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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Thanks for the log, I get onto it. Ah it is a science part, but not recognized as that. try adding it into the breakingattributes. use "DMModuleScienceAnimate_experimentID" as a new netry in the "BreakingModuleAttributes" in the "moduleAttributeList.XML" config file of UbioWeldingLtd. That should solve it, if not please Report back.
  2. The OP says quite clear Engines are a BIG NO GO, this is still persistent. 2.1.3 that I posted a few pages back is made to work with 1.0.2. I never welded lights, but I imagine it applies to the same rule as animated parts. Fuel flow is working like always, welding makes the part one big tank. Having multiple animated parts of the same Kind, will render all exept one useless, no matter if rightclick or Action Group. Welded Wings are something Special especial with the new aerodynamics. If you have only one welded cargo bay it will work fine. But let me ask you how experienced are you with modifing part.cfg's? Welding pods and tanks work fine, but I remember that the internals will be removed. Thanks for your wishes. Engines are broken since the first version of welding, anyone who got it working had just pure luck. It is a pretty difficult and as it seems to Change with each gameversion, it makes it even more complicated.
  3. You write no numbers into that, it is just that the Weldingtool reads this list of entries and calculates them appopriate. So the next welding will use the intakeSpeed as an averaged value.
  4. Is the list about which mods and partpacks use InterstellarFuelSwitch still up to date? So that currently only NFT is using the meshSwitch? I would need as many examples as possible for a proper Integration into UbioWelding. Or should better ask directly, with the meshSwitch, the part is limited to one single model module right?
  5. The Resource IntakeAir will be stacked and summed up correctly, but the ModuleResourceIntake that calculates how much you get Needs to be edited manually. As far as it looks it will sum up the values for area and intakespeed at the module which will give wrong result. you need to change the intakeSpeed. You can fix this by changing your moduleAttributeList.XML Just add it as "ModuleResourceIntake_intakeSpeed" into the list of the AveragedModuleAttributes
  6. It should work normally, I didn't test Nearteas Stations part explicit, but can not imagine what should break it. Did you restart the game after welding? Are the part files created? I will test it local here for me. ----------UPDATE---------- Tested with stock like station parts from Neartea and everything works, well except the lights, but that is expected.
  7. OK so far: Tweakscale is ok in case of the model and textures and also the size, but fuelswitch is more of a problem with the current version. I have already a plan for that but that will take some time to implement. The precautions of the OP are still actual, to fix them will take a huge effort, but some simply can not be solved. as example procedural parts are for ever a huge no-go, as they do not have a model that could be included in the weldment. IR will also get very easy broken, as it is super sensitive of the structure for transforms and gameobjects. Fuel lines and struts get just broken in the weldment as the parts get confues with some vectors. InterstellarFuelSwitch is something im currently on track and work on something, but that will be something quite major.
  8. As a good and well educated reader you have read the entire OP where a link to Github is present, right? Heya guys, my flu is still there but I made a 2.1.2 release ready for KSP 1.0. As always you can find it on Github for DOWNLOAD. And the that is the reason that sick ppl should not code anystuff. 2.1.3 with a Major bugfix that could cause the game and weldment to be lost.
  9. What about the Filter Extension Mod? It provides some filters like PartCatalog did, and the author also helps ff you have questions.
  10. Updated Version, now with the first fix that Quickscroll could not provide
  11. Tired of clicking the buttons endless times to find the parts you are looking for? EditorListScrolling enables the mousewheel for scrolling through pages of the parts the filters and categories in the VAB and SPH. Download Installation As usual, extract the GameData folder from archive into the main folder where your game is installed - for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program Changes 1.2Fixed the visual Scrolling where a selected Filter or Category might be out of the screen [*]1.1 Works now with custom filters tooltips fixed explanaitions in the config Compatibility Stock Filter Extensions Known Issues None Sourcecode Can be found at Alewx Github Licence Code is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) creative commons license. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode for full details. Special Thanks Crzyrndm helping with filter selection
  12. A vpn connection to my local harddrive? öööööhm, nope That Girka2k is looking at it is important he always finds my bugs.
  13. That is from times as unity 3.6 was released, ages. that is quite disanointing that they have no plans for upgrading.
  14. Thanks for updating this mod.
  15. So far it looks ok, but Girka2k is the one that has to give it an ok.
  16. Even as a clear Star Trek Fan and Star Wars enemy this made me laugh, really nice work
  17. I noticed a similar/same behavior already with subassemblies some times, but sounds like an issue for github.
  18. I might give it a try, if I get some extra time. But so far I'm pretty skeptical. Also did I miss something? isn't EVE mod not updated for the current game version?
  19. As much as I understand the need for x64 and share the opinion that it is highly needed to have an awesome great and widely varied KSP experience with all the mods out there. But as Squad is already in the process of converting the project into Unity5, is this thread not just some kind of pressure to provide the x64 version? The reason that x64 was dropped is totally understandable for me, just random crashes ever now and then without particular reasons, so shouldn't we wait until we get somekind of devblog about the progress of the conversion to unity5 before we raise any new demand for x64?
  20. I never used MJ anywhere. I prefer Kerbal Engineer which is also now pretty much customizable. My closest approach from orbit was an overshoot to the small island runway. And at that time there were no airbreakes. Nope you are right here, we are working on an update. I just pushed some code for an update, and got an idea for a major feature that would solve a problem, but that will take some time and planning.
  21. Winston & Kickasskyle you are my Heros of the day KW back in actual game is awesome.
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