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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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30 minutes ago, Kowgan said:

Hey, Lack! I noticed you've updated the MEM on your latest releases, and being a huge fan of those parts, I decided to give it another go.
For the most part, it's working great! The only minor issue I encountered was mentioned on your post. I got the same issue as stated there, where the pod engine will automatically activate upon bringing the vessel to the launchpad. Are you still not able to replicate that?

Here's the log. :)

With that person it turned out to be a conflict with TAC after they'd made a modification to the part, so I couldn't replicate it with the normal part.

Here's the relevant part of that conversation:


Okay, we have bingo, Houston. I had made a mm patch to add TAC-LS water filtration and carbon extraction on this and that's what was causing it. Seems like there is something in the code that triggers integrated engines when you add these processes(or any type of ISRU process) to them. I had a similar problem with two other command modules with integrated engines, but worked fine with the command modules without them. So, I took out the mm patch that had the processes in it and no firing of the engine. So, consider this a stock bug and not the fault of the mod maker.

It's more a "trial and error" fault on my part. But, it's good to know you can add this sort of mm patch to command crew pods, just not one ones that have an engine integrated into the model. I guess I'm going to have to make a patch on a stock battery or something and stick it onto the pod if I want the life support processes function. Anyways, thanks again for your help in this matter.

Are you running anything similar?

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I'm using USI-LS, which will add a default config on every command pod. But there's nothing there that will turn the pod into a converter, so I wouldn't know. I'll have to investigate further.

Thanks for the quick reply, anyway. It's good (and bad) to know that this might be a stock bug.

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Thanks for the info. Further on, and for the record, here are the MM global patches that affect the MEMLander:


[ModuleManager] Applying node Diazo/AGExt/part/@PART[*] to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(global Action Groups Extended configs)

[ModuleManager] Applying node ThrottleControlledAvionics/TCA/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleTCA]]:FOR[ThrottleControlledAvionics] to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
[ModuleManager] Applying node ThrottleControlledAvionics/TCAEngineInfo/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngine*]]:HAS[!MODULE[TCAEngineInfo]]:FOR[ThrottleControlledAvionics] to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(global Throttle Controlled Avionics configs)

[ModuleManager] Applying node UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport/LSModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport],#CrewCapacity[*],~CrewCapacity[0]]:FOR[USILifeSupport] to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(global USI-LS configs)

[ModuleManager] Applying node Workshop/MM_Workshop/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment]]:FOR[Workshop] to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
[ModuleManager] Applying node Workshop/MM_Workshop/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FOR[Workshop] to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(global OSE Workshop configs)

[ModuleManager] Applying node /MechJeb/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(personal config, adds MJCore to pods and probes)

[ModuleManager] Applying node /MechJeb/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(personal config, adds SAS to pods and probes)

[ModuleManager] Applying node /Protractor/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:Final to SXT/Parts/Command/MEM/part/MEMLander
(personal config, adds Protractor module to all pods and probes)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whatever may be causing the issue, it's really weird.


Furthermore, I noticed that the issue happens only when the MEM Pod is the root part. So, that gives me a quick workaround the issue.

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That's good to hear then, I couldn't replicate it by installing (most of) the mods affecting the part with mm-patches. Perhaps it's an older version of one of those, but if not having it as the root-part works that'll probably suffice for now.

@NathanKell, is there anything else you'd like to see fixed/added for RP0/RO actually? I'm looking towards fixing the SXT cockpits colliders for FARm since I saw that mentioned the other week. I know the H111 definitely needs a fix.

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@Lack Yeah, all mods I'm using are up-to-date, so it must be something else. And yeah, the workaround is enough to completely avoid the issue, so it's all cool. Thanks for the support! :)

@OrbitalBuzzsaw That's weird. It almost seems like a memory issue. Could you upload the output_log.txt, located at Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data?

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Probably running out of memory, it's weird that you don't have a KSP_Data folder though.

You can copy the contents of 'KSP.log' (it's a text file, so open it in something like notepad) in the main KSP directory onto something like PasteBin, so I can have a look.

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1 hour ago, OrbitalBuzzsaw said:

SXT worked fine yesterday. I downloaded it again to see if that would help. It didn't

If you do not kave a KSP_Data folder in the main KSP folder, your game is not installed properly, and it has NOTHING to do with ANY mod, much less THIS one...

First, how did you buy the game: from Steam, or from the KSP Store?

If from Steam, do as Kowgan suggests and use Steam to verify the integrity of your install...
If from the KSP Store, then you need to redownload the game installer, if you didnt keep a copy on your computer... Delete your current KSP_Win folder, and unzip the .zip file, to create a NEW, fresh install in a new KSP_Win folder...

You need to start with a FRESH, STOCK install of KSP, and get the game working, before any more messing around with SXT, or posting on this thread...
Once you have a fresh, working, STOCK game, then install the SXT mod, using the instructions people have posted multiple times already, up above in the thread... If you STILL dont understand those instructions, maybe its best if you use the forum search, or Google, to find out how basic .zip extraction, and KSP folder structure works, before posting back here, that SXT doesnt work for you...

Or you could just install CKAN, and be done with it... :cool:

Sorry if I sound harsh, but the issues you are having seem to be SOOO unrelated to SXT, and frankly, this thread is starting to get cluttered and off-topic with non-relevant posts...

Edited by Stone Blue
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The file output_log.txt, as well as error.log and report.ini, are in folders with timestamp names, located within the main folder. I have three of them now, with names like 2016-02-28_164132.

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@Lack thanks! Let me have a think, there's always stuff we'd love to see. :D Off the top of my head, one thing we could really use is a centrifugal flow compressor. You know how Porkjet added the turbines for jets? (And Ven replaces them in VSR) -- they're all axial-flow turbines. Right now I have a hackjob for the Derwent and Nene that work very poorly (I made one wider and flatter and stuck it on another so it looks like a + sign...very hackjob). I'd love to have a centrifugal flow model to use.

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I am having problems with the wings found in the SXT mod.  none of them seem to provide any lift...

is this only for me?  or are they broken in 1.05




EDIT:  oh not every wing just the small modular and folding wings.





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11 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

I am having problems with the wings found in the SXT mod.  none of them seem to provide any lift...

is this only for me?  or are they broken in 1.05




EDIT:  oh not every wing just the small modular and folding wings.


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I hadn't noticed that (because I was using other wings), but I did see that the control surfaces "deploy" wrong, rolling the plane.

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I'm sure I can knock one up. Is the Derwent the one using the tiny jet engine from SXT? I'd left space in the body structure for the compressor, I'm fairly sure I based that model off schematics of the Derwent anyway.


@Bit Fiddler@Kowgan & @Tfin ,

Have you tried the dev-build of SXT? I took another look at the folding wings and modular wings a few weeks ago due to said problems with their nonFAR lift settings and the rotation of the transform for the folding wings.

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