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LanguagePatches 2.0 - FR/IT/DE/ES/PL/PT-BR/CZ/RU/ZH


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Language Patches Project

by @Thomas P. @simon56modder




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Green = working in 1.2.2  -  Orange = updating to 1.2.2  -  Red = not working in 1.2.2

Français (KSP v1.2.2) Italiano (KSP v0.90) Deutsch (KSP v1.2.2) Español (KSP v1.2.2) Polski (KSP v0.90) Português-BR (KSP v1.2.X) Český русский (KSP v1.2.X) 中国 (KSP v1.2.2)
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FRAMEWORK > for translation patches creation - included in all patches that use it

This allows easy translating.

Created by @Thomas P.

Current version 2.0 for KSP 1.2.1

(under MIT License)




- Project Manager:


- Framework

@Thomas P., @simon56modder

© kerbalspaceprogram.de, simon56modder

- Old ModuleManager L.P. Checker :


- French Translation:

Originally created by @Galbar, then @simon56modder, currently @iceolator88

Translation : @iceolator88, @simon56modder, @Gaarst, killianMoonshine, @Vandest

- Italian Translation:

Manager : @Nansuchao

Translation : @Nansuchao, @-DDD-

(Old version : KerbalItalia, apparently helped by the Italian community)

- German Translation:

Coordination: @Allan Sche Sar, @Thomas P.

Translation: @Allan Sche Sar , cino, Grindberg, Jebediah Kerman, KCST, Taurec

Graphics: Fr3aKyHDx, McFly´ever

Specific Assistance:  @simon56modder

- Spanish Translation:

Manager : @fitiales

Original Creator : @Proot

Translation: @astropapi1, @Proot, @fitiales

Help & Coding: @simon56modder

- Portuguese Translation :

@Pesterenan (old version : @SevenAnarck)

- Polish Translation:


- Russian Translation:

Last working version : @De780 other translator working separately :  @Helmut

- Chinese Translation :



- Czech Translation (old work not available)


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You should check that "help us" link, it shows an error full of NULL, which is a shame because I would make the Hungarian translation (even though there is no official Hungarian community).

*edit* Yeah, pretty sure it should be "patches", not "patchs"

Edited by Wampa842
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I'll support this project as much as I can. My job is essentially applied linguistics, so I can try to answer any questions you have about making the translations work.

From what I've seen of the contracts text files, the current implementation relies on English being a fairly analytic language (words have few morphemes). Mandarin should be fairly easy. It'll be difficult, but not impossible to make moderately synthetic languages like Spanish and French work with contracts. I'm not sure about highly synthetic languages (e.g., Korean, Turkish).


I don't believe the game supports Unicode at the moment, so no. ;.;

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I'll support this project as much as I can. My job is essentially applied linguistics, so I can try to answer any questions you have about making the translations work.

From what I've seen of the contracts text files, the current implementation relies on English being a fairly analytic language (words have few morphemes). Mandarin should be fairly easy. It'll be difficult, but not impossible to make moderately synthetic languages like Spanish and French work with contracts. I'm not sure about highly synthetic languages (e.g., Korean, Turkish).


I don't believe the game supports Unicode at the moment, so no. ;.;

A shame.

BTW, I'm a professor of applied linguistics, myself. :)

What do you do?

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Ha! Of course I claim my work is "essentially applied linguistics" to the one person on the forums who can tell me exactly why I'm wrong. :blush:

I'm a speech-language pathologist working with students who have speech, language, learning, or hearing disorders. Anything from your research I should know about? My major interests are in literacy and social language.

Back on topic, the current contract system basically ignores inflection – the only inflections that are handled by code are the English determiner a/an. That's a hard-coded exception to the normal text-generation rules, so doing the same for other languages would require a plugin at the least. I believe for Spanish you could handle masculine and feminine pronouns and adjectives by separating them into alternate phrase sets that are identical except for gender. That's the way verb tense is handled – it's consistent in each set of phrases.

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Hi fitiales,

I've seen your project on Curse "Traducción al castellano de KSP": really complete !

Do you want to join our project "Language patches" ?

The project aims to bring together translations packs, or to create them !

Contact me if you want more details : languagepatchesforksp@gmail.com



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Ha! Of course I claim my work is "essentially applied linguistics" to the one person on the forums who can tell me exactly why I'm wrong. :blush:

I'm a speech-language pathologist working with students who have speech, language, learning, or hearing disorders. Anything from your research I should know about? My major interests are in literacy and social language.

Cool. I have a colleague who started as a speech pathologist. I don't want to veer to much into OT on this thread, so please feel free to PM me. Most of my research has been in second language acquisition in the context of higher education/adult learners.

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