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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. You should at least read the first post of a topic. Your answers are all in the first few lines. Module Manager doesn't change anything without having patch files ("something.cfg") written and put in GameData for it to read at KSP startup and change the data structures KSP loads from text config files loaded from GameData. However, almost every mod includes one or more of those patch files. It's likely KAX has them too. And follow the logs link to find out where to find the log files to upload. And if your log files aren't being written to, there's something wrong either with your KSP install or where you're think those log files should be.
  2. Ah, no. I know coding in many languages and all sort of stuff, but not C#, Unity, nor KSP API details (and having no end of trouble tracking down clear information on that). Will just be sticking in the last release and seeing if it works.
  3. Finding these all very interesting @5thHorseman, especially Jack of Many Trades. I remember all the discussion we had in the BTSM topic about the 3 Kerbal professions and how half-baked the initial stock idea was. Strangely enough I was playing with a similar MM config back in April. I also gave everyone the Engineer abilities, primarily to fix busted rover wheels. However, I'd added Scientist abilities to Engineers instead of your adding Pilot skills, possibly to allow 2 balanced 2-Kerbal crews from the initial 4. I'm thinking your way may be better.
  4. I remember @Hyomoto's IVA's quite well. Looking forward to studying and using your mod. There are updated versions of Vessel Viewer and Engine Ignitor available.
  5. Ooops! I completely misinterpreted your original request as being about CommNet. The stock probes and antennas' stockRT range can be seen in the Module Manager script to modify them, 'StockRT.cfg', including here in the spoiler.
  6. There's a table in the Wiki CommNet article. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CommNet Here's a good topic discussing how to handle CommNet.
  7. Do the wheel autostruts show up if you turn on showing them with the debugging setting? Do you know how the choice is made for the autostrut destination? I assume there's a distance limitation too. Does the autostrut go from the wheel to the grandparent part within that limit unless there's a heavier part with the distance limit?
  8. I don't think that'll work, as making new wheels still defines them as wheels in KSP and the rest of the code will handle them in the same way. This needs to be addressed by knowing what's going on and what hooks have been made for mods to control autostrutting.
  9. Someone who has more certain knowledge of autostrutting will have to comment to be sure. I suspect a config file change, either in the text or by Module Manager, which only has impact when KSP starts up, isn't going to be sufficient. Squad put in the autostrutting to make wheels work in the new Unity and disabling autostruts glibly will just lead to the issues they were put in to work around. I imagine they are created by stock code when craft are loaded. Appropriate code, as in a .dll, will be needed to control them and toggle them off for IR.
  10. With able help from @GFX5000i, @linuxgurugamer has a new version of Take Command out, so craft with just the External Command Seat and no other pod can be designed, launched, and used. Perhaps they might have some ideas about External Command Seat First Person View ? Maybe the RPM & IVA experts, @MOARdV, @alexustas, @DeputyLOL ? Kind of have to give the seat an IVA with a pseudo-INTERNAL that dishes up the view this mod gives, with the seat and its craft added in.
  11. Thanks for the quick response and clarifying the use of multiple :HAS. I also wanted to be sure that the '|' can be used in a :HAS as an OR operator.
  12. Thanks for updating your modlets, @magico13! BTW, is Wwwwwwwww suppose to have its .dll directly in GameData? Unlike the others, it doesn't have a subdirectory under GameData. I though only ModuleManager.dll lived down there.
  13. Hi @Malah and others using these Stock Config mods. I was wondering how functional they are with KSP 1.2.2 and recent versions of the mods. (With an upgraded Module Manager of course.) Especially interested for SCANsat and RemoteTech. For the others, I know enough about MechJeb that its MM patch is good, as is Protractor's (although that mod is currently long unsupported). I have a suggestion for the file Graphotron.cfg in StockPlugin. Replace :NEEDS[olexlib] with :NEEDS[Graphotron] to match on the current Graphotron.dll.
  14. Tried to find documentation for the HAS block but can't find any. Wondering if it's possible to do an OR in a HAS block, like this. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]|@MODULE[KerbalSeat]]:HAS[!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:NEEDS[MechJeb2]:FINAL { // coding }
  15. I just downloaded from @Einarr's link from the post copied below and the zip tested as good when I unpacked it with 7zip.
  16. @WildLynx reported on October 15 (see below) that the latest CLS had issues under KSP 1.2.0 that were solved by reverting to CLS Can anyone report on how CLS is behaving on KSP 1.2.2?
  17. Well.... A bunch of modders did get recruited by Squad during the development of KSP 1.2, not to incorporate their mods but to help make KSP 1.2 better. And they did help make KSP 1.2 better. And then about a week before 1.2 release, a bunch of those and other staff parted company with Squad. We don't really know how or why. So, I'm imagining any modder would be very cautious now about accepting any deals with Squad. Despite recent improvements, I really depend on mods to turn KSP from a game that would frustrate me with the many things it lacks to a game I enjoy. And for most of those required mods, many of them much simpler that FAR, there's no sign that stock KSP will ever incorporate them. Or Squad has even said they'll won't entertain such a change. As an example, the information from engineering and info & control mods, like the delta-V of a design and the remaining delta-V in flight, or the shape of the current orbit visible in flight mode, like apoapsis, periapsis, and inclination. I think Squad looks at the big change they did with aero back in KSP 1.0 as sufficient and have no interest in going further with it.
  18. You just gave a link to this topic. Both Github and CurseForge have KER, which was released for KSP 1.2.1.
  19. Here's @Ser's quickfix .dll for KSP 1.1.3. Haven't checked it yet in any KSP 1.2.x version.
  20. The following is my ModuleManager config file to add MechJeb2 to all command pods. You need MechJebLocalSettings as well.
  21. You don't create a log file. KSP does that automatically. Mod developers need log files to troubleshoot issues. Read this post to find out more.
  22. Shouldn't you report this in the Kopernicus topic, that perhaps it shouldn't adjust the cloud altitudes in clouds.cfg for Kerbin ?
  23. Realism Overhaul includes a large number of dependent mods to be a total conversion mod set to convert the Kerbin system into the Sol system and all that entails. Whenever KSP changes in a significant way (most version changes) those dependent mods have to be updated to mature working versions before RO itself is updated. Having so many dependent mods works for RO (and is likely the only way to make such a transformation) but it's why other mods try to limit their dependencies.
  24. I saw this thread and thought "Thuds in KSP ?!?" Different Thud.
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