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[0.23]Baha. Parts for Extraplanetary Launchpads v1.2 (3/2/14)


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You most likely didnt do anything wrong. These parts arnt updated for the latest version of EPL.

You should "theoretically" be able to just add the new EPL extraction module to the drill via ModuleManager. and it should work.

name = ExExtractor
ResourceName = MetalOre
Rate = 4
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 24
name = ExExtractor
ResourceName = MetalOre
Rate = 2
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 15

If you dont know how to create a modulemanager file, all you do is paste the above code into a blank text file, save it into your GameData directory , (Make sure to save it as a .cfg file, and select all files from the drop down box , so it doesnt save it as txt. )ModuleManager mod required obviously.

No guarantees on this to work, i dont have Kethane to test it out, as the drills have a dependence on kethane for particle stuff, and animations. But it should :P

I might reinstall them back in and give it another go. I just deleted them and was sad :(

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Oh thanx Baha, maybe I'll take a whack at them. :D

Let me know if you do this. I'll be happy to showcase it on my stream! That workshop module looks awesome. Please make sure you at least set up a blank IVA too because without an IVA KIS is messed up and I lose all inventory items. (Known bug they're working on I think).

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  • 3 weeks later...

the drils will work with the proper MM cfg, the only important thing a "drill" needs is the animation, beyond that you can simply swap in any up-to-date module from mining, be it EPL (which used to use regolith which is now stock) or kethane mining module etc

"parts" do not go bad, just their function from modules which are replacable

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I'm using the science drill in Real ISRU. I got it working with the following stock animation module:

name = ModuleAnimationGroup
deployAnimationName = Deploy
activeAnimationName = Deploy0
moduleType = Drill

Not entirely sure about the other ones, I'd have to look at the files in Blender. Here's a link to the config file if you want to see how I handled the rest: https://github.com/jbengtson/RealISRU/blob/master/GameData/RealISRU/Parts/scienceDrill/part.cfg

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
So is there a config to make these work as alternatives to the squad parts

I sat down for a little bit and made myself a little Module Manager File for the two main Baha drills if you're interested:

// Changed some values so that it better reflects other drills available that do similar work.
@mass = 6
@entryCost = 50
@cost = 1300
@description = Deployable auger for extracting metal ore from the ground.

// This large auger is using the Module from KarbonitePlus, except that drill is for Squad Ore, and this is for MetalOre,
// easy enough just to change that line if you want that resource instead.
name = ModuleResourceHarvester
HarvesterType = 0
Efficiency = 8
ResourceName = MetalOre
ConverterName = Metal Harvester
StartActionName = Start Metal Harvester
StopActionName = Stop Metal Harvester
ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
ImpactRange = 10
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 120
// Since the resource MetalOre is also located on asteroids I chose to include this module.
name = ModuleAsteroidDrill
DirectAttach = false
StartActionName = Start Asteroid Harvester
StopActionName = Stop Asteroid Harvester
PowerConsumption = 12
Efficiency = 80
ImpactRange = 10
ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
UseSpecialistBonus = true
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

// Removed the KethaneAnimation and replaced it with a working standard animator.
name = ModuleAnimationGroup
deployAnimationName = Deploy
activeAnimationName = Deploy0
moduleType = Drill

// Changed some values so that it better reflects other drills available that do similar work.
@mass = 1.5
@entryCost = 50
@cost = 1300
@description = Deployable auger for extracting metal ore from the ground.

// This standard auger is using the Module from Squads normal drill, except that drill is for Ore, and this is for MetalOre,
// easy enough just to change that line if you want that resource instead, though having a duplicate part seems silly to me.
name = ModuleResourceHarvester
HarvesterType = 0
Efficiency = 1
ResourceName = MetalOre
ConverterName = Metal Miner
StartActionName = Start Metal Miner
StopActionName = Stop Metal Miner
ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
ImpactRange = 5
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 15

// Since the resource MetalOre is also located on asteroids I chose to include this module.
name = ModuleAsteroidDrill
DirectAttach = false
StartActionName = Start Asteroid Miner
StopActionName = Stop Asteroid Miner
PowerConsumption = 1.5
Efficiency = 10
ImpactRange = 5
ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
UseSpecialistBonus = true
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

// Removed the KethaneAnimation and replaced it with a working standard animator.
name = ModuleAnimationGroup
deployAnimationName = idle
activeAnimationName = idle0
moduleType = Drill

//---Tech Tree changes for BahaEPL---\\
//------\\ Moved mining metals from Advanced Construction into Advanced Science, if you use SETI CTT ofc.

//---DRL-0R1 Small Deployable Mining Auger
@TechRequired = advScienceTech

//---AGR-XL Large Deployable Mining Auger
@TechRequired = advScienceTech

Anyhow, it seems to work for me, let me know if you use this and have problems and I'll try to troubleshoot... too bad IMO that the author of this mod hasn't kept it up to date, these drills look fantastic. Especially if compared with the normal EL augers.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


It looks like this MOD was not updated...maybe cause it still works?!

We shall soon see !

I am updating all my MODS to 1.05 and older MODS will be ported over.

I have made significant changes to the MODS to more closer relate to realistic goals for KSP.

There is also certain MODS that MUST work; we can only hope right ?!

Also the Stock drill looks alot like these drills, but certain modifications to the cfg files, and WOW we have drills for multiple ores (!) and even sizes !

What I would like to know is I can redistribute modified MODS or cfg files for MODS...

Commander Zeta

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  • 5 months later...

Just an fyi: I have received permission from BahamutoD to update this mod as well as convert it to stock modules.

My current thinking is to split this mod into a "BahaDrills" Pack (augers + science drill) & a "Launchpad Pad" (containers, launchpad, printer). They would be available in the same thread though, just two different downloads. My reasoning is a) BahaDrills is already pretty much done (aside from balancing) and b) the Launchpad Pack is where all the bugs and problems currently live. Containment. :D

I already have the drills converted to stock, and the launch pad touched up. Currently, the big Auger is pegged to the big stock drill and the big auger, the little stock drill...but there is an obvious size mismatch re:output. If anyone has any suggestions to better outputs, now would be the time for them. I don't really want to run around playing the balancing game, but my current method is admittedly bad. Consider it a placeholder.

While I don't personally use Kethane, I feel I would be doing a disservice to the kommunity and @taniwha and BahamutoD if I didn't also make sure this didn't work with Kethane as well. In fact, a brief check seems to indicate these might already work as is with Kethane (at least the modules still seem to be supported). So on that front, I will probably have an alternative single version, with probably just adjusted thermal values, maybe mirrored on an EPL Auger or something.

However, there is the issue of the Expanding Storage Tanks. They're super neato, but unfortunately use they BDAnimationModules.dll. They're the only part in the pack that uses the module and plugin, and the plugin (while I apparently seem to have an unofficial working copy) is on rough ground. I will probably make the expandable module an optional patch, if you have the animation module plugin installed.

Lastly, the textures are currently in TGA. They will be converted to DDS.

Any other suggestions, or patches you would like to see included ("It'd be cool if my drill could extract XYZ resource..." within reason of course. Make sure it has a corresponding spawn rate in CRP at least), now would be the time.


p.s. I have no talent for art, so this will be a strictly config based update. As in: don't expect new expanding container textures and the like. :)

p.p.s. There might be a number of optional (disabled by default) patches for the Science Drill to enable different functionality, as I have never been quite happy with how it has performed. I'm specifically looking at not requiring a Kerbal to have to get out and reset it, as that defeats the purpose of having it in the first place. We'll see though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/5/2016 at 1:34 PM, Deimos Rast said:

Any other suggestions, or patches you would like to see included ("It'd be cool if my drill could extract XYZ resource..." within reason of course. Make sure it has a corresponding spawn rate in CRP at least), now would be the time.

As a UKS user, it'd be nice to have variants with that resource tree: Substrate, MetallicOre, Minerals, Uraninite, Dirt, ExoticMinerals, and RareMetals. Water, Gypsum, and Hydrates would also be nice for USI-LS.  (That actually covers just about all of the CRP with spawn rates, with the exception of Alumina...)

UKS 'groups' those into three drills: One for light materials (Gypsum, Hydrates, Dirt), one for medium materials (Water, ExoticMinerals, Minerals), and one for heavy materials (everything else).  That's currently - @RoverDude is talking about re-designing his drills to have some sort of interchangeable bit system.  If that comes to pass, it might be something that could be done here as well.

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13 hours ago, DStaal said:

As a UKS user, it'd be nice to have variants with that resource tree: Substrate, MetallicOre, Minerals, Uraninite, Dirt, ExoticMinerals, and RareMetals. Water, Gypsum, and Hydrates would also be nice for USI-LS.  (That actually covers just about all of the CRP with spawn rates, with the exception of Alumina...)

UKS 'groups' those into three drills: One for light materials (Gypsum, Hydrates, Dirt), one for medium materials (Water, ExoticMinerals, Minerals), and one for heavy materials (everything else).  That's currently - @RoverDude is talking about re-designing his drills to have some sort of interchangeable bit system.  If that comes to pass, it might be something that could be done here as well.

yeah I'm familiar with Rover's Drills. Since I'm going stock, it's only a hop and a skip to go UKS/CRP. IIRC, his current setup just uses a stock resource harvester at 1 efficiency, and usually no core heating? I would probably add in core heating (for no real reason other than consistency with stock). Not 100% on the drill bit idea, but a patch to use Rover's system for those who have it might not be amiss.


11 hours ago, Virtualgenius said:

@Papa_Joe are you supporting all of bahamutod's mods now 

Warlord Papa (working title) has already been here (see two posts up).:)

This one will be on me, as he mentions, he has his hands full with BDA, and this involves boring stuff like digging in the mud. Maybe if it had blasting TNT...



As a general update, I haven't forgotten about this mod, but I haven't made too much progress either, on account of bad health and getting recruited for other projects. But I think I'll work on it today. Also, more importantly, Baha's animation plugin has been updated by the esteemed @linuxgurugamer for quiztech aero, which means animated containers will soon be a thing again!

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9 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

yeah I'm familiar with Rover's Drills. Since I'm going stock, it's only a hop and a skip to go UKS/CRP. IIRC, his current setup just uses a stock resource harvester at 1 efficiency, and usually no core heating? I would probably add in core heating (for no real reason other than consistency with stock). Not 100% on the drill bit idea, but a patch to use Rover's system for those who have it might not be amiss.


Warlord Papa (working title) has already been here (see two posts up).:)

This one will be on me, as he mentions, he has his hands full with BDA, and this involves boring stuff like digging in the mud. Maybe if it had blasting TNT...



As a general update, I haven't forgotten about this mod, but I haven't made too much progress either, on account of bad health and getting recruited for other projects. But I think I'll work on it today. Also, more importantly, Baha's animation plugin has been updated by the esteemed @linuxgurugamer for quiztech aero, which means animated containers will soon be a thing again!

I've sent a PM to @linuxgurugamer to determine his support intentions.  I'll be sure to update the OP with what I find out.  Either way animation will be supported by one of us.

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Just now, Papa_Joe said:

I've sent a PM to @linuxgurugamer to determine his support intentions.  I'll be sure to update the OP with what I find out.  Either way animation will be supported by one of us.

awesome, good to know. It's mainly used in the BahaSP mod (critter crawler, vector engines), but also is used here with the expanding containers.

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11 hours ago, Virtualgenius said:

@Papa_Joe are you supporting all of bahamutod's mods now 

To specifically answer this question: No.  there will be multiple modders supporting all of @BahamutoD's mods.  I have a section in the BDArmory Continued OP, where I'm compiling the list with links so we have a "one stop shop" to all the mods, forum links, repos, etc..  I want to be sure all are covered, but I certainly do not wish to be the only one doing it. :D 

Edited by Papa_Joe
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27 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

yeah I'm familiar with Rover's Drills. Since I'm going stock, it's only a hop and a skip to go UKS/CRP. IIRC, his current setup just uses a stock resource harvester at 1 efficiency, and usually no core heating? I would probably add in core heating (for no real reason other than consistency with stock). Not 100% on the drill bit idea, but a patch to use Rover's system for those who have it might not be amiss.

I mostly thought the drill bit idea might save you work - up to you if you want to use it.

And yeah, they don't have core heating - though I don't think they've actually been touched since core heating was added to drills.  Having heat makes sense.

One other thing I thought of: The science drill is currently huge.  As in an couple of orders of magnitude larger and heavier than any other science part, and quite possibly heavier than the entire rest of a decent science lander rover/probe.  If you're doing updates, could you scale it down a bit?  (I've got it scaled to 0.07 percent rescale factor and 0.1 ton mass in my install...)

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3 hours ago, DStaal said:

I mostly thought the drill bit idea might save you work - up to you if you want to use it.

And yeah, they don't have core heating - though I don't think they've actually been touched since core heating was added to drills.  Having heat makes sense.

One other thing I thought of: The science drill is currently huge.  As in an couple of orders of magnitude larger and heavier than any other science part, and quite possibly heavier than the entire rest of a decent science lander rover/probe.  If you're doing updates, could you scale it down a bit?  (I've got it scaled to 0.07 percent rescale factor and 0.1 ton mass in my install...)

Yeah, I wanted to, but was afraid of making "unlicensed changes":D. Clocking in at 1.1 tons is a bit heavy. How do you feel about the cost on it? Not at the right computer at the moment, but iirc it's 2000? I believe I increased the entryCost and moved the techRequired to advScience something or other (was advConstruction).

I'm experimenting with the "rerunnable = true" field, since I'd like it to be able to run more than one sample. You'd still have to figure out a way to transfer the sample (ideally with Ship Manifest or something).


By the way, do you use the augers?


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5 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

Yeah, I wanted to, but was afraid of making "unlicensed changes":D. Clocking in at 1.1 tons is a bit heavy. How do you feel about the cost on it? Not at the right computer at the moment, but iirc it's 2000? I believe I increased the entryCost and moved the techRequired to advScience something or other (was advConstruction).

I'm experimenting with the "rerunnable = true" field, since I'd like it to be able to run more than one sample. You'd still have to figure out a way to transfer the sample (ideally with Ship Manifest or something).


By the way, do you use the augers?

I haven't actually looked at it from a Career perspective (I normally play Science mode), but the 2000 seems fair, or a bit cheap compared to other science experiments.  So a small increase sounds fine to me.  :wink:  (And yeah, moving it to a science node makes sense.  It might even go into a fairly early science node - even the Lunokhod 1 carried a sample arm.)

More important to me than the ability to take more than one sample would be the ability to retract the drill once it's taken a sample - currently a scientist can do it by resetting the drill, but their is no way to do it otherwise.  This can make driving a rover with one a bit awkward.  (I tend to deploy a science base and then have an automated rover that gathers data from the body - single-use experiments are fine, as it'll return and the scientists can gather the data and reset things.)  Even in a case where it was single-use and there wasn't anyone nearby to reset it it could be useful - it'd allow you to collect more data from other experiments.

As for the augers - they aren't very useful to me at the moment.  I don't play with Kethane, and the package I have only has them working with Kethane.

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  • 11 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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