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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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I must say thanks for this amazing shuttle , I could never properly build one . It has the right amount of difficulty level wear you can orbit and room for error but things can go O so wrong if your not doing it correctly. :cool:

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Would it be possible to add payload modules that fit the KSO's cargo hold more exactly at some point in the future? 1.25m parts leave a bit too much room, and 2.5m parts are too big to fit. Perhaps one for liquid fuel/oxidizer, monopropellant, KAS parts, life support supplies, etc.

And, of course, thanks for a phenomenal bit of work on this mod, fellers!

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For those silly Kerbals on the other side of Kerbin who mount their shuttles centerline...



-Will be a temporary alternate download and not part of the main download for now (although it will be included in 1.09).

-Targeted only at folks that wish to mount the KSO centerline to a 2.5m fuel tank.


-Is part of Kerbin_Space_Station resources. So you will get a new large texture that will get updated when more components are added to the project.

-Designed to fit all KSO engines (three Thrustmax 200s and two Omnimax's, plus the KSO's tail-plane) with room for pitch trim and shouldn't clip through.

-Again, this is for folks that do not use the Kerbin lifter and prefer centerline mounting.

Should be up shortly. My internet went down and I was not able to get this to Nazari in time.

Two questions helldiver. First, what's the font used for the cockpit names? Second, why is the landing gear using a mod? What does it do, that stock gear can't?

-Arial Bold 24, although Helvetica is the proper font. Although you can edit your own blank kerbin_orbiter.tga, please do not redistribute.

-That would be best answered by Nazari, although I believe it was do to custom animation and other requirements. I do the artwork, and then we look for plugins that are able to do what the artwork calls for, not the other way around.

Would it be possible to add payload modules that fit the KSO's cargo hold more exactly at some point in the future? 1.25m parts leave a bit too much room, and 2.5m parts are too big to fit. Perhaps one for liquid fuel/oxidizer, monopropellant, KAS parts, life support supplies, etc.

And, of course, thanks for a phenomenal bit of work on this mod, fellers!

Please read the OP. As I've said on there and several times I will be doing stations parts and random components that support the shuttle. The shroud you see above is a step in that direction. And thank you 100% for the support!

A question for helldiver and the team, if they dare to even think about it.... how many man hours went into creating this wonderful thing ?

I clocked one month in brick and mortar modeling. If we exclude the three month delay, approximately three months straight, with two weeks solid crunching and staying up very late with Nazari on chat as we marathoned it to finish. Nazari came in around January but had contacted me before.

Edited by helldiver
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Question about those using Deadly Reentry with this... Wouldn't you just need to edit the part cfg (or use module manager config) to add the "directional heat shield" to the parts?

OK suggestions for those like me who use "Manley mode" set of mods... (DREC, FAR, TAC Life, etc)...

I replaced the liquid fuel boosters in this pack with the stock SRB (big one), and still made a 124x100 km orbit (burned out all the LF, still have enough monoprop to de-orbit.

I stuck a couple of the small hex cans of life support supplies in the hold, but TAC LS "found" the command pod and added 6 units of supplies automagically anyway ;)

Finally, I edited the CFG's for all the parts that face the firery death on reentry and added 260 units of Ablative Sheilding... I'm not sure how to "properly" set that number, but I do know that resource has a weight associated with it, and it made my launch "feel" better under FAR than the liquid fuel boosters.

So anyway, that's my 2 cents, give it a try and see what you think!

Note: I still have not figured out the correct direction to point the heat shielding for all parts, I'm doing this trial and error. If anyone comes up with the correct combo, and can post a modular manager file to do this, I would be very grateful!

Edited by rottielover
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The Orbit-displaying option on the screens in the cabin is a nice touch!I can see where the planets surface is, the other spacecraft orbiting the body i'm orbiting, and even the nodes!:D

Edit:It even desplays the atmosphere's ending and the beginnning of space!

Edited by OrianCEV
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The Orbit-displaying option on the screens in the cabin is a nice touch!I can see where the planets surface is, the other spacecraft orbiting the body i'm orbiting, and even the nodes!:D

Then head to the RPM - Thread and show Mihara and MOARdV (who actually made the Orbital Display for RPM) some love :D

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Here's an updated FAR compatibility MM config: http://cl.ly/code/2D2x2R2Z3I42

Still no flaps at this point, but I should have that "soon". It flies ok with this, but I wouldn't try to glide very far with this. You'll probably need to ace the descent and be on target with the runway to begin with. Might need to tweak that a bit, as the original was a bit easier to glide with.

Also, the cargo bay does not work at shielding parts inside for FAR. I've looked at all I know to look at and I can't figure out why that is.

@Nazari Would love to see any numbers you came up with as well. I'm still essentially using stuff from stock and B9 that work well already, and fitting it to the shuttle parts.

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helldiver, just a suggestion for the station modules: don't you think they should be made inflatable (like the Bigelow ones) so as to not be limited by the cargo bay size?

i think some of them should be not all of them keep it diverse, and i'm not quite sure but i think porkjets next hab module might fit in the bay. D2KzLHx.jpg

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Here's an updated FAR compatibility MM config: http://cl.ly/code/2D2x2R2Z3I42

Still no flaps at this point, but I should have that "soon". It flies ok with this, but I wouldn't try to glide very far with this. You'll probably need to ace the descent and be on target with the runway to begin with. Might need to tweak that a bit, as the original was a bit easier to glide with.

Also, the cargo bay does not work at shielding parts inside for FAR. I've looked at all I know to look at and I can't figure out why that is.

@Nazari Would love to see any numbers you came up with as well. I'm still essentially using stuff from stock and B9 that work well already, and fitting it to the shuttle parts.

I know that with Fairings, FAR looks for the word "fairing" or variants there of, in the part desc. I thought that it also looked for "cargo" because I know the B9 cargo bays shield stuff .... This will take some looking into...

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I just had the best idea ever for an AAR using this mod, DRE, and FAR. You start with four space shuttles with the names in the OP (using some clever cfg copying). When a shuttle ends up destroyed due to something going wrong in space, breaking up on reentry, exploding on launch, etc., it cannot be used anymore.

I'm going to do that.

It'll have a story and everything!

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KSOS addon is absolutely amazing. It looks fenomenal and works really great. The working mfd`s and vc are superb. Thank you guys so much for making this.

This really should be a part of stock KSP in the future.

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I know that with Fairings, FAR looks for the word "fairing" or variants there of, in the part desc. I thought that it also looked for "cargo" because I know the B9 cargo bays shield stuff .... This will take some looking into...

it uses the word "bay", you were nearly there :)

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For those silly Kerbals on the other side of Kerbin who mount their shuttles centerline...


Helldiver, I tip my hat to you. Even when you don't like a certain thing, you still create it to please us? Wow. And that adapter *does* actually look very cool :D

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Hey there Helldiver, Nazari, this is very nice work you've done! I honestly only heard about this mod a month or so back when people were talking about how you had seemed to have stopped work on the project, so I can't claim to have been following your progress but it's always exciting to see a high-quality project coming to fruition. Anyhow, I tried out your mod tonight and found a couple bugs, one more interesting than the other:

1. The internal and external "cabin light" states do not sync properly. Setting the cabin light state via the external view's context menu will not update the IVA's cabin light state:

- Start with both external an IVA lights off, as with a new flight.

- Toggle "cabin light" via external context menu option.

- Switch to IVA view

- IVA cabin light will not have turned on

Setting the cabin light state via the IVA switch will trigger the external view animation, but will not update the context menu:

- Start with both external an IVA lights off, as with a new flight.

- Switch to IVA view

- Toggle cabin light on via IVA switch

- Switch to external view. Cabin windows will have lit up.

- Toggle "cabin light" via external context menu option.

- Cabin windows will suddenly go black and then play the "turn on" animation.

The reverse of the second scenario (starting with the lights off) will result in the same bug.

2. This is the really odd one. I'll do my best to keep the description understandable, but it may be difficult to duplicate:

- I used the KSO to ram my Space Station. The station had one ship (RPM-upgraded Mk1-2 Command Pod) docked to it, which contained all crew members, and probe cores controlling the station modules.

- Upon impact the KSO cockpit was immediately destroyed and focus was switched to the station, with the Mk1-2 ship still docked to it.

- Everything appeared normal.

- I undocked the ship from the remains of my station.

- I switched back into IVA only to see what I thought was an odd view of the destroyed KSO cabin. I came to realize that the console (and possibly other IVA elements) from the KSO Cockpit had appeared in the mk1-2 IVA, just in front of the upper two kerbals.

At this point I become a little less certain about the details of what I did, but I'll recall it as best as I can. Initially, the KSO cockpit monitors seemed normal. I believe I then either swapped to the probe-controlled station or some random debris and then switched back to the ship in question (it is possible that I just left IVA for the external view or map view and then re-entered it). Whatever I did, when I went back to the Mk1-2 IVA, the KSO console's monitors were all displaying the "font" texture. I managed to take a single screenshot of this, and in doing so crashed the game. You can click the image below for a full-size version, if that is useful to you in any way.


The issue with the "font" texture showing up instead of the proper monitor menus may just have to do with what I believe is an 11-monitor-per-IVA limit to the RPM plugin. There are 11 monitors in the Mk1-2 Command Pod already, so obviously the addition of the KSO monitors would put it well over that limit.

It's worth mentioning that I am using the [current version of the] KSI MFD mod for RasterPropMonitor. I'm also running a handful of other mods on my current install, which I can list for you if necessary.

Anyhow, I hope that information helps. The cabin light bug, at least, should be pretty easy to fix. I look forward to seeing where you go with this mod! = )

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Here's an updated FAR compatibility MM config: http://cl.ly/code/2D2x2R2Z3I42

Still no flaps at this point, but I should have that "soon". It flies ok with this, but I wouldn't try to glide very far with this. You'll probably need to ace the descent and be on target with the runway to begin with. Might need to tweak that a bit, as the original was a bit easier to glide with.

Also, the cargo bay does not work at shielding parts inside for FAR. I've looked at all I know to look at and I can't figure out why that is.

@Nazari Would love to see any numbers you came up with as well. I'm still essentially using stuff from stock and B9 that work well already, and fitting it to the shuttle parts.

Tell me when you are done with the flaps :D

I'd love a fully functioning FAR version (nice job!)

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Can someone tell me which of the included mod makes a blue FOV appears on every docking port in the VAB, and how to remove this feature? It makes planning space stations almost impossible without a seizure (and some drop in the framerate).

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Can someone tell me which of the included mod makes a blue FOV appears on every docking port in the VAB, and how to remove this feature? It makes planning space stations almost impossible without a seizure (and some drop in the framerate).

It is from RPM it shows the view of the docking cam autoamtically applied to every placed docking port

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