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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. I agree that he needs to start clean and reinstall again. But I think one of the reasons why his GameData folder ended up that way is he just didn't know enough to fix a common problem with many install archives. 1. Install archives for mods now often include a GameData directory in which they put their mod. Horray! 2. And inside that GameData directory ISN'T just one or a very few named directories to go in GameData, as it should be. But all sorts of files. Includes common names like "README.txt" that will overlap between many mod install archives. All these files shouldn't be in GameData directly but in the GameData/<modname>/ directory.
  2. You're welcome, @theersink. I wonder if the problem with CKAN is it's somehow ending up with the ToadicusTools.dll from the VOID release when all 3 are installed. CKAN has a noble goal, to do something like Debian does with dpkg and apt for its software: allow parts to be put into packages and simply and cleanly be installed and removed. But it's trying to do so without the underpinnings Debian has for it: the Debian Policy Manual, detailing the standards, requirements, and best practices learned, built up, and revised over years of experience. And a community of pacakge devs that follow those policies. Packages are constrained in their names and file layouts. Config files are identified and handled specially. There's tools to carefully replace files from other mods and handle alternatives. And a vast number of other important details, which makes sure this all happens near seamlessly. Packages in development still get bugs, including packaging bugs, but with the standards, it's easier to figure them out and even work around them before they're fixed. So it's not surprising CKAN breaks. It's kind of surprising it works at times. I've seen how Debian packages interact and break and potentially the same can happen with mods installed by CKAN, but they can be worse because CKAN can't impose standards on modders to package their mods to reduce them. Only Squad is in a position to do so and it would be hard for them to do so with a long established modding community. I use the tool JSGME to enable and disable mods that I set up to use it. I tend to avoid a lot of errors that aren't inherent in KSP, a mod, or between mods. But I still screw up, as I did with using the ToadicusTools.dll from VOID instead of Tweakable Everything. But I usually find these and fix them.
  3. You've got some issue in your install. Despite having a copy of ToadicusTools.dll version, there's a log entry saying it's not being found by KSP. Is the directory of ToadicusTools laid out as I mentioned above? If it's not, that's an indication something is incorrect in the install. Search under GameData the KSP install directory for ToadicusTools.dll and be sure you only have one and it's version As far as I know, it doesn't have code like ModuleManager.dll that disables earlier versions when a later version is present, so a copy of could cause problems. If that's not the case, then I advise deleting the subdirectories "ToadicusTools/" and "TweakableEverything/" under "GameData/", download the Tweakable Everything install archive, and reinstall from it. This is to fix potentially damaged files, especially ToadicusTools.dll.
  4. Be sure you have the version of Toadicus Tools that came with Tweakable Everything; it's the one that's version It's also will have a ToadicusTools.version file and the plugin will be in a Plugins subdirectory. I was setting up VOID at the same time, identified the later version of TT with Tweakable Everything, and though I'd grabbed it and put it into use. But when I recently enabled Tweakable Everything, the lag was massive and the App Launcher didn't show up in the VAB. Look at my logs and I saw errors similar to yours. Turned out I'd put in Toadicus Tools that came with VOID. Look at "GameData/ToadicusTools/" and make sure you have these files. ToadicusTools.version Plugins/ ToadicusTools.dll Right-click on ToadicusTools.dll and click Properties, then on the Properties window click the Details tab. Version should be
  5. While I was doing my testing, I set up my flight windows for MechJeb for KSP 1.3.0 and I'm happy to see improvements. Old issues solved and many new features I'll have to check out. Thanks to @sarbian and all who brought these about. I time-warped several times and saw the inclination sign update by itself without any input from the player, which is good. But it flips sign for the upcoming Node between about 60 to 80 degrees before the true closest alignment with the Node. Seeing as it also launches between about 45 to 60 or 70 degrees before the true alignment and I'm not surprised it can sometimes launch with the wrong sign. I don't think any more comment is needed here about this part of Ascent Guidance. Until @sarbian or someone else can dig into the code and address this, there's a manual workaround. 1. First use Launch to the Plane to get the size of the launch inclination. 2. Use map view and Mun's orbit as a projection of the equator, see the proper sign for that inclination: positive for an Ascending Node, negative for a Descending Node. 3. Manually judge the launch site alignment with the Node. 4. Launch with the regular autopilot of Ascent Guidance.
  6. There's a typo, an extra "}", in the .cfg files for the Launch Clamp 1.25m and Launch Clamp 2.5m that removes their MODULEs ModuleGenerator and ModuleTestSubject. The extra "}" is between the text for MODULE LaunchClamp and MODULE ModuleGenerator for both. Note: the copies of those 2 files here still have the typo "}" in them. GameData/FASA/Misc/FASA_Launch_Clamp_125/FASA_Launch_Clamp_125.cfg (line 87) GameData/FASA/Misc/FASA_Launch_Clamp_125/FASA_Launch_Clamp_25.cfg (line 77) The typos have likely been around a while as they also exist in another copy I have of FASA Launch Clamps from 2016 December.
  7. I played around and Launch to Plane of Target finally always gave me a countdown. And pressing Engage Autopilot got it to launch automatically after its countdown. But it appears Ascent Guidance is miscalculating when best to launch to put the rocket into the plane of the orbit of the target, at least when aiming at Minmus. Appears to be often 45 to 60 degrees early. 4 runs of Launch to Plane autopilot gave me relative inclinations of final orbit with respect to Minmus's orbit (the target) of 4.56, 6.93, 7.75, and 2.55 degrees. Using map view and the equatorial orbit of Mun to manually judge when at the Descending Node to launch, with an inclination of -6deg, using the regular autopilot gave me a relative inclination of 0.34 degrees. Logs of the 2 games here and here.
  8. I'd say It's not complete as it doesn't trigger the launch. I was trying to use (Orbit) Longitude of the Ascending Node (LAN) for the rocket on the pad versus Target LAN to gauge when the pad passed through the relative Nodes with respect to the target, but from judging by eye when it passes through a Node versus the angular difference between LAN and Target LAN being 0 or 180deg, they aren't the same. As a work around, judging by eye and using the Launch-to-Plane inclination on a regular Ascent Guidance will probably be good enough. Launch to Rendezvous seems to be aimed at near co-planar multiple launches from the same pad, at least for a near-equator pad like KSC. It judges the phase angle to get that first close pass soon. And it does automatically launch. Log files from a couple of games with several attempts at using both LtR and LtP, here and here.
  9. When you say Ascent Guidance launches into a -6 inclination orbit, does the rocket aim south of due east and increase in South Latitude? That's what I see AG do. -inclinations incline to the south and +inclinations incline to the north. The orbit of the rocket will always be reported with a positive inclination from 0 to 180deg, as the difference between the orbit from AG having -inclination or +inclination is where the Ascending Node is. Did some testing of the target features of AG. Didn't bother with the phase angle (what I assume you meant as the leading angle, seen both used) as the test rocket was just an orbital one. Once I set Minmus as the target, I'm offered two new buttons in AG: Launch to Rendezvous and Launch to Plane of Target. LtR has a countdown clock that you can use autowarp to get to launch time and will launch the rocket. But as far as I can tell, LtR only worries about phase and doesn't bother with launching near one of the Nodes to get a co-planar rocket orbit. Alternately, LtP only worries about the plane and sets the orbit inclination appropriately (6deg for Minmus, which appears correct), assuming the sign -/+ is selected for the next node crossing. But LtP has no countdown clock and you have to determine manually when the launch site is just about at the next Node, which is hard.
  10. Confirming that fixed it! Thanks, @linuxgurugamer!
  11. Tested 0.0.6. Without a mod for Patch Manager to work on, on install the App Launch button still shows up and doesn't do anything on being clicked. Added in Community Database of Module Manager Patches. Button now brings up window with patches. Settings window now works correctly, thanks! Changed settings to hide icon when no patch mods present. Confirmed alwaysShow was false in PatchManager.cfg. Tested to confirm when PatchManager enabled, icon still shows on App Launcher without any mods using PatchManager despite settings of "Always show toolbar button" to off / alwayShow as False in PatchManager.cfg. Check over several runs alternating having and removing CDMMP. Logs from last run without CDMPP here. Another test with alwayShow as True in PatchManager.cfg without CDMMP has the icon hided. Looks like the flag is being used in reverse sense of its title in the Settings window / name of the flag.
  12. Thanks for the reply. Did a quick test. It was a small rocket so little seemed to changed, but the performance was noticeably better. SMURFF is definitely interesting, but as said is rather overpowered for the stock scale solar system. Will think on how much to fiddle with the RLA SRBs and other parts. There's other ills like an AV-R8 Winglet costing more than many small LF engines, so once you go down that rabbit hole, there's a whole dammn large warren of things to untangle.
  13. UDMH smells, not surprisingly, more like ammonia. Think Jeb's been hitting the Kerbal-nip a bit too much if it was RP-1 and he thought it was UDMH.
  14. Well, as an example, as I was designing rockets, I looked at the mass fraction of the RLA Stockalike SRBs (from RLA Recontinued) and seeing the dry mass as 25% of the wet mass...well, it's just wrong. SMURFF might change things radically for the stock scaled solar system, but I'll think I'll give it a try. Couple of questions. 1. Are SRBs adjusted? Looking at the MM script, SRBs are adjusted. 2. Are aircraft parts adjusted? I imagine the fuel tanks are. And after skimming the last few pages, I see how putting SMURFF into the stock scaled solar system is likely too much. Will still see what it's like.
  15. Cool screenshots! An output waiting at Minmus.... Don't know how tight your design is for delta-V, but you could get more from the Oberth effect if you escape from Minmus and drop down close to Kerbin and make your main burn to escape Kerbin into your interplanetary transfer trajectory as close to Kerbin as possible. It make the mission trajectory more complex, though.
  16. How well does Kerbalism work with the stock CommNet/KerbNet if its own signal system is disabled from the start.
  17. IANAL, but.... Looking at 7zip, it's licenced under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the unRAR restriction (take a look at the link), which say the portions of code used to unRAR can not be used to recreate the RAR compression code. Looking at the GNU LGPL (along with the GNU GPL), I think that means.... You can include 7zip in the repository and even the download if your licence identifies what licence 7zip is under, without restricting what licence you want to apply to your work in the repository. That was the whole point of the LGPL, to make things more flexible for including free software code in a separated way (ie. separate libraries or programs) with non-free software code. It should apply similarly here.
  18. I've just started using this mod. I quickly threw together an aircraft using the Mk1 Open Cockpit and I could assign a pilot and it launched okay. The mod you need to make a MOD KerbalSeat part like the External Command Seat or the Mk1 Open Cockpit work as a full featured command pod is Take Command Continued. Make sure you have that mod installed as well as this one. If it still doesn't work, look at the red-lettered message link in my signature for troubleshooting advice and how to provide KSP logs to get help.
  19. Thanks for that advice! Just checking out Kaptain's further. The Intro window encouraged me to go into the settings of Kaptains and examine them. Something I was wondering about was a KSPedia page for Kaptain's. Could the Intro window be turned into a KSPedia page and could that be made to pop up on loading a new game? This may be too much detail, but I was wondering if many players might have problems finding the two settings pages for Kaptain's. Maybe you might want add a few lines to the upper left saying how to bring up the settings pages. Something like: At the Space Center, click the upper right Pause Button or press Esc to bring up the Game Paused menu. Click on its Settings button to bring up the Settings menu. Click on its Difficulty Options button to bring up the Game Difficulty window. Click on either the Kaptain's Log or Kaptain's Log 2 to access those 2 pages. But that does seem long to fit in. Hmmm. I really like how the columns on the Intro window match those on the 2 pages of Kaptain's Log in the KSP settings. Except for one case. The tabs on Kaptain's Log 2 go Event Pause Settings, Event Capture Settings, Event Screenshot Settings. The last 3 tabs on the Intro window have the same 3 columns, except they go Event Capture Settings, Event Pause Settings, Event Screenshot Settings, with the first 2 swapped around. On the intro window Overview, the text describing the Second Page also swaps around Event Capture and Event Pause. Thought you'd like to know.
  20. I like the Intro Window and was studying it to help better understand how to set up Kaptain's. But I closed it to check something. Then couldn't figure out how to bring it back short of exitting KSP and restarting. Going all the way out to the inital KSP menu and then back into a game didn't bring it back. Is there a way to do this without restarting KSP?
  21. @ManeTI, @Vanamonde, @Dman979, it's happened again. When I clicked a like button, the button went blue but my name didn't show up. Reloading the page showed the like wasn't registered. I'm assuming this is due to hitting the 25-likes-per-24-hours limit. The previous major revision of forum software reported hitting this limit to the forum member. If at all reasonably possible, I would like this current forum software to be adjusted to do the same and not mark the entry to some degree as it the action was accepted. I think it's an appropriate UI measure to let a forum member know when the action they just did was rejected for a legitimate reason. However, I can understand if this isn't reasonably possible or will take time.
  22. Who can tell? You've not provided any description or logs, so no one knows the version of KSP you're running, what mods you have, or any of the other myriad factors that would affect this. Personally, I've seen a lot of glitches in passing or in detail, but I've not seen one that can create what appears to be a river near KSC. Can't even be sure of that, considering it's only one screenshot. You didn't even couch your reply considering what @CommanderSmith said in his post: So, as @Galileo as linked, also linked in the red-lettered last line of my signature, I suggest you read the post linked there about how you should properly report an issue so that people can help you. If you don't, there's nothing we can do.
  23. @DMagic, I was using Celestial Body Science Editor, trying to reduce some Science Param's to a minimal value, to effectively zero them. I know that the values can't be zeroed without issue, but at least for KSP 1.0, they could be set as low as 0.000000001F. However, with the modlet, setting values lower than 0.1 via the in-game UI get set to 0.1. If I use a MM script like this: then the values become 1. Can you modify the modlet to allow for lower Science Param's, to an effectively zero value?
  24. @Teilnehmer, I think both of your choices on numbers are a good idea. I can understand to some degree using a float behind the scenes for trim, but it needs to be converted for display, either into a sliding indicator or an integer scale. And making the sign the same on yaw and steering trim is an intelligent adjustment too (though why Squad made them different in the first place...).
  25. Hey guys, I have some interest in Soundtrack Editor, so I was following this topic. I also want to get going on making my own .dll's for KSP and all this discussion here is fantastic. Really appreciate it all.
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