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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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You have to add some line to part cfg, I don't remember what it was but it was self explanatory (something like IVAhelmets=1), look in the cfgs for stock aircraft cockpits

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1 hour ago, Whovian41110 said:

Is there any way to make the IVA for the truck cockpits (cabs?) not have the helmets on?

In the internals definition file, first MODULE {} segment needs to have:

allowCrewHelmet = false 


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To clarify, the "InternalSeat" module is usually the first but not always.

This is the mk1 pod's cockpit where the crew wears his helmet:

(located in ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Spaces\mk1PodCockpit\internal.cfg )

    name = InternalSeat
    seatTransformName = pilotSeat


Compare this to the mk1 crew cabin, to get both seats occupants to not wear a helmet requires setting both to allowCrewHelmet = false.

( ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Spaces\mk1CabinInternal\internal.cfg )

		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = Seat1
		//portraitCameraName = CockpitCam1
		allowCrewHelmet = false
		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = Seat2
		allowCrewHelmet = false



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Wanted to say, love many of these parts. I Thought the centrifuge was just a plane maker ship till i looked closer. :) I know this would be a lot of stuff to rename but would it be possible for these parts to get there own manufacturer? I know there supposed to blend in with stock but, especially with part-search now, going by 'manufacturer' name is a excellent way to locate mod-specific parts.

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34 minutes ago, Mekan1k said:


The truck wheels cause the vessel to violently attempt to reject any solid surface.

It seems I have found the difference between wheel physics in 1.0.5 and 1.1.

The wheel mechanics were completely re-done.  I wouldn't expect any wheels to work without a complete overhaul.

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I hadn't been planning on it, no. The stock 3.75m had largely filled the niche.

@StevieC @CobaltWolf

Yeah, that's probably possible now, originally it was to not break people's craft files. I'm guessing that's the new part search finding things it really shouldn't, previously they'd been hidden by having their categories set to -1 and tech-tree entries removed.

@Goat Master

You're not using the demo are you? It's the only other thing I can think of if you've followed the guides I linked to.


?? But the update is already out. Things like FS and MM should be up to date, the only real thing is the wheels needing a fix, but don't gamble on that being any time soon.


I've updated the github branch, get the fix here: https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/archive/master.zip

Should have fixed the textures for the truck internal too.


The manufacturers will be staying as-is. But I can add an 'SXT' tag to the parts for the part-finder.


See my last post; I hope to fix them eventually, but I've haven't had any luck with wheels in the past.

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24 minutes ago, Lack said:


I hadn't been planning on it, no. The stock 3.75m had largely filled the niche.

Aww... The stock one is more of a first stage engine, while yours was rather third / orbital (and the only one to fit your 3.75 to 5m adapter). Its a struggle to find heavy 3m orbital engine these days. But hey you da boss ^^

Thanks for the answers!

Edited by Initar
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2 minutes ago, Initar said:

Aww... The stock one is more of a first stage engine, while yours was rather third / orbital (and the only one to fit your 3.75 to 5m adapter). Its a struggle to find heavy 3m orbital engine these days. But hey you da boss ^^

Thanks for the answers!

I can certainly take a second look at it, there'll likely be some gap between the stock one and the Russian-style 3.75m orbital engine I've got (plus, the need to fit the 3.75/5m decoupler). It'll just need a shinier looking model.

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5 minutes ago, DespairingSquid said:

But this is 1.1, no? If not then why does title say 1.1? I am confuse.

Honest answer, because I'd forgotten I'd written it. That's from the 1.1 pre-release.

There's still a few issues to fix now for things like the wheels (addressed ad infinitum) and I think the hatches/ladders no longer accepting a mesh to define them might be permanent, so that'll need looking at. So I guess in that way, those things are better in the older build. I haven't had the time to play 1.1 much yet though, so there's bound to be the odd bug here and there that'll need squashing.

Edited by Lack
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I may just be dumb, but I cant seem to find a way to enter the Clyde. I am trying to pick up a stranded kerbal with it, I don't get the "enter cockpit" message when I go near the hatch or get enter when I right-click it.

TIL: Don't reply and then read 2 messages up, apparently it's known theyre broken.

Edited by Gammro
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I'm trying to get this mod again as part of RSS/RO/RP0 dependencies, for 1.0.5. And CKAN keeps throwing some sort of "unable to download" error.

Can someone please check that? Tried this on 2 machines, win and linux. Same error, obviously. Besides, CKAN insists on not recognizing the installation even after downloading myself the mod and placing in GameData.

I'm stuck.

Some sort of repo's problem maybe? Could someone please double-check that?

Thank you guys! And congrats @Lack

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18 hours ago, d.frison said:


I'm trying to get this mod again as part of RSS/RO/RP0 dependencies, for 1.0.5. And CKAN keeps throwing some sort of "unable to download" error.

Can someone please check that? Tried this on 2 machines, win and linux. Same error, obviously. Besides, CKAN insists on not recognizing the installation even after downloading myself the mod and placing in GameData.

I'm stuck.

Some sort of repo's problem maybe? Could someone please double-check that?

Thank you guys! And congrats @Lack

Have the same problem here. The last version available in CKAN is v25.1 and CKAN tries to get it at https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/releases/download/v25.1/SXT25pre.zip but this version seams to be archived so the URL is https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/archive/v25.1.zip now. v25.2 isn't available in CKAN (tried to update repos few times).

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23 hours ago, d.frison said:

I'm trying to get this mod again as part of RSS/RO/RP0 dependencies, for 1.0.5. And CKAN keeps throwing some sort of "unable to download" error.

Same here.  Since this is a dependency for RP-0 I can't finish my new install without it.

I'll try and add the thing manually, see if that works.

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