to you and the other MM devs.


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On 4/18/2019 at 11:37 AM, Lisias said:

I could not agree less. 

I just installed the latests from my repositories (so I'm pretty sure I'm using the very same DLLs you guys are), then I did the tests from this issue:


And yes, it works flawlessly on KSP 1.7 with MH. Check your KSP.log for ERR ADDON BINDERS  or any other thing that could be prevented this AddOn (or dependencies) to work.

— — post edit — — 

The main goal of KSP is to overcome restrictions by better designs. Autostruts and the EAS struts helps on more complicated/unintuitive designs, but usually the problem is on the vessel's design itself.

KJR is intended to allow huge Navy and Space ships, not to make the game easier - of course, no one is going to blame anyone for using KJR to "cheat" (your game, your rules) - but by then I think it's easier and better to just make the joints unbreakable on the Cheats Menu.

By the way, I don't think it's fair to plain blame KSP by adding restrictions by design on the Stock version, and I don't think this will ever change in the future, no matter is KSP 2.0, 3.0 or 9.99 :) 

About an official thread/support/CKAN, I can consider a formal orthodox release assuming the real magician (@Rudolf Meier) is not interested on it himself (he is the one that did the real work, not me). But, really, nothing would really change so I don't see a real, compelling need to do so.

This thing is working, and it's currently the best fork I know for this job. And it's a niche job, so the intended audience would had to handle dependencies manually anyway on the remaining Add'Ons, that are not mainstream by now either.

Any thoughts on this?

Just in case someone wonder, this repo is working in 1.7 (exactly like Lisias write)

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1 hour ago, Stone Blue said:

Finally a version thats not a convoluted mess to install or use...

While I disagree that unzipping two files into KSP root is convoluted, it's nice to have something what copes better with corrupted instalments - the only situation where KSPe + KJR/L is known to Bork.

Keep in mind that I support only my fork. ;-)

What's make me consider moving my fork from the current file system position to be inside a "vendor directory" (KSP_ROOT/net.lisias.ksp/KJR), otherwise I risk having this other fork stomping on my feet (and vice versa) , as they are adding changes on the config XML file.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Lisias
Any thoughts?
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@Lisias didnt want to single you out, since you are not the only one offering defferent forks/versions/recompiles of KJR ;)

Since you mentioned it tho, I guess I dont understand why yours uses a pretty much vestigial folder that Squad should have removed long ago, as well as why the need for KSPAPI Extensions, when most, if not all of the functionality of that mod was rendered obsolete way back in 1.1.0 when it was pretty much absorbed into stock KSP vOv

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3 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

@Lisias didnt want to single you out, since you are not the only one offering defferent forks/versions/recompiles of KJR ;)

I understood. I'm not feeling singed out, as myself suggested that move some time ago. :)


3 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Since you mentioned it tho, I guess I dont understand why yours uses a pretty much vestigial folder that Squad should have removed long ago, as well as why the need for KSPAPI Extensions, when most, if not all of the functionality of that mod was rendered obsolete way back in 1.1.0 when it was pretty much absorbed into stock KSP vOv


From a Software Development point of view, mixing user data, application data and application code is just plain wrong. If you do a check on the vanilla KSP, you will see that Squad never did that - the savegames have their own place, the settings have their own file, etc, outside the GameData.

Mixing everything is a receipt for disaster (who used MS-DOS and Windows 3.x knows that). You just can't update your Add'On without risking losing your custom configuration data. And by carefully updating only the files that are not user configuration, you risk missing some new options implemented on the newest version. It's a plain nightmare.

I don't have this problem. An update for me is always a delete from GameData, followed by a clean unzip on it. All my configuration is safe outside. This makes backups insanely easy too: just backup the PluginData, and you are done.


oh, yes. KSP API Extensions...

KSPe is a subcomponent of mine, where API Extensions is the whole shebang. I'm playing with some really old Add'Ons, and it was easier to update it than to update everything else.

I found no reason to create yet another Add'On for the same task, so I decided to develop the new Extensions I mentioned above on it.

Edited by Lisias
oh yeah. tyops.
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10 hours ago, iGGnitE said:

I don´t know what addons you´re talking about and can´t find them in the context since I´m no programmer/software dev. Could you point me to the Add'Ons and how to install them?

There's a tutorial on the Wiki:



About the Add'Ons you need for sure:

You may also choose to rollback to Module Manager 3. MM 4 new way of doing things faster sometimes make something else to gasp - it's very rare, but usually when you see MM throwing an Exception, you should try MM3 first. If MM3 works and MM4 don't, then you file a report on MM thread - otherwise, it's almost sure that the problem is some rogue Add'On.

The following are things that I also detected on your KSP.log, that wasn't related to your issue, but you probably want them fixed too:

About TweakScale, initially I was thinking that you was using a older version but then I realized that I borked the DLL compilation. So the problem I found in your Log about TS is a new one, and it's serious. For now, just check if your engines (rescaled or not) have negative mass and avoid using them as the plague.

After updating your KSP, please publish everything again (obviously, with new data! hehe) on TweakScale thread, as this is now TweakScale issue and we don't want to pollute KJR's one with unrelated data, as describe in the following threads:

The Module Manager's cache is on the KSP/GameData/* and the files have ModuleManager on the name. Just shove everything but the DLL on a zip and publish it, I will find my way on it later. :) 

Edited by Lisias
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24 minutes ago, Lisias said:

After updating your KSP

So, add-ons is a synonym for mods? I know how to install those as far as I know.

24 minutes ago, Lisias said:

You may also choose to rollback to Module Manager 3


Won't this mess up all of my mods? I still want to be able to actually play the game.

24 minutes ago, Lisias said:

About the Add'Ons you need for sure:

  • Multianimators and AnisotropicPartResizer are part of the AT-Utils

I have both AT-Utils and DynamicBatteryStorage installed right now, so what about them? Are they not updated?


This is my mod list:






24 minutes ago, Lisias said:

and it's serious

Why is it serious exactly, I don't quite understand what you mean

None of my engines have negative mass, I would recognise that instantly.

Also, really not trying to be a hindrance here, just trying to understand.

If you want to continue this in the TS thread just @ me there.

Thanks for your time.

Edited by iGGnitE
Half my reply went missing
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3 minutes ago, iGGnitE said:

So, add-ons is a synonym for mods? I know how to install those as far as I know.

Yep. Language barrier on the rocks! :D

4 minutes ago, iGGnitE said:

Won't this mess up all of my mods? I still want to be able to actually play the game.

Nope. MM4 main feature is the ability to patch things at the same time the textures and meshes are being loaded. This saves some time, but bow and then something breaks. They are nailing down these glitches (if any is left), so it's still a good idea double check this before reporting problems. 

Other than that, MM3 should behave identically to MM4.

9 minutes ago, iGGnitE said:

Why is it serious exactly, I don't quite understand what you mean

TweakScale mangles some really critical parts of KSP. So, when something else confuses TweakScale, we risk letting things half done,  or done wrongly. 

And when this happens, a lot of nasty things happens in consequence. Crafts that make KSC parts to explode at launch, parts that "anchors" the whole vessel on the spot and then by applying thrusts that part explodes due stress, and even living crafts on the savegame suddenly having the scaling reset. 


About At Utils, if you have them installed and yet they are borking, you need to ask support on their thread. I can't help as I don't know that code. Sorry.

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18 minutes ago, iGGnitE said:

I have both AT-Utils and DynamicBatteryStorage installed right now, so what about them? Are they not updated?

@Lisias Both of these mods are the latest release, does that mean that the next step is to swap MM4 for MM3? And what files besides ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll do I need to swap?

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On 4/18/2019 at 5:08 AM, Rudolf Meier said:

You know why I didn't want to take over this mod? It's because of how it works. It makes everything much more stable, even if it's not very logic. For example, connecting two jumbo tanks with a tiny little cube-thing just in the middle will get enforced. I tried to look into this problem and to come up with a solution that is more realistic. But here you quickly get into the problem that you can only have 1 connection (that counts) from part to part and if you add e.g. 16 little structures that would support those tanks and would make it stable in reality (look at how russians build rockets... they often have those "open" parts between the stages) this would be ignored. And I'm not sure yet if this can be solved. But in case I could find a solution, I was planning to build a new mod... maybe it's the job for 2 mods... one that builds structural parts in the way struts are built and one that reinforces everything (or... not "reinforces" it, but "makes the joints as strong as they were intended to be without the flaws of the unity engine" ... :) ... something like that).

... but. Maybe someone has another idea what would be best. Those are just my thoughts on this problem.

The problem with KSP is that struts are literally the only part that you can use to create more connections between parts besides the part nodes. It's not possible to prop up a bunch of H beams between wobbly stages and such like in real life (they'd just clip through whichever part of the ship they weren't surfattached to), and struts only help in specific situations on specific parts of your vessel. I would have imagined that kerbal joint reinforcement just changes some numbers that define how wobbly joints can be if it is indeed intended for them to become extremely wobbly if a small part is used to attach two big parts.

When you are building with centrifuges, you pretty much don't have a choice but to do just that unless you want to have to place every centrifuge on your station via docking from an individual launch for every single centrifuge, because it would be too wobbly to go anywhere if it was not the one single part in your payload.

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3 minutes ago, iGGnitE said:

@Lisias Both of these mods are the latest release, does that mean that the next step is to swap MM4 for MM3? And what files besides ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll do I need to swap?

On this specific issue, that DLLs are borking right on the spot, so it's not related to MM for sure. Only wen you find a thingy called "Exception" inside Module Manager's guts, trying MM3 first can (but not always) help.

AT-Utils is a Add'On from Allista:


I can't help on it for now, as I never dug on that code and so, I don't know what can be happening. Currently, I'm not using anything that uses AT-Utils neither, otherwise I could try something on my KSP to see what's happening.

If you need AT-Utils, some Add'On you installed depends on it (there more than one), perhaps someone on that Add'On thread can help you too. If you use CKAN, you can try asking some directions there - that guys know better than anyone who depends on who around here. :)


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1 hour ago, Lisias said:


Nope. ;) DynamicBatteryStorage is required by gameplay mods that involve critical EC usage in background vessels and in high timewarp, namely NF Electric, NF Propulsion, Fat Future Tech and TAC life Support. While it may be a recommendation for use alongside Kopernicus, it's not required at all.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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4 hours ago, iGGnitE said:

Hey @Lisias,

When do you reckon the KSPe.ddl will stop borking and KJR will be usable on 1.6.1?

KJR/L works fine from 1.2.2 to 1.70, KSPe.dll too.

The bug is not on KSPe, I did everything by the book, following C# specifications. :) And this is the problem - would be something I was doing wrong, I would had fixed it by now.

The problem is your installment, where a dependency from something else is borking, and this triggers a critical bug on Unity's Mono implementation. But besides the problem being something else in your installment (probably a missing dependency), this problem is not a bug - it's just a mistake. The real bug is on Unity's Mono Implementation, that leaves its internal data structures in a inconsistent state if anything goes wrong!

It's weird that such a stupid bug was left alone on a paid product for so many years, but yet… It's Unity. We need to get used to it.

I'm currently reevaluating my options. Handing over Reflection (that thingy that I'm using and that's bugged) would forces me to reevaluate all my design - literally, almost everything would be thrown through the window.

I made some small improvements on KSPe that would make just but faster on some functions (cache), and by collateral effect, would help to rely a bit less on Reflection - once the first try works, it's remembered and so when something else borks later, it will only affects new clients, and not the previous ones. Not a fix, but this can make some things work for a bit longer.

But it's not a fix, and I out of time for playing KSP for these days - so, I'm not properly testing that release on a "production KSP" (my games), and so it would be dangerous to release this new KSPe now. Currently, only a few users with corrupted installments are unable to use it. I do something wrong on the new release, all of them will be unable to run the thing. :) 

My best advise is to fix your installment, solving all the ADD-ON BINDER Errors that are being issued with a following Exception (the ones without exceptions are safe). Being unable to do that, on the short term you need to avoid KSPe and anything that use it - so my second best advise to you would be use KSP-RO's fork.

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Hello again, I decided to install mods all over again and came across a weird one. KJR is now working and my rockets are no longer wobbly. Now, I decided to create a spaceplane and land it, upon landing I crashed the plane but what's left of my plane is utterly mutilated. Time warp fixes the craft but when coming out of time warp it goes back to its messed up state.





Here's my ksp.log

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30 minutes ago, iGGnitE said:

Hello again, I decided to install mods all over again and came across a weird one. KJR is now working and my rockets are no longer wobbly. Now, I decided to create a spaceplane and land it, upon landing I crashed the plane but what's left of my plane is utterly mutilated. Time warp fixes the craft but when coming out of time warp it goes back to its messed up state.

Interesting... do this (while your ship is in a strange state):

1) save game

2) restart KSP

3) load game

4) -> still having the problems??


5) shutdown KSP

6) "uninstall" KJR (remove the folder from GameData)

7) start KSP

8) load game

9) -> still having problems??


This report would really help a lot...

After that I will send you something... depending on what the findings are.

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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1 hour ago, Rudolf Meier said:

Interesting... do this (while your ship is in a strange state):

1) save game

2) restart KSP

3) load game


This fixed the craft, quicksaving and reloading in and of itself fixed the craft as well as far as I can tell, this just shouldn't happen in the first place.

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Hi guys, 

I just read thru the last 2 pages of this thread, and was wondering/had some confusion on...

1. Is there is a preferred KJR download option to go with from the 2 quotes below?  Does it matter?...it seems both accomplish the same goal.  I'm still on 1.6.1 (need to finish my mega Jool mission before I go to 1.7.0)

2. Per the instructions from quote 1 below, if I dnld Lisias KJR/L Experimental (https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/RELEASE%2F3.4.0.4)...

...and KSPAPIExtensions (https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/releases)...

...ishttps://codeload.github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/zip/master" needed as well?  I read thru INSTALL.MD and "KSP API Extensions/L" is listed as a dependency but slightly confused if '..../zip/master' needs to be installed as well. I don't think it is, but want to clarify the initial post in case any other members are slightly confused by this (sorry if I'm being extra dense this morning). 

Thank you for any responses in advance! :) ...

On 4/12/2019 at 6:15 PM, Vector824 said:

Is there any version of this mod that works with 1.6.1 or newer? I've tried lisias' version and can't get it to work....



Got it working on 1.6.1 by installing this: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/RELEASE%2F3.4.0.4

Then this:  https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/releases

AND this: https://codeload.github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/zip/master

Edit Edit:

Instructions here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/blob/master/INSTALL.md


Thanks @Lisias for all your hard work on this. I literally cannot play KSP without this mod.




On 4/22/2019 at 7:34 AM, pap1723 said:

New "official" release that supports all versions from 1.3.x to 1.7.x from the KSP-RO team. Please find the release here:



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17 minutes ago, Red Stapler said:

Hi guys, 

I just read thru the last 2 pages of this thread, and was wondering/had some confusion on...

1. Is there is a preferred KJR download option to go with from the 2 quotes below?  Does it matter?...it seems both accomplish the same goal.  I'm still on 1.6.1 (need to finish my mega Jool mission before I go to 1.7.0)

2. Per the instructions from quote 1 below, if I dnld Lisias KJR/L Experimental (https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/RELEASE%2F3.4.0.4)...

...and KSPAPIExtensions (https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/releases)...

...ishttps://codeload.github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/zip/master" needed as well?  I read thru INSTALL.MD and "KSP API Extensions/L" is listed as a dependency but slightly confused if '..../zip/master' needs to be installed as well. I don't think it is, but want to clarify the initial post in case any other members are slightly confused by this (sorry if I'm being extra dense this morning). 

Thank you for any responses in advance! :) ...



the master file is not needed, only the other two

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