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  2. Floor 5010: A comprehensive audio lecture on English Grammar. 143306092024
  3. So, since there's 257 pages to this thread I'll just ask. Any known conflicts with this an other notable mods? Thanks in advance. Seems a nice idea, never used it and I'm working on a heavily modded play through.
  4. Banned for biting your thumb 142906092024
  5. Folks, the whole can't be fixed, can be fixed back and forth isn't really going anywhere.
  6. What if put a bounty for the Martians on the Martian sample return. It would solve at least three problems: 1. Humans meet the Martians (the ambassador); 2. Humans can see the technologies the Martians use for interplanetary flights; 3. Mars sample return.
  7. Granted in its turn, after the Ships ## 0, 1, 2, ..., 28 and the extraordinary ones. I wish people were more attentive when reading spells. The wish was about "rule to ring", not about "ring to rule".
  8. Numbing is cheating, numbers are cheaters.
  9. I'm not getting any sounds from the juno jet engine only haze effects and a major fps drop for some reason. Panther fix above worked fine.
  10. a lot of news for the ussr! today was a very long day. I started off by sending a crew transfer mission to get some scientists on the base. This crew transfer mission was essential since i didnt have any scientists onboard at all, and it also docked to the space station to recover jeb and bill. here are some pictures (the lander is ugly because i had to use the ugly docking ports, sorry for the ugly design) i had to land a bit far away because the terrain was wayyyyyyyyyyy too inclined. here is the docking to the station then i sent 3 satellites in the orbit of the mun, that way the base had comunications with the ksc and was able to transmit data, since i landed on the dark side on the mun i had no way to transmit data without these. sadly i dont have any pics of these sats in the munar orbit cus i forgot to take them. Last but not least, after 4 years of research the korolev munar outpost achieved its objective. a lot of data was transmitted to the ksc and we will soon get to duna. To recover the kerbals in the outpost i sent a simple lander, but i didnt have enough dv to get back so i just ended up docking to the station. A mission to recover everyone will be sent soon. here is the lander this is it for today, cya
  11. Today
  12. Thing is, development money for a video game is kinda inconsequential to someone like Elon Musk. He could technically buy the IP and what not of Take Two, bankroll the development and then release it as a free-to-play educational game, or release it with a price. I don't see that ever happening mind, I think it's just wishful thinking even though Elon is somewhat of a Kerbal fan.
  13. Yes, it is. You are the one claiming KSP can't be fixed.
  14. Any known conflicts with any other mods, stuff like Kerbalism for example is a baseline for my modded KSP1 playthroughs. I'm attempting to build a really comprehensive mod-list to make the game as complex and involving as possible.
  15. Perun, who normally follows military-industrial stuff, put out a vid on SpaceX:
  16. Success is a gradient with measurements often set way before hand. If someone that is wealthy is projected to earn 12mil in a year.. making 10 will be viewed as "losing" 2 mil. Regardless whether it profit on prefected earning.. most will be sad. Being poor.. I've never been able to lose something I never had to begin with. I told my boss he left a word out one time. I said.. you didn't lose 1.2 mil.. you lost out on. Be happy with the the 2% gain on previous year. It is still possible that a GTA title could have an ROI less than projected and still be qualified as a failure
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