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[1.8+] Real Fuels


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@hieywiey the log says nothing about why it crashed, it cuts off before the crash. That said, you should:

1. Ensure you have the latest Procedural Parts

2. Make sure you only have RealFuels, you don't also have Modular Fuel Tanks (see the warning at the top of the OP).

3. Make sure you stay below 3GB for KSP's process space.

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22 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@hieywiey the log says nothing about why it crashed, it cuts off before the crash. That said, you should:

1. Ensure you have the latest Procedural Parts

2. Make sure you only have RealFuels, you don't also have Modular Fuel Tanks (see the warning at the top of the OP).

3. Make sure you stay below 3GB for KSP's process space.

I did 1 and 3, but do you mean only RealFuels & dependencies, or just don't have Modular Fuel Tanks? My game freezes (and later crashes) the moment I press the "X" key while moving any RCS thruster. I suspect that it has something to do with the fuel switching feature and not Procedural Parts as I have encountered this same bug in older versions of RealFuels.


Here is every single .log file I could find located anywhere in my KSP install's folder (MiniAVC and Kopernicus' are also included) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/w40co4ihwoklv65/Crash%20Logs.zip?dl=0

Edited by hieywiey
Clarification & MOAR .log FILES!
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@hieywiey Again there's nothing in there that says anything. I mean just don't have MFT (RF and MFT are incompatible). At this point, though, I think it *is* time to try with just RF and its dependencies, and see if that alone is enough to cause the crash. Because I don't know anything else to suggest :(

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25 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

@hieywiey Again there's nothing in there that says anything. I mean just don't have MFT (RF and MFT are incompatible). At this point, though, I think it *is* time to try with just RF and its dependencies, and see if that alone is enough to cause the crash. Because I don't know anything else to suggest :(

Well, the new standalone install works, so it's a mod. It's not RAM because my RAM meter thing is saying I had 1+ GB of RAM free on the unstable install. Also, I can't load .craft files/subassemblies on the unstable one.

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It seems that when I install real fuels with it's requirement mods, my physics simulation slows down to a crawl.


I tested it with a rover of ~50 parts, that packs a science lab, experiments, a large refinery, small ore tank and two drills. In stock game (except for KJR), the rover performs at 100% physics sim.

When I try to use it with RF installed, it slows down to ~60% of simulation speed.

I have 3.5 GHz A4-5300 CPU, 6GB of RAM, for what it's worth. Win7x64 with 32bit game.

Is it normal for Real Fuels, or am I running into some sort of a bug?

It started at least several versions ago and is one of the reasons I can't really enjoy Realism Overhaul :(

Edit: I tried completely reinstalling the game, and installing only RO suite of mods, or variations of the same. I first suspected that FAR was abusing my computer, but now I suspect RF.

Edited by 11of10
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On 1/29/2016 at 3:21 AM, 11of10 said:

It seems that when I install real fuels with it's requirement mods, my physics simulation slows down to a crawl.


I tested it with a rover of ~50 parts, that packs a science lab, experiments, a large refinery, small ore tank and two drills. In stock game (except for KJR), the rover performs at 100% physics sim.

When I try to use it with RF installed, it slows down to ~60% of simulation speed.

I have 3.5 GHz A4-5300 CPU, 6GB of RAM, for what it's worth. Win7x64 with 32bit game.

Is it normal for Real Fuels, or am I running into some sort of a bug?

It started at least several versions ago and is one of the reasons I can't really enjoy Realism Overhaul :(

Edit: I tried completely reinstalling the game, and installing only RO suite of mods, or variations of the same. I first suspected that FAR was abusing my computer, but now I suspect RF.

Not enough information here; need logs. If you don't know where your logs are, see below:

(and, FYI, it doesn't matter if you did or did not crash. KSP produces logs when you play regardless of whether it crashes or not)

Make sure that your log is from a time when you played and experienced the problem you described. Then post it to a reputable reliable site. I use Dropbox. If you don't have  a dropbox account, get one. Thank me later.


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Quick question: Can ModuleEngineConfigs deal with fuel tanks? :) I made a part of which all but one configs need a furfuryl slug for startup, so it has a resource tank included. I'm looking for a way the remaining config can delete the tank (!ModuleFuelTanks didn't do the trick) or at least empty it.

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Why does Real Fuels lower my FPS from 20-30 to just 5-10 with my Mun rocket? (Using KW, AIES, RLA, 64k and some other mods) Tried without RF and my FPS goes back up again. I'll post KSP.log later if needed, im not on my PC right now

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1 hour ago, xx_mortekai_xx said:

I currently run MFT, and I like the engine config switching ability of this mod.


How difficult would it be to swap from MFT to this?  Is it essentially a straight drop in?  I was looking at the configs, and there are a lot of similarities, probably owing to the shared history, so i figured I would ask.

You will need a set of engine configs. See second post of this thread. If you have any MFT specific engine / non RF configs then those may need to be removed. (if they're properly written it won't matter because they shouldn't take effect if Real Fuels is installed)

Doing it with an existing save file will result in stock resources (LiquidFuel, Oxidizer) being left in the tank parts and would require editing of the save file to get rid of them. Not a showstopper, but since you can't dump them in-game, it effectively increases their dry mass, affective DV. 

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58 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

I know I saw this somewhere in the thread recently, but I can't find it now. Is there someway to globally make RCS behave more like

stock, re: fuel feed? Getting radial tanks to feed thrusters right is always a huge pain. Yes, I have crossfeed enabler. 

This will work, and it patches ModuleEngineConfigs as well for RCS that are configurable.

		%resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			%resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
				%resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW				
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124 pages of updates and conversations that I have read thru (albeit sometimes very rapidly)...  So much information...

Is there an updated FAQ to specify exactly what mod packages (combos etc.) work and what do not with real fuels?  Do I install Solverengines or not? Do I need procedural tanks etc. ?

Sadly, I'm just beginning the journey of trying to install this thread of mods and I'm a bit frustrated at the moment.  Just want to be exactly sure I'm installing the correct set of mods in the correct order - and I'm finding it difficult to understand the current situation.  For example - is the header record in this thread the source of ALL current information regarding installation or not?  Not sure where to begin... 

Apologies if this is a bit boring for those who are fully versed in the intricacies of real fuels and specifically apologies to NathanK ;-) but, this user (me) finds it difficult to install this string of mods correctly without clear(ish) instructions in one post. Not complaining here, just asking nicely for clarity...

Thanks in advance for your kindness and support.

For example, questions I am trying to answer: Why is it necessary for me to manually calculate the exact ratio of a new selection of fuel:oxidiser for an engine?  Or, why do Fuel cells not seems to be already reconfigured to operate from LH2:LOX (as they should) rather than the amorphous stock"LiquidFuel".  Inquiring minds... etc,etc, etc,      ;-)

EDIT: I seem to have fixed something (I know not what) wherein I am now able to reveal a GUI for either the engine or the tank (not both at the same time) - I assume this is normal?  Yet for the life of me I CANNOT seem to figure out how to get ALL RCS blocks to run from Hydrazine. Grrrrr... Specifically the RV-105 RCS (wherein the GUI never seems to pop up with anything in it), whereas the "place anywhere" thingy seems to work fine.

EDIT 2: Check that - no repeatable behaviour I can see.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  But never with a RV-105 RCS.  Going to reinstall everything from scratch (assuming the instructions are correct) and try again,  If it fails to work after that, then I will abandon RSS and Realfuels altogether. I'm not in the mood for patching mods myself.

Edited by Wallygator
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@Wallygator Welcome to the world of RF! :) I'll do a pass over the OP to clear up any install issues. RF comes with two prerequisite mods, SovlerEngines and CRP. Both need to be present for RF to work. In addition, as the OP does specify, you need an engine config pack. Without that no engines will actually be configured for use. The second post in this thread details your two options. It's possible that the engine pack you're using doesn't configure fuel cells yet; if so, post on the pack's thread. Or if you don't have any engine pack, that's your problem. :)

Once you have placed an engine, you can right-click on any tanks that feed the engine and choose to autoconifgure that tank for the engine. Or you can open the tank GUI and do it there (right-click, Show GUI; or action group editor mode->click on tank).

To change what propellant mixture an RCS block uses, open its GUI (same was as for a tank) and select the mixture. RCS are treated just like engines.

If you still have problems, post your log please and we can try to figure out. I can certainly guarantee that it works for a proper RO install. :)


@AceButtcheeks Open RealFuels/RealSettings.cfg and scroll down to the end, the Ullage section. You can set ullage to false, and also IIRC disable limiting ignitions. If not, this simple patch will handle it. Place it in a new .cfg file somewhere in GameData.

		%minThrust = 0
		%ignitions = -1
		%ullage = False
			%minThrust = 0
			%ignitions = -1
			%ullage = False
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@NathanKell Thanks for the quick reply! I wasn't able to find this setting in the RealFuels/RealSettings but was able to find and turn off the ullage settings. I also made a new cfg. in the Gamedata but had no results.  

50 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

 and also IIRC disable limiting ignitions.

Edited by AceButtcheeks
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