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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. It's not quite what you want, but the mod ScienceAlert can drop out of warp and/or make an alert sound when there's available science for one of the craft's experiments when it crosses a biome or altitude boundary. I've used it in the past for Mun polar orbit science collection. And I see @DStaal said the same thing above.
  2. Err...with Kerbin, like Earth, rotating in the same direction as it revolves around Kerbol, solar days are longer than sidereal days. With Kerbin's calendar days being sidereal, that must mean the year is 426 days on the calendar (plus half an hour, apparently) but only 425 Kerbol rises.
  3. I started playing KSP with version 0.23, when the only time was Earth time. I can't remember exactly when, but the KSP Wiki article on Time says in the very next version, 0.23.5, Kerbin time was introduced. I've used Earth time for decades before KSP and I baulked at the shift. At least times could be stated in hours without confusion. But now I wonder about switching to Kerbin time, 6-hour sidereal days and 426 days per year, as opposed to Earth time's 24-hour solar days and 365 days per year. So what time scale do you use? The default Kerbin time? Or the more familiar Earth time?
  4. Well, what you expect? Of course, Bill going to be watching Netflix. Last few weeks have seen a 9th series for Archer and a 2nd for Iron Fist (which is actually quite good). Would you rather have him pilot? Fixed it for you Don't want to tempt the Kraken.... Aye aye, @Triop ! It's good to see planning in action. And it's good you play out the game without backing up with a revert or a quickload. (I'd still do quicksaves to guard against more series cheaty bugs and Kraken attacks.) BTW, speaking of the Bob Johnson's short flight, it does look like it lifted clear of the waves and then with high jet thrust and no water drag flew forward and pitched up. Getting rid of the lift might help. Or changing the hull to pitch down its pitch trim.
  5. To reduce the take-off speed, you'd likely need to tinker a lot with the design. The Correct CoL mod can help seeing the characteristics. If changing the aircraft, I think you'd need to test if you can change the design so you can get more nose up rotation (hopefully before you hit the stall) without tail-scraping. Still need the CoM to be just forward of the CoL (but always forward while the fuel tanks drain) and the rear undercarriage (which lift offs last) to be just behind both of them. That would require a lot of tinkering. Shortening the tail and shifting the engines as much as possible to shift the CoM. Then moving the main undercarriage. As to landing aircraft, I find the NavUtilities mod essential for that. Using pitch trim and throttle to get a steady glidepath, it gives you the information to line up on approach and the correct glidepath to land aircraft.
  6. Yeah, yeah. Blame the spectator in the cheap seats for everything. (We all know that you were fascinated by Lloyd Bridges' underwater adventures.) Cool pictures, dude. (Managed to resist breaking out the submarine film cutscenes. ) I think sending a sub down to examine the wreckage would be cooler still. And hoping that Bill can "EVA" from his cabin....
  7. Ran out of likes again. Jebediah Kerman. On land, in space, or at sea, danger is his middle name. Oh, BTW, is Jeb doing this solo or is someone else in the Cabin below-decks? 'I christen the "Lucky Ferry III" !!!' I figured from the shot of the Lucky Ferry II rounding Cape Horn that it would need refueling around where Val and Bill are. But then it would likely make it to the narrows with enough left to make the crossing. Assuming it doesn't decide to break free.... Guess you're going to need a bigger plane too for the refueling. [Soundtrack music intensifies] "Jebediah Kerman, using all his many skills, strives to rescue Bill from his watery tomb!"
  8. You can use the code tool "<>" to have a fixed pitched inclusion, like this. Part Commander Continued | Part Utility | 1.4.1 | Released | linuxgurugamer | Hunting for the part to activate? No more! This mod consolidates all the right-click menus from parts on the active vessel into a single interface. | | Part Wizard Continued | VAB/SPH | 1.4.1 | Released | linuxgurugamer | Part Wizard is a vehicle design utility plugin that adds a few conveniences when building your next strut/booster carrier. | | PartOrganizer | VAB/SPH | 1.2.1 + | Development paused, patch available | ShotgunNinja | This simple mod allow the creation of custom part categories in the KSP Editor.   | The mod is officially updated for KSP 1.2.1, but Jiraiyah has released a patch for 1.3.1, see the corresponding entry for download. | PartOrganizer (1.3.1 patch) | VAB/SPH | 1.3.1 | Patch released  | Jiraiyah | This simple mod allow the creation of custom part categories in the KSP Editor. | Unofficial 1.3.1 patch for the PartOrganizer mod originally by ShotgunNinja. | PartTweaks  | VAB/SPH | 1.3 | Released | Roovy | PartTweaks aims to improve the working in editor and making parts more realistic.   | |
  9. How about "Lucky Ferry #2"? 'Cause nothing says luck like a succession number.
  10. It's a variant on the general case of Confined Spaces, which are a particular hazard in many industries, each one having its own set of safety measures.
  11. Besides the ones mentioned by @KerbalExplorer and @Tyko, there's a number of other Visual Enhancement mods in KSP. First starting point is the Community Mods and Plugins Library topic, which links to its Google docs spreadsheet with info on most of KSP mods. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SxrQS319Vup1NcE9ehrk5hHAtosynH9_O0Qqq4q3nfM/edit#gid=0 In that spreadsheet, click to sort it by Catagory and look at all the mods in the "Visual Enhancements" Catagory. Any that have released a version for KSP 1.4.0 through 1.4.4 should work in 1.4.5. (Some for 1.3.1 and earlier may work.) There's also a link for each mod to its topic here in the KSP forums, which is important for getting up-to-date info and assistance with the mods. I'll just name the mods and you can look them up in the spreadsheet for more info. There's also a number of other mods in the "Audio and Visual" Catagory. I'll mention some of them after the big visual ones. There's a lot of dependencies for some of the best mods here, so it's important that gets done correctly, either yourself in a manual install or using a mod enabler like CKAN (which also handles downloads and dependencies). Some of the mods can work together. Others form sets of alternatives that can only have one of them in use. There are a few dependencies that go one way or another; best example is some mods depend on TextureReplacer (TR) and others depend on a remake of it called TextureReplacerReplacer (TRR), so you have keep that in the back of your mind. MAJOR VISUAL There's a couple of framework mods that form the basis for a lot of the improvements. They are the important ones that need to be up to date, often needing exact KSP version matching. Biggest is Environmental VIsual Enhancements (EVE). EVE needs a set of configs to work. To not cause problems, EVE has to have just *ONE* set of configs installed. EVE has its own default set of configs (put in a directory called BoulderCo) but it is normally not used. There are many mods that offer EVE configs. Install only *ONE* of them (and that includes NOT installing the BoulderCo default configs if you use another set of configs). Roughly from highest quality and highest computer load to lowest they are in this order (with #1 through #3 being very close together): 1. Astronomer's Visual Pack 2. Spectra (uses TRR) 3. Stock Visual Enhancements 4. Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements 5. Para-Sci High-Performance Atmosphere Pack (last released for KSP 1.2 so may have issues in 1.4.5) 6. EVE default configs in BoulderCo directory Again, install only *ONE* of these. Most of these also have detailed install instructions, as they often have different sized textures and also mod some of the others mods, like Scatterer and the other 3 mentioned with it below. If you use the Outer Planets Mod (needs Kopernicus, see below), there's Pood's OPM-VO to improve their look that can be added in as well. Other mods that can be used with EVE and a config mod to improve things further. Add any number of them. Distant Object Enhancement KS3P PlanetShine (needs TRR but its KSP 1.2 version uses TR) Scatterer The other common framework mod is Kopernicus. It is the guts behind Stock Visual Terrain which improves the look of the surface of the object, planet or moon, that is in play. As @Tyko mentioned, another common change is replacing the skybox, the space background of the whole game. That can be done in a number of ways, including using Pood's Skyboxes, which uses Sigma-88's SIgma Replacements: Skybox as its framework. OTHER VISUAL AND AUDIO There's a lot of others in the Catagories "Visual Enhancements" and "Audio and Video". Here's a few of the best. Ambient Light Adjustment (for KSP 1.3 but still works) to adjust overall scene brightness Audio Muffler Redux Chatterer (not Chatterer Extended or Chatterer+) for shear sound immersion Destruction Effects Engine Lighting RealPlume Stock (configs for stock rocket engines used by the SmokeScreen plugin and RealPlume from the Realism Overhaul (RO) mod set) Reentry Particle Effect ShipEffects Continued Vapor Vent
  12. Ah, Val survived. Hopefully Bill's okay inside the cabin. Good reminder that craft need to be tested in the full range of operational conditions. A common mistake, one I've committed meself. Also I believe the MiG-21 couldn't burn the last 20% or so of its fuel because movement of its centre-of-mass cause it to become too unstable. Of course. Wondering if you're going to send out a flying boat as I'm assuming it's too far for Val and Bill to swim to shore. More adventures.
  13. What's the name of this replacement mod? Do you have a link to its forum topic? I see no mention of it in the Trajectories topic. Last action I've found is @PiezPiedPy's recompile of Trajectories for KSP 1.4.3, which is said to still work in 1.4.5.
  14. Holy Frak! I see a Kerbal floating in the water? Did both Val and Bill survive? ...as they say in World of Warships when someone sinks 5 ships... (And I've run out of likes again!) Any idea what happened? A catastrophic failure of hydrodynamic resistance from Kerbin's oceans? Or did it just bounce? And the ferry said... I guess I spoke too soon about not having to worry about aggressive fauna in Kerbin's oceans. I wonder how common this is? I wonder if this is some sort of variant of the bug that @whale_2's WorldStabilizer works around? That bug comes from the onset of physics and problems in the current KSP. I wonder if something like that could happen to water vessels during play? Another variant came to me that you might want to entertain. 3. A two-stage super-rover. The first an amphibian that travels from KSC to the crossing and crosses the ocean. Then it separates a smaller faster rover that travels across the desert to the Temple. I don't think you want to consider travelling all the way by land, as I think that would make the journey as long as Pole2Pole. And over much rougher terrain.
  15. Saw your slightly later post in the RO topic and answered there.
  16. Not sure how to do it if you got KSP from the Squad store. But in Steam you look under Betas and they offer many KSP versions: 1.0.5, 1.1.3, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, and all from 1.4.1 to 1.4.4. So you can select 1.3.1, let Steam download, then copy out of the Steam install directory (usually "<Steam root>/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/") to one you maintain (I use "C:/Prog/KSP/v1.3.1" for a pristine copy and "C:/Prog/KSP/v1.3.1+mods/" for the modded install where I ran KSP 1.3.1).
  17. Thought so. The Advanced Grabbing Unit (AGU). AKA The Claw. That is cool. I'd still use TAC Fuel Balancer, as it is the best one I've found for managing transfers between lots of resource pools on a spacecraft. TAC Fuel Balancer has an on-going balance function, but I never used that. Just found it helpful back when playing BTSM when my spacecraft could have lots of batteries and when I had to drain a lower spacecraft stage I was about to drop. Guess you really do need a bigger boat. My estimate is you're going to have to refuel at least 3 or 4 times total for the whole journey out. Good thing needing a bigger boat isn't because of some hostile fauna.... Or Kerbin could have weather. Rounding the south cape, it could have gotten tense....
  18. When you see "2001: A Space Odyssey" on the IMAX screen for your birthday. And then again a few days later. And that you have to get back to playing KSP. Again. When Steam says you've played 562 hours of KSP. And soon after starting playing KSP years ago, you switched to copying the install to another directory and launching the KSP program directly. Which isn't recorded by Steam. When you use all 3 engineering mods. Because you like KER in the VAB, VOID for its heads-up displays, and MechJeb in flight (but also sometimes in the VAB) because of its very flexible and multiple info windows. And you have sympathy for @HarvesteR. Because whatever he did or didn't do, Kerbals were his baby. And he's not been on the forums since May, 2016.
  19. But don't you have a web browser on your gaming computer? You can't just load the Google docs page in the browser and, well, browse it? It's what I do. I don't download the sheet.
  20. Whoa, a jet-powered ferry. Cool! I think you need a bigger boat. Of course, all the refueling is going to make this a much more interesting story. How did you dock the jet to the ferry to transfer fuel? And I know you pride yourself on doing this all stock, but in your shoes I'd use TAC Fuel Balancer to do the transfer. And here's another couple of crazy ideas. In case you think things are getting too routine. 1. Design a VTOL jet that lands on the ferry to refuel it. 2. Plan a second run once you're done this one, with the ferry taking the rover from KSC to the shore just south of the Temple. I can just see it! @Triop braving the High Seas of Kerbin! Navigating out of sight of land! No rhumb lines for you, Great Circle navigation! The crew getting peckish and taking long side looks at Bill Kerman.
  21. Oh, I do understand the limitations on a business computer. It's just that I always want an office suite on my computers just for gaming and Libre Office, being free and completely cross-platform, fits the bill. Most games I end up taking notes in plain text. But for the really complex ones I make more complex notes and tables and a spreadsheet is ideal for that. Sometimes I even get to using the calculating functions of the spreadsheet. I do work to keep down my game admin so not to cut too much into my game playing. But a bit of admin does help, especially in the complex games.
  22. I know. I was watching the Space Race at the time. So that means some rover gear should be in Tier 6, where there is the equivalent of the Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module. Perhaps in Advanced Exploration. Of course, it would help if you could train Engineers to fix rover wheels on Kerbin, similar to history. And not have to send them outside of Kerbin SOI as well as get experience with respect to Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, as it is now.
  23. Oh, come off it! Just look at the rover wheels. The first teeny ones at tech tier 5, then finally a decent wheel at tier 7, and the last 2 at tier 8. Same tier 7 node also contains the External Command Seat and the Rovemate probe. Why not even one wheel lower down, better at Start? Where the External Command Seat should be too.
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