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What is the absolutely first game you remember playing?


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For me, it was Giana sisters, or some similar Mario like game, on Spectrum ZX at friends.

I was some 6 years old, the year was 1990.

Well, for me it is more complicated.. the first game console EVER in my life was the Atari 2600, but I don't remember any specific games anymore..

The first computer was the Amstrad CPC6128, and here I remember "Harrier Attack", "Miami Vice", and my all time favorite on that machine: "Exolon".

And my first PC came preinstalled with stuff from my uncle, and I remember two of the games: MS Flight Simulator 4.0, and "Wolfenstein 3D" (yeah, my uncle brouht me into shooters.. AND simulations :)

I remember that machine like it was yesterday.. 14" CRT screen that was utter crap, 386DX40 (AMD Clone), 4Megs of Ram, 120 Megs of HDD .. and it was years until I had saved enough allowance to get an

ISA-Soundblaster and a matching CD-Rom Drive (back in those days, the CD-Rom attached to the Soundcard.. ) but hey, Rebel Assault!.. and don't get me started on when I got my P133 mit a whopping 16 Megs of Ram and a Voodoo 1.. I was blown away by "Shadows of the Empire"..

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The first "real game" I ever played was Tomb Raider, on Windows 95. I was 4 or 5 years old so I wasn't really good at it, nor did I understand a single bit of the story, but I had a ton of fun with it. Especially with the T-Rex and cheat codes :D

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I have vague memories of this Star Wars game. I THINK it was Rebel Assault, but I remember so little I can't be certain. I was very young at the time, and I never really figured out how to play. The first games I have any significant and detailed memory of are Rollercoaster Tycoon and Microsoft Flight Simulator 98.

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Jet Set Willy on the ZX Spectrum.

Back in the day when you loaded everything from tape, and waited at least five minutes for a game to load. Consider that the next time you're waiting for KSP to load.

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