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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [16.1][28.05.2024][Mars Expedition WIP]


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There is a problem with those Forward Section modules. Since they have no hatch (as intended I think), a stranded Kerbal spawned by a contract can't be retrieved via EVA (could be if I had a claw to tow it back to Kerbin though but I have yet to unlock those in my current save).

So it would be nice if rescue contracts didn't use those modules if you could exclude them from the contract.




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15 minutes ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

Sorry it requires the player to write cfg files for that to work on non stock pods. I can't do that.

It's simple text editing and just adding some lines. The original CFG file has a line for each pod that will be allowed. It's like this:

    part = landerCabinSmall

You just add another line just like it for the necessary pod. So, add some lines:

    part = Vostok_Crew_1
    part = Soyuz_Crew_1
    part = Soyuz_Crew_2
    part = Soyuz_Habitation_1
    part = Soyuz_Habitation_2

Look through the /Tantares/Parts folder for various modules. The ones that say Crew or Habitation. The Hamal crew module (Hamal_Habitation_1 in the Progress folder) doesn't have a hatch, so simply don't include it on the list.

If you don't want to do that route, before the Pod Validator mod was released (and before I had the Klaw tech level), I would launch a rescue craft with a second docking port attached and use Kerbal Attachment System to attach the port to the craft. Then, once docked, I could transfer the crew.


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10 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:


There is a problem with those Forward Section modules. Since they have no hatch (as intended I think), a stranded Kerbal spawned by a contract can't be retrieved via EVA (could be if I had a claw to tow it back to Kerbin though but I have yet to unlock those in my current save).

So it would be nice if rescue contracts didn't use those modules if you could exclude them from the contract.




Another take, this is an actual exciting scenario you have to anticipate and workaround. No hatch? Maybe you might have to bring the whole thing down via Buran / TKS cargo hold. Maybe construct a "scoop" to de orbit them.

Lack of claw is unfortunate, maybe that can be addressed.

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4 hours ago, Beale said:

Another take, this is an actual exciting scenario you have to anticipate and workaround. No hatch? Maybe you might have to bring the whole thing down via Buran / TKS cargo hold. Maybe construct a "scoop" to de orbit them.

Lack of claw is unfortunate, maybe that can be addressed.


Yes! I always saw those un-hatched pods as an invitation for creative rescue craft design.


.... except... when I started using LS mods. The stranded pod won't consume life support until you get near to it, or when you go see it yourself straight from the tracking station. That usually means, if you go see what the pod is (to assess what kind of rescue craft you will employ), it will start consuming LS consumeables and you may not have enough time to launch the mission.

It is here I started using, much to my dismay, the debug screen to "complete" a contract. A good tool when you get stuck with an un-completeable contract.

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15 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

There is a problem with those Forward Section modules. Since they have no hatch (as intended I think), a stranded Kerbal spawned by a contract can't be retrieved via EVA (could be if I had a claw to tow it back to Kerbin though but I have yet to unlock those in my current save).

So it would be nice if rescue contracts didn't use those modules if you could exclude them from the contract.

Old bug, or better to say, Squad oversight (all stock crewed parts have hatches, so they never put a check). Easiest solution is to edit your save:

- Quicksave

- Alt-Tab (no need to close the game, or even switch scenes), go to KSP\saves, locate your savegame folder and open quicksave.sfs with Notepad (backup it first).

- Locate the offending craft (search by stranded kerbal's name)

- Locate the part in question (something like "tucana.crew.s1.1" or whatever). There are two instances of it, you need to find and change both

- Change it to any part with hatch (I use stock Mk1 pod). Note that you need to put the part "config" name, and change "_" to "." (i.e. "mk1pod.v2", not "mk1pod_v2")

- Save the file, close it, and get back to game

- Quickload. If everything was done right, the offending part is changed into Mk1 pod. Proceed with rescue.

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21 hours ago, Beale said:

Yep that's right, it's the Soyuz-TM, first launched in 1986.

It is in the current version of Tantares, but the new version currently in progress has more parts to represent it much better (I.e. the little cupola window).

You can get the in-progress version here (clone or download button).


New version


Old version


It is! you can grab it here:


Thanks for the clarification!

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21 hours ago, MashAndBangers said:

Beale, how could you forget Soyuz X?


Lock those S-foils to attack position, we have a very big Vostok pod to take down.



Tantares 21.0

Well, here we are, (god-willing) the last ever Tantares update.
Just about every little long-standing itch has been scratched for me with the new Soyuz parts, and I am happy where everything is now.

    - Huge rework of Soyuz and associated misc parts.
    - Rework of Pirs/Poisk.
    - Rework of MDM/Rassvet.
    - Balance overhaul.
    - New nameplate flags.
    - New recoulours.

Craft files are included for every iteration of Soyuz (more or less) ever made.

There will be no more content updates to Tantares, or TantaresLV. However, bugs will be dealt with unless they are quite minor.


Looking forward to starting all over again in KSP2, with something, who knows. But, I'll see you then.

Thanks for all the joys, screenshots sharing, and special thanks to @TK-313 @DiscoSlelge @Drakenex who have provided and updated such helpful translations, vector graphics and recolours over the past few years.
I am really grateful and touched by your help.

There is also of course thanks to many many others (you know who you are), but I couldn't list them for fear of leaving anyone out! Please know I appreciate your contributions and, short of some knocks to the head, I don't forget them! :D

Have fun!

Edited by Beale
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@Beale so I gather you consider Tantares a "finished product"? It sure looks like it, so good it got over the years. It looked like it was finished years ago, but development kept going and going.... when I thought it was perfect, it kept getting better. That goes to show how much love was deposited on this mod. 

From me and, I am sure, lots and lots of people, our heartfelt THANKS for this mod. 

Edited by Daniel Prates
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4 hours ago, Beale said:

Tantares 21.0

Well, here we are, (god-willing) the last ever Tantares update.
Just about every little long-standing itch has been scratched for me with the new Soyuz parts, and I am happy where everything is now.

Looking forward to starting all over again in KSP2, with something, who knows. But, I'll see you then.

Thanks for all the joys, screenshots sharing, and special thanks to @TK-313 @DiscoSlelge @Drakenex who have provided and updated such helpful translations, vector graphics and recolours over the past few years.
I am really grateful and touched by your help.

There is also of course thanks to many many others (you know who you are), but I couldn't list them for fear of leaving anyone out! Please know I appreciate your contributions and, short of some knocks to the head, I don't forget them! :D

Have fun!

Farewell my friend, the path was long, but so good. I will keep many touching memories beeing all those years in the hangar making soviet things. Thanks for you long and sweet dedication for your mod, and us, I can't really tell my exact feeling knowing it's the last update. You inspired me and all the work I offerd is small compared to your thousand hours of moding. Many ships I was dreaming of for Tantares are now here and as you said, I really think Tantares is complete the way you wanted it.

Tantares never leave my GameData, it will never leave my heart.

Thank you. Never forget the loaf.




Edited by DiscoSlelge
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