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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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3 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Error... Frybert and TheCosmonaut

Skipped a numbe. Frybert posted -10 (+) and the next post reads -8 (+) by TheCosmonaut. @Dman979

Link/ quote? Also, did it happen before this?

13 hours ago, NSEP said:

Wow a few days ago we were at like -86.

-13 +


And to clarify, the post above me is valid... for now.

Edited by Dman979
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Day 125, my dearest Sonia, I write to you in a state of elation. For I have seen a weakness in the enemy's lines. They extend a supposed olive branch to us under the guise of them treating us well. Commandant @Deddly told us that this was because they were afraid, afraid of what we are and what we are capable of. Though our most recent push into No Man's Land failed just short of complete victory, we build up the war machine so that we can some day attempt such a brace offensive again. I fear not the Angels of Death, for I know them, I have measured them and find them wanting. 

Until next time my dear, please send dank memes and rations. 

Lt. Kosmo N. 

1st Light Brigade. 

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Day 125 in the trenches. It seems the positive fighter has refused our offer. Not much I can do about it except to keep on pushing. I have called reinforcements (@Mycroft@DarkOwl57@adsii1970@Wildcat111) but it is not known if they will arrive in time. Until then I must defend the trenches to the best of my ability.

Signing off.

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Dear Father,

War is terrible. I write to you from my temporary bedding that I have fabricated from the torn fabric of my fallen brothers in arms. It has been 126 days since my arrival here. We positive few are adhered firmly to the cause, yet as we are so drawn to creating a better world, so too are our enemy. It is funny, father, the word enemy is passed around like a fine bottle of [juice] at the family table, yet I do not know my enemy. I do not know his aspirations or the extent of his calling to his Negative Duty. I posit that he, too, is writing to family at this very moment. 

Christmas is nearly upon us, tell Mummy that I do miss her cooking. Also express my sincere greetings to uncle @Vanamonde and my brother @Starhawk, my only regret is that we shan't go on our hunting trip this year for the rule violators. It is my hope that, in this season, we may set aside our fight on all sides and enjoy a meal and game of soccer together on the fields. How I miss the sound of untarnished snow, in all of its pure beauty. 

I will write to you again soon

Your loving son


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Day 126.

War is terrible, yet I must keep going. Why? I do not know. I only know that I mustn't give up, I must keep fighting. The reinforcements have not yet arrived; I look forward to the day I see them jump down into the trenches alongside me. It is soon Christmas, and I hope that just for a few days the war can be forgotten and that both the positives and the negatives can just sit down for a meal together. Perhaps then we could settle our differences without the ghastly loss of lives. 

Signing off for today.

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-16 +

Day 127 in the trenches.

My twin brother @TheKosmonaut has been strongly fighting on, despite the negatives attempts. He is a strong sibling to our cause, and we should all look up to the example that has been set. Morale is high.

Cpt. Naut

1st Princess Patricia's Royal Canadian Stealth Infantry

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