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[1.3] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.3.3 7/24/17


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7 hours ago, Critter79606 said:

Hey, typos happen... In fact, I'm fluent!

Thanks for the update and addition.

That's why I eye ball everything I merge. And I failed on this twice. :D

well, small commits are good commits. I will avoid merging large chunks of code at once in the future.

about typos... I'm almost asking forum to be hosted on Github, so many are my editions on my posts. Jeez, would I had to earn a living by writing, I would starve to the death!


7 hours ago, Critter79606 said:

FYI the KerbalJointReinforcement.version is missing from the zip.

watahell² ??? O.o

I'm trusting automation too much. Anything changes, the scrips silently fail on me. :/ 

I will fix this tomorrow.

— POST — EDIT — 

Thank you very much for the heads up. Your hint pinpointed an error on my automation scripts, what leaded me to testing the wrong DLL while publishing a (probably) untested one.

Edited by Lisias
"I will fix this tomorrow"
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6 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

The thread says very little one way or the other. Lisias' response to Drew Kerman does not address the directory structure, only the dependency on KSPAPIExtensions. Considering this is the only mod I've ever seen that puts files outside of the GameData directory, you can imagine why that would be something that would immediately seem like a mistake in how the folders got stuck together somewhere.

Oh, that may have been split off into another thread.

Anyway, @Lisias likes to put the config and data files which change into that directory, so that when updating mods, those files aren't lost if the entire directory is deleted.

He has a valid point, unfortunately no one else does it that way, so it looks rather odd

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Ok, boys. New toy - and this one is working. (I think). :D 

Release for KJR/L here. It's advised (but not needed - the "bug" was harmless) to update KSPe to here.

And if someone is willing to know what happened, a PHD thesis about this mess can be found here:


— POST — EDIT --

A new release was issued. No big deal, if you don't use Ground/Global Construction , you don't need to rush into updating from (that was ditched)

in time, this is the Saint Graal of this saga: :D 

[LOG 19:19:54.701] [KerbalJointReinforcement] INFO: Configuration file loaded.


Edited by Lisias
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@Lisias I made a mistake when I asked you to add the below.  I thought it was parts based on your answer.  I needed to read the xml tags better, it's looking for nodes.

   <string name="exemptModuleType9">DIYKit</string>
   <string name="exemptModuleType10">OrbitalKitContainer2</string>

Can you replace the above with the correct nodes next time you make some changes?  I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working correctly until I corrected my brain fart.

    <string name="exemptModuleType9">ModuleConstructionKit</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType10">DockedKitContainer</string>

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1 hour ago, Critter79606 said:

@Lisias I made a mistake when I asked you to add the below.  I thought it was parts based on your answer. 

Sure thing. In a few hours.

This is why we fork things: we can try and bork without messing with the mainstream. :-)

The surviving developers[code] go Official, the masochists[people that enjoys bleeding edge] have fun and everybody wins! :D

— POST — EDIT — 

Done. New release (I ditched the previous one)


Edited by Lisias
new release
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Hi folks, getting back into KSP again after a time away (for probably the 5th time). So here we are with 1.5.1 and I'm going through updating my mods. KJR has been fundamental for me since Day One, so don't really want to play without it.

Could some kind soul provide a quick recap/reply indicating what needs to be installed so KJR works properly with 1.5.x? Reviewing the previous dozen or so comments, I'm afraid I'm possibly missing something here... so if someone could sum up what's the most updated?

Thank you in advance for the super-awesome help!

Edited by scottadges
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On 11/19/2018 at 10:47 AM, Lisias said:

Extracted the whole shebang on your KSP_ROOT. The GameData contents should go to KSP_ROOT/GameData , and the PluginData contents into your KSP_ROOT/PluginData. All user customizable data (and settings) on my Experimental add-ons goes there, you don't have to worry about loosing data when deleting things on GameData anymore. :)

For future readers of this thread who are wondering (as I did) when downloading the @Lisias version of KJR that this is where things should go. It took me a minute to find this and confirm what I thought.

As a suggestion, although maybe this isn't needed, maybe a quick ReadMe_for_Installation TXT file would help users who aren't exactly sure (as I wasn't) where the folders should go.

Thanks for all your great work!

(Also... sorry to spam the thread with several posts. It wasn't updating together as one!)

Edited by scottadges
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11 hours ago, scottadges said:

Could some kind soul provide a quick recap/reply indicating what needs to be installed so KJR works properly with 1.5.x? Reviewing the previous dozen or so comments, I'm afraid I'm possibly missing something here... so if someone could sum up what's the most updated?

The only real change is that "my" KJR doesn't kills itself anymore after checking the KSP version. I deactivate this code,  and realized that the same binary is working flawlessly since 1.2.2 (the oldest I bothered to test). 

The move of the config.xml happened due my frequently delete, downgrade e upgrade of add-ons while testing things. This made my life hugely easier, so almost everything I use I do this.


3 hours ago, scottadges said:

Is this the one we should use if we want to make sure it's working with 1.5.1?

Yes. But not due KSP, but for some bug fixes on the merging process.

This release was tested on 1.4.5, 1.3.1 and 1.2.2 too - so it's almost "universal".


2 hours ago, scottadges said:

As a suggestion, although maybe this isn't needed, maybe a quick ReadMe_for_Installation TXT file would help users who aren't exactly sure (as I wasn't) where the folders should go.

Yep. This is probably the sensible thing to do, and not only for KJR.

My next releases on everything will have it.

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50 minutes ago, Commissar said:

can someone put this and the dependency on ckan? (sure, i remember how to manually install, but it's a bit of a pain sometimes

No, not until he does an official release, otherwise it can cause confusion and problems

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4 hours ago, Commissar said:

can someone put this and the dependency on ckan? (sure, i remember how to manually install, but it's a bit of a pain sometimes

@linuxgurugamer already answered it, but I want to reforce it: NO WAY.

This is experimental stuff. It can be stable, but it's still experimental stuff. And we don't send experimental stuff to mainstream.

One perfect example for avoiding messing with the mainstream happened a few days ago. I borked beautifully on a very stupid thing, another fellow Kerbonaut borked in another very silly thing, and we ended chasing out tails for days (almost two weeks).

This kind of group borking is really common, and should be detected and somehow prevented before putting the thing on the mainstream - or we will end up with hundreds of people borking in the very same way. One angry Kerbal we can manage (or flee from). A hundred? I'm poofed! :D

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Just now, Lisias said:

@linuxgurugamer already answered it, but I want to reforce it: NO WAY.

This is experimental stuff. It can be stable, but it's still experimental stuff. And we don't send experimental stuff to mainstream. 

One perfect example for avoiding messing with the mainstream happened a few days ago. I borked beautifully on a very stupid thing, another fellow Kerbonaut borked in another very silly thing, and we ended chasing out tails for days (almost two weeks). 

This kind of group borking is really common, and should be detected and somehow prevented before putting the thing on the mainstream - or we will end up with hundreds of people borking in the very same way. One angry Kerbal we can manage (or flee from). A hundred? I'm poofed! :D

ah. i guess i didn't realize just how experimental it is.

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On 12/5/2018 at 6:48 PM, Commissar said:

ah. i guess i didn't realize just how experimental it is.

Almost a point of inflection. :D From the knowledge I got from here, I now have some ideas about where things can go down the tubes and now I can think on counter-measures. People are inventive, it's really hard to foresee what can go wrong. ;) 

However, I have two really serious (unrelated) issues to check and fix (including on others mods, one of them I'm officially maintaining), so this will have to wait some weeks.

Welcome to the bleeding edge. It has this name for a reason. :) 

— POST — EDIT — 

Managed to make a deliver upfront, so I had some time to deal with this!

Edited by Lisias
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21 hours ago, Lisias said:

The move of the config.xml happened due my frequently delete, downgrade e upgrade of add-ons while testing things. This made my life hugely easier, so almost everything I use I do this.

Something I don't understand - what you say does not make sense unless you are doing  something really unusual that doesn't apply to 99.99% of users.

If something differs in the XML file between versions of KJR, then it should not be placed where it won't be deleted when deleting the rest of the mod - you'd want an appropriate XML file to be added with whatever version you're using.

If nothing changes in the XML file between versions of KJR, then it still makes no sense to put it somewhere else, since deleting the mod and reinstalling it also successfully reinstalls the same XML file, minus the step (and the confusion) of sticking it in an otherwise completely unused, essentially deprecated folder.

So far as I can tell, nothing changes in the xml file through some kind of setup of the mod / use of the mod. No in-game controls seem to allow you to change those values. So why make this the one and only mod in all of KSP that puts its own files in the main KSP directory rather than GameData? Why not just put the config in the KJR folder like before? Or, at the worst, why not just put the xml inside a "KJRSettings" folder in GameData that people don't have to delete when upgrading the mod (or a .dat like Toolbar, or whatever)? What am I missing here?

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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22 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Something I don't understand - what you say does not make sense unless you are doing  something really unusual that doesn't apply to 99.99% of users.

I'm developing/fixing/bug-hunting mods.

So... Yeah. I think your math is not too far from the real figures.

22 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

So why make this the one and only mod in all of KSP that puts its own files in the main KSP directory rather than GameData? 

EVERYTHING I use have the userdata there. It's the reason I forked most of the projects at first place. :)

if you care to look on my project on Github, you will find how I do it.


22 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

 why not just put the xml inside a "KJRSettings" folder in GameData that people don't have to delete when upgrading the mod (or a .dat like Toolbar, or whatever)? What am I missing here?

Backups. It's damn easy to backup KSP/PluginData. It's damn hard to hunt down where every add-on save theirs.

[config.xml is user serviceable.  You can set the debug level, as well to add parts to the exempt section - a fellow Kerbonaut wanted to have snappy wings] [no more - a better solution was worked out].

Squad did exactly the same thing by putting the savegames out of GameData. I just followed suit. ;)



Edited by Lisias
REALLY hit "Save" too soon.
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On 12/5/2018 at 2:37 PM, Agustin said:

What version of inernal robotics could I use with new version Lisias? I am in Ksp 1.3.1 installing to play on RP1
If it isn't really compatible I would install dockrotate...

Ouch, I missed you. My apologies.

Anyone. But you will need to tell KJR the modules it need to ignore to avoid your parts being stuck. To tell you the true, you can't autostrut them without a lot of care (believe me, I needed to autostrut a Infernal Robotics part, and had to learn how to do that). If you use any kind of extensions that add mass autostrutting, you need to remember to manually fix the autostrutting on infernal robotics parts.

In the following minutes I'm publishing a new release of KJR/L where user will have its own file to edit, allowing you to keep the "stock default" values alone. A way easier to install new updates, as @AccidentalDisassembly hinted to me above. When you manage to update to the new release, ping me again and we will see how to proceed. I use Infernal Robotics too.

— POST — EDIT — 

There's a chance that merely using the "exempt" section would not be enough. Problem is: you can autostrut Infernal Robotics parts. What you can't do is to grand parent autostrut something into it, what's essentially what KJR does (with steroids).

(note: autostrutting things on root and heaviest will, obviously, render the servos useless - don't use this on anything that you expect to be moveable - but the grand-parent can be used as long nothing got strutted on the servo itself)

If this happens, some feature coding would be needed, but yet, we need to have an easily changeable configurable file to test things. If this happens, I will need your help by installing highly experimental packages on your KSP - i.e.: backup your toys before every use. :) 

Edited by Lisias
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I'm coming back to playing KSP for the first time in a year, fresh install all mods up to date but i can't get this one to work, contents of gamedata is in gamedata and the contents of plugindata is in plugindata. But the fairly basic (3 stage, lower stage is one core booster and 3 radial all firing at once) rocket i'm launching is still spaghetti on the 1st stage decoupler and near unflyable as a result, or is there something further up in the thread that i'm missing?

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7 minutes ago, the Crusader said:

I'm coming back to playing KSP for the first time in a year, fresh install all mods up to date but i can't get this one to work, contents of gamedata is in gamedata and the contents of plugindata is in plugindata. But the fairly basic (3 stage, lower stage is one core booster and 3 radial all firing at once) rocket i'm launching is still spaghetti on the 1st stage decoupler and near unflyable as a result, or is there something further up in the thread that i'm missing?

Do you have KSPe installed?

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1 minute ago, Geonovast said:

KJR requires KSPe to work.

Go to the KJR release on Github and scroll down a little bit, there will be a link for KSPe

Okay i probably should've read the whole Github page haha.

Ill install that and see if that fixes things. Thanks in advance 

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