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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. Perhaps with the Contract Configurator involvement, it's time to summon @nightingale.
  2. Alas.... Interesting Times 1 ? Shaggin' Wagon 1 ? Roll Cage Required 1 ? Only Slightly Broken 1 ? Gently Loved, Only 1 Owner 1 ? Good thing Jebediah's made of sterner stuff. And literally rolls with the punches. "Ah Mission Control here, roger on that green desert. We've sent it to the boys in the back rooms to figure out. We'll see what it looks like come sun-up. This is...Mission Control."
  3. I'm fresh out of name ideas. Except the tired Lucky Rover 1. And hey, what's that "F5 Freedom Fighter Debris" ?!? That must be the parachuted drop tank! What happened, did it sink into the ground?
  4. Anything worth doing is worth doing twice. Looks like I spoke too soon. Rover and bridge both survived. Rover confirmed made of Stalinium. Some rover trim accessories confirmed make of cheap capitalist cardboard. Jeb confirmed not wanted to be tied down. I wonder if the rover could have had a KAS winch on it and do self-recovery? (And still out of likes, for now.)
  5. I'm just getting back into KSP, last active last September. Glad to see a new CKAN version is out. I have encountered something that prompts me to make a suggestion: allow simple downgrading of mods when versions and dependencies allow. Those following Module Manager will know that the changes in the recently released 4.0.x versions have had some issues with some mods, notable Kerbalism. It's still being sorted out what should be changed where, but a common workaround is going back to the previous release of Module Manager, 3.1.3. This is a legitimate version for KSP 1.6+ and all mods. So I went to the Module Manager line in CKAN, switched to the version view, and double-clicked on 3.1.3, expecting it to act as it does to an uninstalled mod, install that particular version. But nothing changes when I used that to request a downgrade of Module Manager. Just tries and says Module Manager already installed. Fortunately, I was just working up my modding and had few mods that had Module Manager as a dependency. So I could remove them all, remove Module Manager, install MM 3.1.3, then reinstall the MM dependent mods. But for someone wanting to implement this workaround for an extensively modded install, this method would be a serious pain. So, any possibility of allowing simple downgrading of mods?
  6. Wow!!! You're lucky you've designed and built a stronk rover, able to do all sorts of flips. Swear it's made of Stalinium. And I can see there should be no chance of driving off the sides of the bridges. Whether they'll survive you driving over them, considering what happens to the runway at the base....
  7. Putting the smaller probe core on it would likely be a solution. The other possibility is it was too close to the runway or launch pad and got cleaned up by the next launch, like what happens to launch clamps. Would need to experiment to figure out what's what. Indeed.
  8. You might want to roll out a test rover to that dropped tank to be sure you can transfer. Be painful to find that there's a glitch when you're dropping out in the wilds.
  9. Sure, that could be done, and if done, I'd suggest starting a new topic and just posting a link here (as well as linking back). The problem comes down to the difference between KSP versions. Right now we're on 1.6.1. There's a large community on 1.3.1 due to various reasons, but it's not that much different. And BTSM is on 1.0.4 and 0.98. There's a lot of difference between them and 1.3.1. How do you recruit new players, because a new community needs to recruit to counteract the loss of people. I have a KSP 1.0.4 install and likely all the BTSM versions. But I don't have a KSP 0.98 install. And neither is available from Steam, which only goes back to KSP 1.0.5, which won't work. You can do this. But when I played my KSP 1.0.4 BTSM last, I felt the lack of being current. And that there was a limit to my enjoyment. There's a lot of good in the current versions of KSP. And there's things like the Probes Before Crew tech tree mod, which I just discovered yesterday. I think it would be better to move on to new things still being developed.
  10. I'd say take B. There's also the mod Wwwwwwwww, although Edberry's bound to fall in a crevasse or somesuch. BTW, are you using any mods? And I stumbled upon a namesake for you
  11. The whole runway blew up ?!? Whoa.... And the aircraft just lost its underslung cargo pod and flipped over.... KK stuff is that fragile ?!? If you actually walk Edberry all the way back, across that mountain range to the west of KSC, that might be even more awesome. Very boring and long, but awesome.
  12. Glad to see this expedition is starting to reach the standard set by the previous ones. Maybe you could use a larger aircraft to paradrop resupply to the rover?
  13. Alas, not having a current BTSM that's being discussed in its own forum topic. Players posting cool screenshots and mission reports. Not having a community. It isn't just the loss of BTSM itself. Many of us have a KSP 1.0.4 install with BTSM that we can use to fly old games and create new ones. But we don't have a community (outside of this rarely updated thread), with old-timers and new-comers sharing their tales. That's what we lost. Agreed. The loss of the BTSM topic was a pity and the final nail in its coffin. And looking around, I see the other career mods that changed things around in a similar way have also mostly fallen by the way-side. Would that I had the time and energy to make my own career mod.
  14. Ah, enlightenment dawns.... Last questions, but it's about both the RTEGs and your current fuel cells. How deep does the charge dip with both of them while you're running? Could one or the other run continously or do both have to stop to recharge the batteries? And how often do you think you'll have to refuel the current rover? EDIT Cool! Smaller battery in the boot to make room for the engine?
  15. ...overpowered.... O.o What does such a word even mean to a Kerbal ?!? Except to add moar payload maybe.... Spoilers to stay on the ground.... Trailer to pull.... LOL! In reality, how was running on nukes? Just a touch too fast to control?
  16. I always imagined half-way across, the ferry broke into song.... And Jeb can't be afraid of a little bit of radioactivity.... Seriously, RTEGs didn't work out in rover design?
  17. So you're not going with the radioisotope thermal-electric generators, like on the Temple Expedition rover?
  18. A good sentiment. Perhaps post each day's most...interesting photo or two to spark interest. Cool! Is that stock or did you set it up with Kerbal Konstructs? Looking forward to it!
  19. Perhaps you can get logs for both and post them in the Module Manager topic to help @blowfish track down the MM issue.
  20. Alas, @Papa_Joe hasn't logged in since November. Perhaps you could post an updated compile?
  21. MM v4.0.1 was just released very early today to fix an issue with not loading modified tech tree and physics. However, someone's reported that MM v4.0.1 is reporting less mods loaded compared to 4.0.0....
  22. Couple of suggestions. Keep posting good pictures in the "What did you do in KSP today?" (which I've seen you've done), good as in "interesting". As well, I see that your signature is partly cut off on my 1080p screen. The links still work but the cuttoff graphic draws less attention. Perhaps a coloured quote like "I'm driving a rover around Kerbin in 80 days. Despite breakdowns and crashes and the odd driving off cliffs and bridges."
  23. And I'm out of likes already. Looking forward to what mishaps adventures you get up to.
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