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[1.0.x] Trans-Keptunian - Outer dwarf planet pack (v0.4 - 06/07/15)


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Just make a .txt file anywhere in your GameData folder, paste that in, and rename it so its extension is .cfg.

Ah, explains it. If it's allowed, I could create the config file and then put it on MediaFire so people can use that ModuleManager config to swap out Plock for Putto.



I must've messed up on copypasting the code, because now I broke the KSC.

Edited by Shinji-The-Kerbonaut
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  • 3 weeks later...

hi im having the same problem that shinji is having, whenver i run trans-keptunian, i get that screen. OPM, and kerbol plus is fine (theres 2 planets, one is NaM m/s, and the other is 0 but i assume thats because i forgot the sigma-binary system mod) any help? i have kopernicus expanded, no visual mods, kittopiaspace, which is packaged with K+, OPM. i also have FAR, ExtraP. launchpads, and MKS mod, but i assume those dont have any effect. any help?

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I must've messed up on copypasting the code, because now I broke the KSC.[/QUOTE]

hello, did anybody find a way to solve this problem? I have this same issue, reinstalle 1.0.5, put up only opm and trans keptunian as mods (besides kopernicus ofc) and this happens if TK is up.
I was previously using 1.04 and it worked fine. Also, did not any change to config files.
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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Flybuild said:

Please make a version for kopernicus if there isnt already (this wall of text is too big for me to see it good)

And if it already exists, Is it compatible with outer planets, Urania, and Kerbol+?

it is for kopernicus, please feel free to actually read the OP of the threads before reporting and/or requesting things from modders. this is compatible with K+, unsure about urania, however it should load fine. If you are in doubt please feel free to try it yourself and report any issues you find.

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13 hours ago, KillAshley said:

it is for kopernicus, please feel free to actually read the OP of the threads before reporting and/or requesting things from modders. this is compatible with K+, unsure about urania, however it should load fine. If you are in doubt please feel free to try it yourself and report any issues you find.

Oh, An issue i find right off the bat is that urania doesnt appear, half the outer planets are gone (not the gas giants), The dwarf planets are not added, and the moons of outer planets mod are removed.

Another thing, Even after removing the mod, these effects persist, even though i changed nothing other than deleting the mod.

Edited by Flybuild
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

@Gravitasi hi :)

are you still working on this?

I was told TK has some problems with SigmaDimensions when using it alongside OPM, this is because your compatibility patch for opm gets applied :AFTER[Trans-Keptunian]

would you be willing to make it apply a little earlier so that it can be properly rescaled by SigmaDimensions ?

one of the easiest way to fix this would be moving the .cfg files from "GameData\Trans-Keptunian\" to "GameData\Trans-Keptunian\Configs\"

and change :AFTER[Trans-Keptunian] to :AFTER[Kopernicus] in "GameData\Trans-Keptunian\Mods\OPMCompatibility.cfg"


thanks for your time, Sigma


since that I'm here, for helping me with GN compatibility it would be nice if you could add this as well to the OPM compatibility patch:

from ":NEEDS[OPM]" to ":NEEDS[OPM,!GalacticNeighborhood]"

so the first line should look like this:


this will stop the patch from applying (only) if GN is installed

thanks again, Sigma

Edited by Sigma88
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@Sigma88that might explain a strange occurrence I had a while back when I had Trans-Keptunian, OPM and your mod, Sigma-Binary installed. As soon as I entered the Sol SOI, I got double entries for every planet in my Kerbal Engineer targeting computer. Uninstalling Sigma Binary fixed the problem. Probably should have reported it. As for the activity level of the mod author, I can't say, as I certainly haven't seen anything from him since I downloaded it, many moons ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/23/2016 at 5:59 PM, Deimos Rast said:

s I entered the Sol SOI, I got double entries for every planet in my Kerbal Engineer targeting computer. Uninstalling Sigma Binary fixed the problem. Probably should have reported it. As for the activity level of the mod author, I can't say, as I certainly haven't seen anything from him since I downloaded it, many moons ago.

His last visit to the forums was in september or october last year it seems


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5 hours ago, Andem said:

I'm willing to take this mod over whenever Kopernicus updates...

That would be wonderful... I love this mod, it makes - with opm - the Kerbol system feel complete and creates great end- game challange,

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27 minutes ago, crberus said:

Does anybody have problem with this mod? I get the whole 1.0.5 game broken after installing of this mod, but i had no problems with that before.

I think I've tried this mod when checking GN compatibility and it worked fine

But it might be that my patch for gn solves the issue you're having here

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20 hours ago, crberus said:

Does anybody have problem with this mod? I get the whole 1.0.5 game broken after installing of this mod, but i had no problems with that before.

It works fine for me with 1.0.5. Did you try to install it on unmoded game?

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1 hour ago, crberus said:

Yes, it works, but there were no conflicts with the same modpack in 1.0.4.

then there must be an incompatibility somewhere, could you post a modlist that causes the error please? also the Logs/ folder would be great in finding out exactly what the issue is

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