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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. Well, as far as MechJeb is concerned, looking at the "temporary" topic for it: @sarbian has already recreated the MechJeb first post in the new topic. But for other topics, that's a good point. I suspect the problem with this issue is that a number of topics broke, but we don't know how much they broke. There may only be one database entry for each missing topic that's damaged or gone that then prevents the topic from being viewed. Which means that fixing them isn't the same as restoring a deleted topic. The fix likely requires a careful investigation to find out why the topics broke (very important) and what database entries were affected. With that information, perhaps a manual restore of database entries along with some standard rebuild functions could fix it, but that's something that has to be certain in planning and preparation and may require significant downtime when executed. I'm sure at some point we'll be told what's going to happen.
  2. I started using MechJeb soon after I started playing KSP during version 0.23. The crazy weak and stretchy parts joints almost made me give up KSP completely. I remember the struggle getting my first rocket to orbit and not have it disintegrate during flight. And then I couldn't repeat after about another dozen tries until I had MechJeb Ascent Guidance fly the rocket. Eventually I learned more about rocket design and strutting and in later KSP versions joints because less like overcooked pasta. But without MechJeb I would have given up on KSP. I can do everything manually that the autopilot and other tools of MechJeb make much easier, including rendezvous and docking and node creation, although I always use a mod for better access to node creation and editting than what's in stock. I like to master these skills so I understand them, then selectively use MechJeb to reduce the tedious work. I don't play KSP just to simulate a rocket guidance system. I also use the other 2 engineering mods, KER and VOID, with KER used mostly in the VAB/SPH and VOID for its awesome HUD's. MechJeb's custom windows are also great and I set up many of them and selectively open and close them using icons on @blizzy78's toolbar.
  3. Well, obviously a lot of players are having problems with installing IR, as some of them are asking for help in this topic. More are likely just giving up. And yes, people should read the last 3 pages or more of a topic to get a feel for current issues. But it doesn't help that the first post hasn't been updated and points to a specific version on Spacedock that isn't current (and Spacedock doesn't have any later versions). KSP 1.2 has been out for 3 months now. I understand it can be challenging to upgrade a mod when Squad has changed so much going from 1.1.3 to now 1.2.2. But people look in the first post for details on installing a mod and any serious issues it is having. Perhaps between yourself and @sirkut you can either get the first post and the topic title updated or start a new IR thread, with cautions on KSP 1.2 IR still being in prerelease. That way people wanting to try IR won't depend on finding the download links in your signature and locating this recent post with details on installing IR. Of course, it still have version specific links.
  4. I suggest using MJ #682. #683 has some issues with resetting the layout of MJ windows. From reading the current MJ topic I'm not sure if that has been fixed in #684. EDIT: MJ #685 has the issues fixed, so it should be good to go.
  5. Aero changed in KSP 0.90 and 1.0.5 as well. Seven major aero and thermal changes in a row was just too much for @FlowerChild to balance one more time and the last version of BTSM released to date was for KSP 1.0.4. Which won't work properly under 1.0.5 (will be in places too easy or too hard). Can't really blame FC because those 1.0 subversion changes were at times crazy.
  6. I've not tested them thoroughly and every IVA using ASET props I've tested them with has had other text display artifacts. I've not played KSP very much since early December and haven't had a chance to tackle another conversion of ASET from scratch as it's a significant task. I'm personally tempted to just stick to stock RPM IVA's until at such time @alexustas releases a new KSP 1.2.2 compliant version of ASET.
  7. Please read the first post on the following topic. It tells you about simple troubleshooting you can do. Most importantly, it tells you where to find the KSP logs. You will have to provide logs for anyone to figure out enough to help you.
  8. In a general sense their impact: KSP 1.2 was a major mod-breaking change. KSP 1.2.1 was a minor mod-breaking change. KSP 1.2.2 was a bugfix release only and anything for 1.2.1 has a very very high likelihood of working on 1.2.2.
  9. Yes. Very dark and sinister. It's a video setting that will have impact on game performance, especially on older less video-capable computers. Try the stock setting both ways as well as this mod and judge it on how it looks and how it appears to perform.
  10. The KSP 0.242 mod GlowStrips. The topic is locked as the mod developer hasn't been on the forums in well over a year. The GDrive download link in it is still functional. Direct link to the Imgur album from that post. http://imgur.com/a/ybaoT @Drew Kerman has a post on the last page explaining how to update the mod to KSP 1.0.4 to work. Extending that method to KSP 1.2.2 might work, although more may be needed.
  11. "News from just behind the Front! Our brave flying aces are raring to go give Jerry a damn good seeing-to! Give 'em hell, lads! Give 'em hell!"
  12. "Enter" is a keypress fraught with potential peril, as it often acknowledges doing something you may not want done. Until this is fixed, maybe do "Escape-Escape" instead?
  13. Hi all. I'm interested in IR and have been following the topic, although I'm not in a position to test IR. @kcs123, you said you needed to use parts without symmetry to have the workaround work. Well, there's a KSP 1.2.2 version of Part Wizard available. With it you can break up symmetry groups. Perhaps you could test it to see if it makes doing the workaround easier and gives a functional result.
  14. Finding your progression interesting. I too want a better KSP career. I hate that so many games, KSP included, go for an purchase model of R&D where in one way or another you earn science points and use them as an alternate currency to buy arbitrary tech. Tech should improve by actual research, development, and using items; learning by doing, not buying. I think I might be able to make a better KSP career using Contract Configurator and making special contracts or sequences of contracts where the actions to fulfill the contracts is the doing that represents the R&D that unlocks tech.
  15. Module Manager should always go directly in GameData and not in a subdirectory.
  16. @bpiltz didn't ask for that. He talked about setting an alarm for an already orbiting craft to have its closest approach over a given location: "An alarm for closest intercept of active navigation waypoint or grid coordinate on the body below." If you can change or select the orbit before the overpass, yes the problem is much simpler, as it is for certain fixed orbits like pure equatorial or polar orbits.
  17. I don't think any are in the current version of Kerbal Alarm Clock, @bpiltz, but I'd thought I'd comment on how tough it would be to implement. KAC would need to access orbit information. Don't know if the stock game has a standard place to access the orbit period, but I think both KER and MechJeb can provide this info to another mod. You could do this one manually if you have the orbit information from KER, MechJeb, VOID, or Basic Orbit. Just set up a recurring alarm with the orbital period or a single alarm for a particular number of orbits. This one is likely to be mind-bogglingly complex, especially in the general case of an arbitrary orbit and ground point, maybe only possible with very rough finite methods. Any method that is complete--and a mathematically complete exact solution may not exist--or approaches completeness would spit out a series of minima distances. Those minima could change in radical ways. My guess is KAC will never have this. It's likely not necessary as you can do very rough solutions manually for appropriate orbits, like pure polar ones. This one should be possible, again if KAC can access this information from KSP. Again, if you can get the numbers yourself, you could manually estimate it.
  18. They're from a consequences of a change in KSP. From the RPM release page on Github: Colour tags will be present in all IVA's. They're fixed in the RPM placeholder IVA's but every other IVA will have to be fixed by hand. Colour tags are in the ASET props, maybe also ASET avoinics, features used in many custom IVA's. I went through and did a crafted regexp search-and-replace in ASET props and there are over a hundred of them. It's complex as the HTML-style implies needing a closing "</color>" and some features may have several colour changes in succession. As well, setting up and doing a massive regexp search-and-replace has to exclude IVA MFD files as they will match but must be left unchanged. When I tried fixing the last ASET props released, I think I got them all right. But the fix has either caused or exposed other errors in the IVA's I've tested them with, seen as misplaced or oversized text. Fixing them correctly is going to be a lot of work. I may take another crack at fixing ASET props, but I may just wait for @alexustas to release his new ASET props for KSP 1.2. As well, IVA's using those props will likely have to be fixed independently. And getting an IVA right is a lot of work.
  19. I have no idea. But going in through the source link and poking around gets you the standard Github release page for Firespitter. https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases I take that and split it into the Plugins directory and everything else and manage those as 2 separate mod in JSGME with everything else requiring the Plugins dir. EDIT: Seeing @kcs123's reply below reminds me, I include the Plugins and Resources directories together. It was required for one of the mods I was looking at and I thought I should include it by default.
  20. I hadn't noticed that. I searched for SciFi Visual Enhancements and couldn't find a topic, but if there is one that's active and it's still supporting KSP 1.1.3 versions, I would suggest asking there. Otherwise I don't know if you're going to get much support as most users and modders' focus is on KSP 1.2.2. What you could do is pull in the EVE Config's for KSP 1.1 off of @rbray89's release page and try pulling the SciFi Visual Enhancements configs and putting in EVE's configs and see if EVE's work. If they do, then the issue is some difference between the two configs. Maybe comparing them, especially the cloud configs, will point you at it. Otherwise you'll have to pull half your mods and test to see if the bug is still there. After than, continue to divide and test until you find the problem mod that causes it. Don't know what you'll do then as it's unlikely you'll be able to find a non-conflicting version of the mod.
  21. @rbray89 isn't active in KSP modding now. Please go to and follow the new EVE topic for releases and discussion and upgrade to the EVE downloads there. The BoulderCo folder is required. The EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder only contains EVE's plugins and shaders. All the default EVE config is in the BoulderCo folder. This is to allow other visual enhancement mods to use EVE plugins and shaders with their own config. You have to download and install 2 zips (named without version numbers ) AnyCPU-Configs-Release.zip (the BoulderCo folder) and AnyCPU-EVE-Release.zip (the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder) for EVE to work.
  22. I use JSGME and running between 100 and 200 mods (still checking a lot out).
  23. Any regexp that matches on the colour codes in other IVA files will also match on the structures in MFD files. However, the MFD files don't have colour codes and must be left unchanged. That's what steps #17 and #18 are for. They copy the unchanged original MFD files over the now mangled converted MFD files to limit the change to where it should be. I wasn't active in KSP around September to get @linuxgurugamer's KSP 1.1.3 version of ALCOR, but last week I tried that update on the ASET Props 1.3 from KSP 1.0.4 days and there are hundreds of uses of the colour codes in dozens of files from the Props to be fixed. And the MFD files must be excluded from the changes. I played with the Replace With string, I think taking out the spaces around the '\4', giving <color=#\2\3>\4</color> I believe this gives a better layout more like the original, but I've not had a good IVA to test this on. The problem is the colour codes aren't just used in the Props but in various places in the rest of IVA's files. All of the colour codes--and only the true colour codes--have to be changed. @Movado's process above should be thorough for the ALCOR, but any IVA's using ASET Props you want to use have to be searched for colour codes and those codes converted. Including some that change colour a few times in succession. Without touching any MFD files, because running the conversion on them will screw them up. And the ASET Props have to be fixed too. And maybe ASET Avionics too. Older IVA's may not be worth the effort as they have other issues. I have this one for the stock Mk3 Cockpit I still had text display problems that I could potentially fix. However, the mod was also producing a lot of texture errors that I'm not so sure I can fix or may be worth fixing.
  24. In a MM script, will a "-MODULE[name] {}" cause an error if there isn't an existing MODULE[name] ? Like in this code.
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