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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. And it's working again for me. But as the forums are in the UK, and the server is likely on UTC, it could be a new day and 25 more like's, of which I've used 1. If it's a durable issue, it'll be back and others will see it too.
  2. Ping @ManeTI! Was liking some posts and noticed that when I clicked on the thumbs-up icon, it got the blue hi-light with a black 'x' to the upper right, but my name didn't show up in the list of forum members who liked the post. Reloaded the page and found that my like hadn't been recorded, with the thumbs-up icon still greyed out and my name not on the post's list of who liked it. So like's are failing silently. I may have already given out the max number (still 25?) of like's today, but I'm getting no feedback indicating that.
  3. This part appears to be available in the version of Kerbal Historical Institute I mention here, with a current working link to the mod on Curse.
  4. Both of the original post's download links don't work. The Kerbalstuff site is long gone and the Curse link is broken. Here is a working link to the Kerbal Historical Institution mod on Curse. Has KHI v3.4, its last version, for KSP 1.0.5. Just downloaded it today. https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kerbal-historical-institute-presents-original-ksp?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=225324
  5. 50 !?! 50 !?! Young whippersnapper, I'd say! Best of luck getting things done with Aviation Lights then.
  6. I'm in a similar position. I know MM patching really well and am working on Contract Configurator scripting. Haven't touched modelling/texturing yet. I know a lot about coding, but I don't know C#'s IDE's and setting up and using one for Unity+KSP. Kind of a steep learning curve from what I can see.
  7. Try taking a look at @Snark's IndicatorLights and @IgorZ's Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights to see if there's something that will work for Aviation Lights.
  8. I know about DeadSkins, but I've just not switched to them to keep things simple; I'll have to check them out soon. You could coordinate with @MOARdV, who's maintaining the original Aviation Lights. I think an improvement with better skins and reduced parts count would be welcomed by all, especially if they could be incorporated back into the original mod. I've used Aviation Lights for years and I'll just fix or rebuild for any improvements.
  9. Just checking it out. That's exactly what I wanted. Thanks, @linuxgurugamer !
  10. That's a very good question. I've not used the analysis window yet, but I will be soon. This is about using simple CoM wet/dry versus CoP analysis on rocket. Stock and CorrectCoL indicators respectively (with CoM wet and dry courtesy of RCS Build Aid) on a rocket in the VAB. For this application, the stock CoL as a CoP is a bit easier to use, as well as to see that there's no asymmetry that slipped into the design. The CorrectCoL marker has shifted a bit ventral and forward, likely due to assuming a bit of pitchup as if the rocket is an aircraft. For a simple CoM vs CoP analysis, it's a bit confusing. This is a sounding rocket with no control and just Basic Fins for guidance. Even for more advanced rockets like launch vehicles, they only pull a bit of pitch to start their turn off vertical to start the gravity turn for ascent to orbit. Body lift can be important to check there for larger rockets and in fact using both and the analysis window would be helpful. So, to be exacting, what I'm asking for is a switch to turn the marker from that of CorrectCoL as it is now to look more like stock. This is for rocket design analysis where seeing the relative positions of CoM wet/dry versus CoP is what's desired.
  11. There was a bug in the forum update that has since been fixed.
  12. Or you can just use the two mods in concert. I have used both MechJeb and Pilot Assistance in the past, either one or the other depending on circumstances. Kramax was developed from Pilot Assistance. Pilot Assistance isn't being actively supported as @Crzyrndm has stepped down from modding. @linuxgurugamer is at least maintaining Kramax, so I'll be using it with MechJeb. Anything else is up to @sarbian deciding what he thinks is the best us of what time he wants to allocate to KSP. Adding in such a detailed mod as a component isn't a trivial task nor is it necessarily the best thing to do. Especially as they can be used in concert now.
  13. Alternately, you could have made it look like a ZZ Top Thing.
  14. @Carbonjvd, I really appreciate you maintaining this mod. These parts are exactly what I need to improve early career.
  15. To aid switching between building aircraft (which this helps) and rockets (for which this only seems to be confusing), could a switch be added to the in-game configuration to disable this mod? (Added as a feature request issue on GitHub.)
  16. If there's no mods that provide patch management information, is it normal for nothing to come up on the screen when the icon for Patch Manager is clicked? Not even an empty window? Here's the logs for that. http://www.cuug.ab.ca/jacke/KSP/v1.3.0/_logs/20170829b-PatchManager-no-window.7z So I installed the Community Database of Module Manager Patches so Patch Manager would have something to control. The icon now opens the window. I went into the Settings on the window and tried to adjust the settings but they didn't respond. And I couldn't exit out of Settings or use the icon to remove the window. Logs for that run. http://www.cuug.ab.ca/jacke/KSP/v1.3.0/_logs/20170829c-PatchManager-window-locks-up.7z
  17. Perhaps, as it's been nearly 9 months since @erendrake has been on the forums, it's time to do the same as other projects have and create a new topic and put a linking post in this topic.
  18. Jebediah Kerman: KSP's own Captain Scarlet.
  19. Read the 1st post carefully. Scatterer is a visual mod that can be combined with other visual mods. Its files are in "GameData/scatterer/". You just install those. All the main visual improvement mods use EVE's plugins and shaders, located under "GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/". Many of them include the EVE plugins and shaders in their install archive, located under that directory, especially when a mod's configs are very particular about the version of EVE they need. All the visual improvement mods provide their own configs using EVE to create the visual effects. You only want to use one set of configs. Two or more configs can only be combined with a great deal of editting to make them one config. That's something you don't want to do. EVE has a set of its own configs under "GameData/BoulderCo/". SVE provides its own configs under "GameData/StockVisualEnhancements/". Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements has its configs under "ScifiVisualEnchancements". There are other sets of EVE config in other mods. You only want one set of configs installed.
  20. (Also added to the above GitHub issue.) I've encountered a worse example. I'd set up a number of hidden icons and others put in a folder on launch from the SPH. On going to launch from the VAB, I found all the icons I'd hidden also on the App Launcher. Didn't have it displayed but I believe all the icons in the folder were duplicated on the App Launcher too. http://www.cuug.ab.ca/jacke/KSP/v1.3.0/_logs/20170828c-JanitorsCloset-many-dup-icons.7z
  21. That version of the EVA parachute mod is no longer support and hasn't been updated for a long time. Here's the version being maintained by @linuxgurugamer. And it's not necessarily a good idea to combine mods.
  22. Kerbal Flight Data isn't maintaining its data displays either side of the navball. Sometimes I see the data pop up on launch only to be wiped away with a second or two. Most often it doesn't show at all. Logs in the 7zip linked of a run with Kerbal Flight Data as the only mod. http://www.cuug.ab.ca/jacke/KSP/v1.3.0/_logs/20170828b-KerbalFlightData-no-display.7z
  23. (I've also posted this as an issue on GitHub.) I've placed the icon for FMRS in a folder. However, rarely (1 in 5 or less) going to launch I see FMRS is still on the App Launcher as well as in the folder. Logs and JanitorsCloset.cfg in 7zip linked including when it happened once. http://www.cuug.ab.ca/jacke/KSP/v1.3.0/_logs/20170828a-JanitorsCloset-FMRS-dup-icons.7z
  24. Trying to get BARIS to be anything like reality (to get verisimilitude) for the long flight times of interplanetary missions by just relating the total mission elapsed time with respect to MTBF values is going to see missions be rather fateful, hard to make them have some chance of failure without ending up almost certain to fail. That's going to be frustrating. A dynamic MTBF as @Hotaru suggested is one way to deal with this. Comparing those MTBF to something besides just raw MET would help too. Both would be better. I'll be interested in seeing how many attempts it takes @Hotaru to get to Duna. Now, imagine a Jool probe mission. How will it have any chance of succeeding by just comparing a MTBF values of under 10,000 hours to the MET?
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