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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. Ah, high-centred like a boss! When you pulled back, I looked at the terrain, I though you should have gone left or right around that hollow rather than through it. I had a gallery of screenshots that were poor due to darkness. I decided to improve their look and fiddled with them in Irfanview. And I have two mods that could have fixed this during the mission: Ambient Light Adjustment (still working despite being a mod for KSP 1.3.0) and Minimum Ambient Lighting. I'd advise you to try them out for the night videos. Because fixing the shots after the fact took me more time than flying the mission.
  2. Cool travelogue, dude. I was wondering what mods you're running.
  3. I agree with @sumghai on this one. But if you insist on putting the decoupler into staging, here's the MM script to do so.
  4. I was just thinking "perhaps a roll cage around the engine in the front, say maybe put all the parts inside a structural girder...."
  5. Yesterday morning, did my 10th mission in my Caveman (no facility upgrades, no gameplay mods, unlock all techs costing 90 or less) Nanocrystaline Diamond career (max difficulty, min starting funds, science, reputation, only 10% rewards of funds, science, and reputation, etc.). With very early tech (Basic Rocketry, Engineering 101, General Rocketry, Survivability), I had a contract offered to survey a sector near the Island Airfield under 16,700m. And that reminded me of an old BTSM mission years ago to the Island Airfield. So I took what I knew of that and make my Caveman mission both get the survey and Island Airfield science. Album for my 2015 Better Than Starting Manned military mission to strike a target on the Island Airfield. Teaser Album for my Caveman LCD Mission 10 to survey and land at the Island Airfield for Science! Teaser
  6. I'm not seeing that in my CKAN which I just updated. StageRecovery is showing "ToolbarController" as a dependency and "Toolbar" (ie. blizzy78's toolbar) as a suggestion. I looked into the CKAN metadata for .ckan's and .netkan's: KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta: Metadata files for the CKAN NetKAN/NetKAN at master · KSP-CKAN/NetKAN and they only show files for "ToolbarController" and "Toolbar". There's something different going on in your install.
  7. @Triop, just watched your review video you posted in "What did you do in KSP today?" Cool overview. Are those black squares from Kerbal Konstructs? Saw your Tracking Station and think you might want to check out these two Tracking Station mods. They appear to play nice together too. I've yet to dig into both of them with a lot of missions underway, but I hope they can provide some of the functions of this old mod.
  8. This morning, just completed the 10th mission of my NCD run. So I thought I'd better organize my mission screenshots into something presentable. Got them all roughed out (interesting how I have extra screenshots yet still miss important mission moments), but I want to go over them again before uploading. However, I think this morning's 10th mission is one that you may not have seen before, so I thought I should work on it and share it out. So here it is. I had a contract offered to survey a sector near the Island Airfield under 16,700m. And that reminded me of an old BTSM mission years ago to the Island Airfield. So I took what I knew of that and make my Caveman mission both get the survey and Island Airfield science. Album for my 2015 Better Than Starting Manned military mission to strike a target on the Island Airfield. Teaser Album for my Caveman LCD Mission 10 to survey and land at the Island Airfield for Science! Teaser Both really do need some more editting. EDIT: I've done some image adjustment on the Caveman gallery images (including the teaser) to improve visibility in the darkness.
  9. Wow, I'd just bet you'd have been fun to have on the schooner Emma way back in '25. And kudos for persevering in the face of adversity both from the game engine and from game mishaps. You just take them as they come and then turn them into opportunities to become creative. Triop, you are an inspiration to us all.
  10. LOL! I do know how flaps work. I fly based on a lot of practice in various flight sims. The Mighty Jingles is a YouTube video maker and sometimes Twitch streamer, old dude, retired RN (but still about 11 years younger than me ). He's very personable and smooth talking in his videos and streams. The nickname is that of his old World of Warcraft Gnome Overlord, who runs a Salt Mine. Kassandra and Arthur Morgan (note the first two videos featuring Arthur are reversed) are characters in two recent games he's played over several YouTube videos each. They're both mostly good hearted people who are used to going out and doing work-for-hire. All sorts. As he's not currently on the Memorial Wall in KSC's Astronaut Complex, I imagine he's taking steps to see he doesn't end up there.
  11. That landing (two posts back), whoa. Whenever I fly in KSP, I used pitch trim for more stable flight. And I always use NavUtils to set up proper ILS glidepaths a fair distance off so I don't get behind on what I need to do to land. Without NavUtils, I would crash so many aircraft. No problem. I've been watching a lot of back videos by the Mighty Jingles. So I'm going to be sending out Kassandra and Arthur Morgan to collect. And drag you off to the Salt Mines. Give you a little rest from all that driving and flying.
  12. Thanks, both! That worked! I swear I looked in the scatterer config window ingame and just didn't see that "Disable scaled space ambient light" option at the bottom. Thanks for that. I looked and I think SVE now doesn't use EVE shadows itself. In "GameData/StockVisualEnhancements/SVE_Configs/EVE_Eclipse.cfg", the entire coding for shadows is commented out. If there's another config you suggest I adjust, can you tell me where to find it? Thanks.
  13. In DOE, I see a setting for Skybox Dimming but not anything for ambient lighting. I'm looking at the whole dark side hemisphere of Kerbin, either in the Tracking Station or the map view. There should be both land and water visible, but it's all blacked out, with only the city night lights effects visible. When I go into the Tracking Station, for a moment I see the dark side semi-lit, with continents visible. Then I assume scatterer catches up and the whole dark hemisphere goes pitch black except for the city night light effects. There's got to be something different between my video setup and yours that leads to the difference with scatterer. I've got an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M with the latest drivers (version 418.81) running on Windows 10 1809. Then KSP v1.6.1 and only those mods I listed (now along with Distance Object Enhancement and its config). I use the wireframe toggle in the scatterer window and I can see the wireframe on Kerbin on the darkside if I zoom right it. So the globe is being blacked out by some interaction and setting.
  14. As well, the LM's for Apollo 5, 9,and 10 were from the initial production before the super weight reduction changes. They would have had slimmer (or non-existent?) margins of error if they were used for Lunar landing. For test flights, though, they were very useful.
  15. I'm following this challenge with interest. Currently playing the Caveman Challenge but I do want to give this a try. To get things straight for my KSP Science Checklists, I did extensive recces of KSC to determine what science was available there at all 3 stock facility build levels. For a Science Career, I would think they would be the same as the maximum facility level 3. For KSC Science, there are 11 area mini-biomes, each being a zone containing one of the 9 major facilities and the Crawlerway, as well as another for KSC overall around and between the others. There's the Surface Landed Science just by being in the zone. There's also a razor-thin "Flying over KSC <biome>" for each that a slightly bouncing vehicle or Kerbal can get, for those experiments that are per-biome at Flying Low: Crew Reports, EVA Reports, Temperature Scans, and Atmosphere Analyses. At max facility level, there's 21 structure micro-biomes, like the Flag Pole in the Astronaut Complex grounds. As mentioned, the vehicle or Kerbal has to touch the structure to get the particular Surface Landed Science for them. There's also several more structure micro-biomes that may have given science returns in the past and appear to still exist, but they just return the same science Situation and Biome for the area they're in. These include all addons for the Launchpad and the main buildings of Administration, Astronaut Complex, and Mission Control. There's also area mini-biomes for several of the remote structures on Kerbin: Baikerbanur, Baikerbanur Launchpad, and the Island Airfield. With Making History, there's 3 more: Dessert Airfield, Dessert Launch Site, and Woomerang Launch Site.
  16. Thanks for helping out here. Didn't think of the video mode. I'm on Windows 10 using default. Stopped using Open GL a while back when KSP became okay in Windows 64-bit as I'd heard or seen both it and DX11 had visual artifacts in one way or another. My command line: "-single-instance" is what CKAN provides, so I left it in. "-popupwindow" is for the borderless full-screen sized window that makes KSP play nice with other programs. "-nyan-nyan" is for the Nyan Cat progress indicator from Module Manager. Tried adding "-force-d3d11". Didn't help with the ambient light issue. Did turn all the part selector icons in the VAB to grey blobs.
  17. I'd forgotten they were in RLA. And that RLA is choke full of good parts. As Missing History fills in many of the gaps in Making History, RLA fills in many of the gaps in stock KSP.
  18. The 3 stock ambient lighting settings don't appear to affect the dark side of bodies in the Tracking Station or map view. To be sure there wasn't any other interaction, I used CKAN to install scatterer in a clean KSP 1.6.1 (w/Making History) test bed, with the minimum packages involved. Using Kerbin as a test body, I moved all 3 stock ambient sliders over their full extend of -100% to +100%. With scatterer installed, changing the stock sliders had no effect on the dark side of Kerbin in either the Tracking Station or map view. It's dark with the lights of cities. At +100% all other views are noticeably bright and near washed out, but Tracking Station and map views not affected. And unable to see any terrain features on the dark sides.
  19. The B-52 always has to land at the same IAS due to the fore and aft landing gears needing to touch down at the same time. I think that's the source of that.
  20. Scatterer sure helps to make the system bodies look beautiful. But unfortunately, it also makes the night side of them so realistically pitch dark it becomes difficult or impossible to perceive what's on the surface below, especially in the Tracking Centre and map view. I've seen this with scatterer with both Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements and Stock Visual Enhancements and despite looking worse, I've had to remove scatterer just to be able to properly play. Is there some simple adjustment to scatterer settings to make things a bit more visible on the dark sides? I've tried the mods Ambience Light Adjustment and Minimum Ambient Lighting and they both have no affect in the Tracking Centre and map view.
  21. Add a 45° angled RCS quad block along with the current flat quad, like on the 4 corners of the Lunar Module upper stage. I always want them.
  22. The turbo pumps are started by the starting system (various means to do this, not sure which one is used here) until the pump sides of both are now filled with fluid (the pumps are designed to drive liquids and need to stay wet to work properly) and both preburners (methane-rich to drive the LMG turbine and oxygen-rich to drive the LOX turbine) are going and taking over spinning the pumps. Everything builds up to pressure and steady-state operation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staged_combustion_cycle
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