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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. I don't see the bottom of your signature on my 1080p screen. You may want to redo your signature (scale it down?) so more others can read it.
  2. Hey there, @Triop! Just getting back into KSP and what do I see.... I still remember the challenges you had during your Temple Expedition, where you had a ferry for crossing the ocean between KSC and the Temple. Looks like you've gone one step beyond. Well, looks like there's no risk of ferries deciding they can fly.... Of course, you now can have a rover go off a bridge. Does the rover float? Or is that yet to be determined?
  3. Over the entire history of rocketry, computer guidance, whether on-board or on the ground by radio control, is the norm for rockets. Next is inherent guidance by fins or spin stabilization without any other means. Manual guidance is very very rare.
  4. That arch colour scheme. If I was driving, I'd have to really think "Next is the white arch, not the yellow one." That one moment out at the Tracking Station when you were headed towards the VAB and there were two arches in sight, one white, one yellow, I really thought for a moment "Go for the yellow arch!"
  5. Until you have such a filter, here's the KSP wiki page on the Making History parts that lists all of them. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Making_History_parts
  6. Did you install Module Manager? It's also mentioned in the original post as a dependency.
  7. Making History, the Expansion DLC for KSP.
  8. That may have been true in the past. I just tested the current 7-Zip v18.05 making a new .zip archive with the default options. Win10 Explorer could examine it without apparent issue.
  9. Windows 7 shouldn't make a difference. 7zip was last updated 2018 Apr 30. (Which means I need to update mine too.)
  10. I did test out the 8k packs once, but I was using the "-force-glcore" command line option at the time and that lead to often screwed up textures. Apparently the 8k textures have to be used with DX9, so no "-force-glcore" or "-force-d3d11". I think KSP on both Linux and Mac uses OpenGL, so no 8k textures for them. This could change though. First, check your KSP compatibility in the CKAN client: Settings > Compatible KSP versions. "1.4" should be checked. Next, ignore all the the non-compatible mods. Click on "Filter" and click "Compatible". That excludes all the KSP 1.0.4 Astronomer's packs from over 2 years ago. Those "2k", "4k", "8k". Those are just the texture packs. You must have one of them but only one of them. AVP itself is called "Astronomer's Visual Pack" and its author is listed as "themaster402" (which is strange, assume it's @themaster401 on GitHub). To install AVP, follow my guide in this post up above. (Always skim the last page or two of a topic for help.) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160878-ksp-145-astronomers-visual-pack-v374-warpspeed/&do=findComment&comment=3458958
  11. It's there. AoA Technologies v1.4 for KSP 1.3.1. You need to have "Settings > Compatible KSP Versions" set to include KSP 1.3.1, say by checking the "1.3" box.
  12. Always check out the last page or so of a topic. @Ger_space commented on this back on August 19, on this same page. He's not revised this position since.
  13. Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know. Until then, I'm going to assume it's a Kerbal submarine.
  14. The cross section of solid fuel boosters is actually more complex than that, commonly with star-shaped bores or others to give them steady thrust over time or even decreasing thrust to reduce acceleration increase with the lower mass near the end of burn. The cross section and formulation of the fuel grain is adjusted to give whatever thrust versus elapsed burn time is desired. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-propellant_rocket#Grain_geometry
  15. Congratulations! (I really need to play more KSP.) And that made me wonder what the Caveman Challenge would be like with Deadly Reentry added.... Would definitely change the missions. But as long as funds-positive missions could be done, probably doable.
  16. Changing the LAN will change the orbital inclination, AKA plane change, not in size but in direction, so it's a special case of that. And because it's an orbital velocity vector change, it takes less dV if the orbital velocity is smaller, as it usually is for higher orbits. Most astronautics texts have a section where a rough calculation is done to determine the minimum dV for a plane change by adding in 2 other maneuvers, one to raise the Ap to a higher altitude, where the actualy plane change maneuver occurs, then a third to lower the Ap back down.
  17. Then there's two things that KSP-AVC (and CKAN) needs to know. 1. When the KSP_VERSION* of a particular VERSION of the mod changes, because a new KSP version has released and existing version(s) of the mod can support it. 2. What the existing VERSION's of a mod exist, including a new release. I can see #1 being solved by per-VERSION online copies of the .version file, pointed to by the URL field of release .zip .version file. That online copy can have its KSP_VERSION* fields updated. Given #1, that directly clashes with using that URL field pointing to a master .version file for the latest release, as you pointed out, @HebaruSan. How does KSP-AVC and CKAN figure out when a new release of a mod comes out?
  18. I think a bit of the problem is having the .version file URL field point at the master branch. After much thought, I think this practice, although very common, is wrong. "URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dunbaratu/LaserDist/master/LaserDist.version", It should instead point to a per-release online copy. That way the KSP version fields can be updated online for KSP-AVC and I think for future runs of the LaserDist .netkan as well. @HebaruSan mentioned this very concept in another topic.
  19. Be sure to check whether an experiment is per-biome for a particular situation (which you'd need for Science Alert to alert) by looking in: GameData/Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg As well, some mods like Science Revisited Revisited modify the per-biome nature of some experiments in some situations.
  20. "KSC Control. Ah...currently not receiving the live feed from Not a Bomb. Telemetry is still nominal and we have good orbital photo-reconnaissance that Not a Bomb is still in motion. We're expecting to hear back from Jebediah Kerman shortly. This is..KSC Control."
  21. I think you should edit your post to put the code inside a code block ("<>" tool) inside a spoiler ("eye" tool) so it's not so long on the page. Like what I have done below.
  22. WorldStabilizer works in KSP 1.4.5 just fine. And should solve models getting stuck in the ground on load.
  23. Most mods that are compiled on any KSP 1.4.x patch release can be used on any later KSP 1.4.y release. Patch releases that are radical breaks that require recompiles get known as such quite quickly. Even the changes in KSP 1.4.1 that came out with the the release of Making History as far as I know didn't break compatibility with KSP 1.4.0. And you can check out what happened in each patch release via the KSP wiki. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history This is why the default config for CKAN is enable compatibility with all of KSP 1.4. Even mod authors with automatic mod compile and release systems don't recompile for every KSP patch release. And many of those "1.4.5" compatible mods aren't recompiles for 1.4.5. They are the mods for which the mod author has updated a .version file online to explicitly change the range of KSP versions supported by a given mod release. Not all mod authors know they can do that and many don't. By sticking to only mods for the single current patch release of KSP and ones you've received absolute proof of compatibility, you're increasing your administrative burden, excluding the use of many mods, and not necessarily improving the security of your game. Savegame and craft file backups and keeping an eye to the forums are a better method to protect yourself against game and savegame breaking bugs of all sorts.
  24. Try installing the WorldStabilizer bug fix. It determines at physics start whether models are submerged and raises them a bit, among its work-arounds.
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