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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Tantares 22.2

Quick hotfix to resolve issues with ladders and airlocks on Salyut / Almaz parts, thanks @CaptKordite
LOK textures have also received a quick pass on the normal maps.

You can get Tantares on both GitHub, Spacedock, and CKAN.

MvIrgL3.png cVnNfkx.png


  • Previous craft built using Mir parts should still load, but parts have been deprecated and will have a black texture. I recommend retiring these craft, as deprecated parts will be removed in the version after (23.0).
  • Folder structure has changed, please do a clean install of the mod.


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  On 6/27/2020 at 7:04 PM, MashAndBangers said:

LH2 isn't in stock and Beale doesn't like relying on other mods.  I don't know if anyone made a patch to change Energia to LH2 thought.  Maybe Nertea did in Cryo Engines?


I know @Beale said was planning on making a Tantares LH2 without any dependencies. I was hoping this would be in the latest update, that it all.

  On 5/23/2020 at 6:38 PM, Beale said:

I'm pretty comfortable doing that in a dependency free way - after doing that in CRE (bundle tantares_lh2 and switch actual lh2 if you have CRP installed) - so yeah I will make Energia LH2,

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  On 6/27/2020 at 7:04 PM, MashAndBangers said:

LH2 isn't in stock and Beale doesn't like relying on other mods.  I don't know if anyone made a patch to change Energia to LH2 thought.  Maybe Nertea did in Cryo Engines?

  On 6/27/2020 at 7:49 PM, EStreetRockets said:

I know @Beale said was planning on making a Tantares LH2 without any dependencies. I was hoping this would be in the latest update, that it all.

  On 6/27/2020 at 6:35 PM, EStreetRockets said:

Does Energia have the LH2 fuel that was suggested in the newest update?


Yep, it's planned for the next update :) TantaresLV hasn't received any changes in a while, I don't think there is anything in Tantares that should be LH2?
Perhaps either as an optional patch, or a fake-compatible resource like CRE.

Energia just doesn't really work too well using Kerolox, so it's overdue.

  On 6/27/2020 at 7:28 PM, baldamundo said:

Does anyone know which tech tree mods have configs for Tantares? Particularly would like to try an unmanned-first mod that has Tantares parts in the right places


Unfortunately I know of nothing like this.



Unfortunately / or fortunate for those who voted in the poll, we actually need the Blok-D no matter what going forward. It only took a couple of hours really anyway.
Feel free to change your vote if you chose that, otherwise I will just split the results between the other options.


Edited by Beale
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  On 6/27/2020 at 8:12 PM, Beale said:

Yep, it's planned for the next update :) TantaresLV hasn't received any changes in a while, I don't think there is anything in Tantares that should be LH2?
Perhaps either as an optional patch, or a fake-compatible resource like CRE.

Energia just doesn't really work too well using Kerolox, so it's overdue.

Unfortunately I know of nothing like this.



Unfortunately / or fortunate for those who voted in the poll, we actually need the Blok-D no matter what going forward. It only took a couple of hours really anyway.
Feel free to change your vote if you chose that, otherwise I will just split the results between the other options.




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  On 6/27/2020 at 8:12 PM, Beale said:

Unfortunately / or fortunate for those who voted in the poll, we actually need the Blok-D no matter what going forward. It only took a couple of hours really anyway.
Feel free to change your vote if you chose that, otherwise I will just split the results between the other options.



Looks sick!

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  On 6/27/2020 at 9:53 PM, MashAndBangers said:



That could be quite a few things 667861032487616562.png?v=1
Not to mention, you might be able to do something very cool with a VA capsule and a Blok-D.

Variant First flight Last flight Launches Rockets Remarks
Blok D 1967 1976 44 Proton-K
Blok D-1 1978 1989 10 Proton-K Mostly used for launches to Venus
Blok D-2 1988 1996 3 Proton-K Launched Fobos 1, Fobos 2 and Mars 96
Blok DM 1974 1990 66 Proton-K
Energia (unflown)
Blok D modification for Earth-based orbits
Blok DM-2 1982 2012 115 Proton-K
Used with Proton-M for GLONASS launches [1]
Blok DM-2M 1994 2005 15 Proton-K Enhanced payload thanks to the use of higher performance Syntin fuel instead of RG-1. Powered by the RD-58S engine.
Blok DM-03 2010 active 4 Proton-M Intended as a replacement for Blok DM-2 and DM-SL/SLB, first flew in 2010, only used on Proton
Blok DM-5 1997 2002 2 Proton-K Used for low Earth orbit launches with Arkas satellites
Blok DM1 1996 1996 1 Proton-K Commercial Blok DM-2, only used for one launch, with Inmarsat-3 F2
Blok DM2 1997 2002 4 Proton-K Commercial Blok DM-5, used for Iridium and INTEGRAL launches
Blok DM3 1996 2006 25 Proton-K Commercial Blok DM-2M
Blok DM4 1997 1997 1 Proton-K Commercial Blok DM-2M, only used to launch Telstar 5
Blok DM-SL 1999 active 36 Zenit-3SL Used in Sea Launch missions, some flights use a version with stretched fuel tanks
Blok DM-SLB 2008 active 5 Zenit-3SLB

Used in Land Launch missions and other commercial Zenit-3SLB flights from Baikonur

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So if anyone is wondering the Procedural Fairings Patch for BDB also works for Tantares parts. (You wont be able to build a 1.5m VK3 until you unlock the relevant PF max fairing size  in career but the same issue also applies to BDB)

Only thing left now is a fairing with a hole


Edited by Bellabong
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  On 6/29/2020 at 7:04 PM, alberro+ said:

Quick question, in the modern Soyuz launches, what’s the staging order? Do the boosters separate before the fairing or vice versa?


Yep, boosters early on, fairings higher up :)

There are a (few) good videos of launches that can be found, sadly not as many for US rockets though (Seeing the launch of a Start-1 is a treat if you never did :D).

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