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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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1 hour ago, RoverDude said:

Out this weekend, but once back I will take a look at the pull requests and see if we can figure out at what point it broke, and figure out who sent me an untested pull request :P

Thank you so much. Enjoy your weekend~

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9 hours ago, OME said:

Never mind. It didn’t come to my mind before. But I just wondered why you never met with such problem and localization is actually the new characteristic in the latest version of CRP. So it may be the problem.

Because I don't run the game in Chinese?  If your tests above are an indication it only happened when choosing chinese as your language.  I would venture to guess than that the current number of players playing in chinese is small.

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6 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

Because I don't run the game in Chinese?  If your tests above are an indication it only happened when choosing chinese as your language.  I would venture to guess than that the current number of players playing in chinese is small.

I met the same problem with OME .

I think other chinese players just didn't realise where the problem is. In fact before today I didn't even know that this mod had been already localized.:)

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I've noticed that there's a huge difference in LH2 capacity between USI kontainers and @Nertea's cryo tanks mod — for example, the 2.5m USI cylindrical kontainer tank holds 5 times as much LH2 as the stock Rockomax X200-32 (patched by Cryo Tanks to have a fuel switcher), though the two parts are the same size.  The 3.75m USI kontainer tank holds about 3.6 times as much as the slightly-larger Kerbodyne S3-14400.  I'm not sure which capacities are "correct", but I'm guessing Cryo Tanks probably has it right since LH2 is sort of Nertea's resource.

I'd like to check some of the other resources in the USI kontainers' fuel switchers, to see if there are other discrepancies, but I'm not quite sure I understand how to determine what a tank's capacity ought to be.  I see that RESOURCE_DEFINITION has a "volume" attribute, and LH2 has exactly 20% the volume of LF.  I also see that the Cryo Tanks fuel-switcher patch configures tanks to hold 5 times as many units of LH2 as LF.  I'm guessing that the "volume" attribute means a unit of LH2 takes 20% as much space as a unit of LF, so you can fit 5 times as many units in a tank.  Is that correct?

@RoverDude, would you mind if I were to submit a pull request that adjusts all the switchable kontainers' LH2 capacities to be 5x that of LF, based on the above?  And maybe other resources too, based on their respective volume ratios.  Or am I misunderstanding or barking up the wrong tree or something?

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tbh, this would be a USI-Core discussion vs a CRP discussion.  

That being said - within a kontainer the quantities should be consistent based on volume for that kontainer (the 5:1 is because stock LF/O is stored in 5 liter units).  So that bit is correct.  But I would not mess with the other resources since in some cases, I trade off durability for capacity, etc. unless there is a volume discrepancy between resources in the same tank.

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2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

tbh, this would be a USI-Core discussion vs a CRP discussion.

Makes sense.  I posted here because I'm not entirely sure whether it's a USI bug or a CryoTanks bug, and wanted to get visibility from people who know more about resource density/volume issues than I do.  But it's looking like the kontainers' LH2 capacity is way off from what it ought to be, so I'll follow up in the USI Core thread if needed (though I'll probably just send you a pull request).

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Hoping someone can help.

The following resource definition works, but when the ShowInfo is showing the resource in a generator, it doesn't have any units, it just shows the number

Any ideas?


	name = LifeSupport
	density = 0.0045
	unitCost = 40.0
	flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
	transfer = PUMP
	isTweakable = true


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Just now, RoverDude said:

Don't understand the question - can you provide a screenshot?

This evening when I get home

But, when you have a ModuleResourceConvertor, and you hover over the part in the editor, it shows PartInfo stuff in the panel, among them is how much of the resource is generated per time unit.  When you show a solar panel, it gives you the EC/minute.  For this, it just says:

Life Support:  1.2

with no time units

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Here you go, hopefully this is everything you need to help.

Life Support resource:

  name = LifeSupport
  density = 0.0045
  unitCost = 40.0
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true


The module definition from the part file:

	name = ModuleGenerator

	requiresAllInputs = true
	isThrottleControlled = false
	isAlwaysActive = false
	activateGUIName = Turn UV Lights ON
	shutdownGUIName = Turn UV Lights OFF
	statusGUIName = UV Lights

		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 4
		name = LifeSupport
		rate = 0.000093



and finally the screenshot.  The problem happens both with the Deployable Solar Panel and the Generator, it shows the correct value for the Life Support, but there are no time units, so it looks weird:


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You're using the old ModuleGenerator there - so yeah, that's just how it works.  Also... it does not do any kind of catch-up mechanic so bear that in mind.  While it's fine for RTGs, it's not a very good tool for what I think you're trying to do there.  We won't even get into the whole conservation of mass issue :wink:

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3 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

You're using the old ModuleGenerator there - so yeah, that's just how it works.  Also... it does not do any kind of catch-up mechanic so bear that in mind.  While it's fine for RTGs, it's not a very good tool for what I think you're trying to do there.  We won't even get into the whole conservation of mass issue :wink:

Ok, so what should I use instead?

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16 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

It depends.  Anything from BaseConverter on down will implement catch-up and do what you want.  So either extend your own converter or just use ModuleResourceConverter if you want inputs that turn into outputs.

Is there any real documentation for the ModuleResourceConverter?  The wiki doesn't have anything

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I use KPBS and TAC-LS. KPBS on CKAN needs the community resource pack.

Nils277 has made this guide: https://github.com/Nils277/KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems/wiki/Life-Support-Guide

It says the Mun don't have water. But I found it with many sensors, including one that KPBS provides only for water. Concentration around 7% in many places, without conflicts between the sensors.

The community resource pack has updated this? Where can I found a list of planets with water? Or it's a bug?

And, is there a way I can disable resources that none of my mods uses, to make a cleaner interface and maybe reduce memory usage?

Many thanks!!

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That's not a bug.  By default, all bodies have a chance of water - been this way for (literally) years.

Also - @FreeThinker- looks like one of our users was kind enough to trace back the root commit where we started having CRP hang in Chinese (and it has your name on it).  Please sort (and test) this.

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On 10/28/2017 at 1:36 PM, RoverDude said:

Also - @FreeThinker- looks like one of our users was kind enough to trace back the root commit where we started having CRP hang in Chinese (and it has your name on it).  Please sort (and test) this.

For unknown reasons, KSP thinks words consisting of a single basic Chinese characters are illegal (like water = 水), but if you put them together with another character (like 液态水 = liquid water), it is suddenly ok. I made a pull request where I have addressed the problem. Seems to me this is a serious Bug in KSP localization. Obviously no one atemped to translate basic stuff like Water before :/

Edited by FreeThinker
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		#LOC_CRP_Hydrates_DisplayName = Гидрат
		#LOC_CRP_Gypsum_DisplayName = Гипс
		#LOC_CRP_IntakeLqd_DisplayName = Потребление жидкости
		#LOC_CRP_ColonySupplies_DisplayName = Колониальные принадлежности
		#LOC_CRP_Lead_DisplayName = Свинец
		#LOC_CRP_CarbonDioxide_DisplayName = Углекислый газ
		#LOC_CRP_Chemicals_DisplayName = Химикаты
		#LOC_CRP_Dirt_DisplayName = Почва
		#LOC_CRP_ExoticMinerals_DisplayName = Экзотические минералы
		#LOC_CRP_Food_DisplayName = Еда
		#LOC_CRP_Supplies_DisplayName = Запас
		#LOC_CRP_Fertilizer_DisplayName = Удобрение
		#LOC_CRP_Mulch_DisplayName = Мульча
		#LOC_CRP_Machinery_DisplayName = Машины
		#LOC_CRP_SpecializedParts_DisplayName = Специализированные детали
		#LOC_CRP_Recyclables_DisplayName = Вторсырья
		#LOC_CRP_Hydrogen_DisplayName = Водород
		#LOC_CRP_Karbonite_DisplayName = Карбонаты
		#LOC_CRP_Karborundum_DisplayName = Карборунд
		#LOC_CRP_LqdCO2_DisplayName = Жидкий диоксид углерода
		#LOC_CRP_LqdCO_DisplayName = Жидкий окись углерода
		#LOC_CRP_MaterialKits_DisplayName = Наборы материалов
		#LOC_CRP_Metals_DisplayName = Металлы
		#LOC_CRP_Minerals_DisplayName = Минералы
		#LOC_CRP_MetallicOre_DisplayName = Металлическая руда
		#LOC_CRP_Organics_DisplayName = Органические вещества
		#LOC_CRP_Oxygen_DisplayName = Кислород
		#LOC_CRP_Polymers_DisplayName = Полимеры
		#LOC_CRP_RareMetals_DisplayName = Редкие металлы
		#LOC_CRP_RefinedExotics_DisplayName = Утонченная экзотика
		#LOC_CRP_Rock_DisplayName = Камень
		#LOC_CRP_RocketParts_DisplayName = Ракетные детали
		#LOC_CRP_SpareParts_DisplayName = Запасные части
		#LOC_CRP_Substrate_DisplayName = Субстрат
		#LOC_CRP_Uraninite_DisplayName = Уранинит
		#LOC_CRP_Waste_DisplayName = Отходы
		#LOC_CRP_WasteWater_DisplayName = Грязная вода
		#LOC_CRP_Water_DisplayName = Вода
		#LOC_CRP_ArgonGas_DisplayName = Аргоновый газ
		#LOC_CRP_ArgonGas_Abbreviation = Ar
		#LOC_CRP_Boron_DisplayName = Бор
		#LOC_CRP_Boron_Abbreviation = Bo
		#LOC_CRP_ResourceLode_DisplayName = Ресурсный источник
		#LOC_CRP_EnrichedUranium_DisplayName = Обогащенный уран
		#LOC_CRP_EnrichedUranium_Abbreviation = EnrU
		#LOC_CRP_DepletedUranium_DisplayName = Обедненный уран
		#LOC_CRP_DepletedUranium_Abbreviation = DepU
		#LOC_CRP_LqdHydrogen_DisplayName = Жидкий водород
		#LOC_CRP_LqdHydrogen_Abbreviation = LH2
		#LOC_CRP_StoredCharge_DisplayName = Сохраненная мощность
		#LOC_CRP_StoredCharge_Abbreviation = SC
		#LOC_CRP_Actinides_DisplayName = Актиноиды
		#LOC_CRP_Actinides_Abbreviation = AKT
		#LOC_CRP_Aluminium_DisplayName = Алюминий
		#LOC_CRP_Aluminium_Abbreviation = Al
		#LOC_CRP_Alumina_DisplayName = Оксид алюминия
		#LOC_CRP_Alumina_Abbreviation = Aia
		#LOC_CRP_Ammonia_DisplayName = Амиак
		#LOC_CRP_Ammonia_Abbreviation = NH3
		#LOC_CRP_Antimatter_DisplayName = Антиматерия
		#LOC_CRP_Antimatter_Abbreviation = AM
		#LOC_CRP_LqdArgon_DisplayName = Жидкий аргон
		#LOC_CRP_LqdArgon_Abbreviation = Ar
		#LOC_CRP_Borate_DisplayName = Борная кислота
		#LOC_CRP_Borate_Abbreviation = Br
		#LOC_CRP_Caesium_DisplayName = Цезий
		#LOC_CRP_Caesium_Abbreviation = Cs
        		#LOC_CRP_Calcium_Abbreviation = Кальций
        		#LOC_CRP_Calcium_DisplayName = Ca
		#LOC_CRP_CarbonMonoxide_DisplayName = Окись углерода
		#LOC_CRP_CarbonMonoxide_Abbreviation = CO
		#LOC_CRP_Carbon_DisplayName = Углерод
		#LOC_CRP_Carbon_Abbreviation = C
		#LOC_CRP_ChargedParticles_DisplayName = Заряженные частицы
		#LOC_CRP_ChargedParticles_Abbreviation = CP
		#LOC_CRP_Chlorine_DisplayName = Хлор
		#LOC_CRP_Chlorine_Abbreviation = Cl
      		#LOC_CRP_CompressedAir_DisplayName = Сжатый воздух
       		#LOC_CRP_CompressedAir_Abbreviation = CMPA
		#LOC_CRP_Decaborane_DisplayName = Декаборан
		#LOC_CRP_Decaborane_Abbreviation = DeBo
		#LOC_CRP_Deuterium_DisplayName = Дейтерий
		#LOC_CRP_Deuterium_Abbreviation = D
		#LOC_CRP_LqdDeuterium_DisplayName =Жидкий  дейтерий
		#LOC_CRP_LqdDeuterium_Abbreviation = D
		#LOC_CRP_DepletedFuel_DisplayName = Ядерные отходы
		#LOC_CRP_DepletedFuel_Abbreviation = DepF
		#LOC_CRP_ExoticMatter_DisplayName = Экзотический материал
		#LOC_CRP_ExoticMatter_Abbreviation = EcM
		#LOC_CRP_FusionPellets_DisplayName = Сплавление гранул
		#LOC_CRP_Fluorine_DisplayName = Фторид
		#LOC_CRP_Fluorine_Abbreviation = F
		#LOC_CRP_HeavyWater_DisplayName = Тяжелая вода
		#LOC_CRP_HeavyWater_Abbreviation = D20
		#LOC_CRP_IntakeAtm_DisplayName = Потребление газа
		#LOC_CRP_IntakeAtm_Abbreviation = IntA
		#LOC_CRP_KryptonGas_DisplayName = Криптоновый газ
		#LOC_CRP_KryptonGas_Abbreviation = Kr
		#LOC_CRP_LqdKrypton_DisplayName = Жидкий криптон
		#LOC_CRP_LqdKrypton_Abbreviation = Kr
		#LOC_CRP_NeonGas_DisplayName = Неоновый газ
		#LOC_CRP_NeonGas_Abbreviation = Ne
		#LOC_CRP_LqdNeon_DisplayName = Жидкий неон
		#LOC_CRP_LqdNeon_Abbreviation = Ne
		#LOC_CRP_Lithium_DisplayName = Литий
		#LOC_CRP_Lithium_Abbreviation = Li7
		#LOC_CRP_Lithium6_DisplayName = Литий VI
		#LOC_CRP_Lithium6_Abbreviation = Li6
		#LOC_CRP_LithiumHydride_DisplayName = Литий гидрат
		#LOC_CRP_LithiumHydride_Abbreviation = Li7H
		#LOC_CRP_LithiumHydride_Title = Литий гидрид
		#LOC_CRP_LithiumDeuteride_DisplayName = Лития дейтерид
		#LOC_CRP_LithiumDeuteride_Abbreviation = Li6D
		#LOC_CRP_LithiumDeuteride_Title = Лития дейтерид
		#LOC_CRP_LqdAmmonia_DisplayName = Жидкий аммиак
		#LOC_CRP_LqdAmmonia_Abbreviation = NH3
		#LOC_CRP_Helium3_DisplayName = Гелий III
		#LOC_CRP_Helium3_Abbreviation = He3
		#LOC_CRP_LqdHe3_DisplayName = Жидкий гелий III
		#LOC_CRP_LqdHe3_Abbreviation = He3
		#LOC_CRP_Helium4_DisplayName = Гелий IV
		#LOC_CRP_Helium4_Abbreviation = He4
		#LOC_CRP_LqdHelium_DisplayName = Жидкий гелий IV
		#LOC_CRP_LqdHelium_Abbreviation = He4
		#LOC_CRP_Nitratine_DisplayName = Нитрат натрия
		#LOC_CRP_Nitratine_Title = Нитрат натрия
		#LOC_CRP_Hexaborane_DisplayName = Гексаборан
		#LOC_CRP_LqdNitrogen_DisplayName = Жидкий азот
		#LOC_CRP_LqdNitrogen_Abbreviation = N14
		#LOC_CRP_LqdNitrogen15_DisplayName = Жидкий азот XV
		#LOC_CRP_LqdNitrogen15_Abbreviation = N15
		#LOC_CRP_Megajoules_DisplayName = Мегаджоули
		#LOC_CRP_Megajoules_Abbreviation = MJ
		#LOC_CRP_Mopedantte_DisplayName = Монацит
		#LOC_CRP_Mopedantte_Abbreviation = CaPO4
		#LOC_CRP_LqdOxygen18_DisplayName = Жидкий кислород-XVIII
		#LOC_CRP_LqdOxygen18_Abbreviation = O18
 		#LOC_CRP_Salt_DisplayName = Соль
		#LOC_CRP_Salt_Abbreviation = NaCl
		#LOC_CRP_Sulphur_DisplayName = Сера
		#LOC_CRP_Sulphur_Abbreviation = S
		#LOC_CRP_Sodium_DisplayName = Натрий
		#LOC_CRP_Sodium_Abbreviation = Na
		#LOC_CRP_SolidHydrogen_DisplayName = Твёрдый водород
		#LOC_CRP_SolidHydrogen_Abbreviation = H2
		#LOC_CRP_PolyvinylChloride_DisplayName = Поливинил хлорид
		#LOC_CRP_PolyvinylChloride_Abbreviation = PVC
		#LOC_CRP_Plutonium-238_DisplayName = Плутоний-238
		#LOC_CRP_Plutonium-238_Abbreviation = Pu238
		#LOC_CRP_Regolith_DisplayName = Реголит
		#LOC_CRP_Regolith_Abbreviation = R
		#LOC_CRP_UF4_DisplayName = Фторид урана IV
		#LOC_CRP_UF4_Abbreviation = UF4
		#LOC_CRP_Silicates_DisplayName = Силикаты
		#LOC_CRP_Silicates_Abbreviation = Silica
		#LOC_CRP_Silicon_DisplayName = Кремний
		#LOC_CRP_Silicon_Abbreviation = Si
		 #LOC_CRP_Spodumene_DisplayName = Сподумен
 		#LOC_CRP_Spodumene_Abbreviation = LiAl
		#LOC_CRP_SolarWind_DisplayName = Солнечный ветер
		#LOC_CRP_SolarWind_Abbreviation = SW
		#LOC_CRP_ThermalPower_DisplayName = Тепловая мощность
		#LOC_CRP_ThermalPower_Abbreviation = ThP
		#LOC_CRP_Thorium_DisplayName = Торий
		#LOC_CRP_ThF4_DisplayName = Tетрафторид тория
		#LOC_CRP_ThF4_Abbreviation = ThF4
		#LOC_CRP_Tritium_DisplayName = Тритий
		#LOC_CRP_Tritium_Abbreviation = T
		#LOC_CRP_Tritium_Title = Тритий
		#LOC_CRP_LqdTritium_DisplayName = Жидкий тритий
		#LOC_CRP_LqdTritium_Abbreviation = T
		#LOC_CRP_UraniumNitride_DisplayName = Нитрат уранила
		#LOC_CRP_UraniumNitride_Abbreviation = UN
		#LOC_CRP_VacuumPlasma_DisplayName = Вакуумная плазма
		#LOC_CRP_VacuumPlasma_Abbreviation = VP
		#LOC_CRP_WasteHeat_DisplayName = Отработанное тепло
		#LOC_CRP_WasteHeat_Abbreviation = WH
		#LOC_CRP_LqdXenon_DisplayName = Жидкий ксенон
		#LOC_CRP_LqdXenon_Abbreviation = Xe
		#LOC_CRP_LqdXenon_Title = Жидкий ксенон
		#LOC_CRP_Aerozine50_DisplayName = Аерозин 50
		#LOC_CRP_AK20_DisplayName = AK20
		#LOC_CRP_AK27_DisplayName = AK27
		#LOC_CRP_Aniline_DisplayName = Анилин
		#LOC_CRP_AvGas_DisplayName = Авиационный бензин
		#LOC_CRP_CaveaB_DisplayName = CaveaB
		#LOC_CRP_ClF3_DisplayName = Фторид хлора III
		#LOC_CRP_ClF5_DisplayName = Фторид хлора V
		#LOC_CRP_Diborane_DisplayName = Диборан
		#LOC_CRP_Ethane_DisplayName = Этан
		#LOC_CRP_Ethanol_DisplayName = Этанол
		#LOC_CRP_Ethanol75_DisplayName = Этанол - 75
		#LOC_CRP_Ethanol90_DisplayName = Этанол -90
		#LOC_CRP_Ethylene_DisplayName = Этилен
		#LOC_CRP_FLOX30_DisplayName = FLOX30
		#LOC_CRP_FLOX70_DisplayName = FLOX70
		#LOC_CRP_FLOX88_DisplayName = FLOX88
		#LOC_CRP_Furfuryl_DisplayName = Фурфурил
		#LOC_CRP_Helium_DisplayName = Гелий
		#LOC_CRP_HNIW_DisplayName = Гексанитрогексаазаизовюрцитан
		#LOC_CRP_HTP_DisplayName = Гидрокситриптофан
		#LOC_CRP_HTPB_DisplayName = Полибутадиен
		#LOC_CRP_Hydrazine_DisplayName = Гидразин
		#LOC_CRP_Hydyne_DisplayName = Гидрин
		#LOC_CRP_IRFNA-III_DisplayName = Красная азотная кислота-III
		#LOC_CRP_IRFNA-IV_DisplayName = Красная азотная кислота-IV
		#LOC_CRP_IWFNA_DisplayName = Белая азотная кислота
		#LOC_CRP_Kerosene_DisplayName = Керосин
		#LOC_CRP_LeadBallast_DisplayName = Балласт свинца
		#LOC_CRP_LqdFluorine_DisplayName = Жидкий фтор
		#LOC_CRP_LqdMethane_DisplayName = Жидкий Метан
		#LOC_CRP_LqdOxygen_DisplayName = Жидкий кислород
		#LOC_CRP_Methane_DisplayName = Метан
		#LOC_CRP_Methanol_DisplayName = Метанол
		#LOC_CRP_MMH_DisplayName = Метилгидразин
		#LOC_CRP_MON1_DisplayName = Смешанные оксиды азота I
		#LOC_CRP_MON3_DisplayName = Смешанные оксиды азота II
		#LOC_CRP_MON10_DisplayName = Смешанные оксиды азота X
		#LOC_CRP_MON15_DisplayName = Смешанные оксиды азота XV
		#LOC_CRP_MON20_DisplayName = Смешанные оксиды азота XX
		#LOC_CRP_MON25_DisplayName = Смешанные оксиды азота XXV
		#LOC_CRP_NGNC_DisplayName = NGNC
		#LOC_CRP_N2F4_DisplayName = Тетрафтор гидразин
		#LOC_CRP_Nitrogen_DisplayName = Азот
		#LOC_CRP_NitrousOxide_DisplayName = Оксид азота
		#LOC_CRP_NTO_DisplayName = Закись азота
		#LOC_CRP_OF2_DisplayName = Фторид кислорода
		#LOC_CRP_PBAN_DisplayName = Полибутадиеновий акрилонитрил
		#LOC_CRP_Pentaborane_DisplayName = Пентаборан
		#LOC_CRP_PSPC_DisplayName = PSPC
		#LOC_CRP_Syntin_DisplayName = Синтин
		#LOC_CRP_TEATEB_DisplayName = Триетилборан
		#LOC_CRP_Tonka250_DisplayName = Тонка (топливо) 250
		#LOC_CRP_Tonka500_DisplayName = Тонка (топливо) 500
		#LOC_CRP_UDMH_DisplayName = Диметилгидразин
		#LOC_CRP_UH25_DisplayName = Гидразид гидразина
		#LOC_CRP_Glykerol_DisplayName = Глицерин


Edited by Erik Grischuk
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