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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. The standard fare - EVE, SVE, scatterer, Planetshine, DOE, Realplume... and then a 'custom' Reshade preset, by which I mean I installed it and toggled settings on and off until I was happy.
  2. Not released, still need to talk the whole thing over with @Beale to see what he thinks, then clean them all up.
  3. Is there not already a copyright for a company called Cloud?
  4. @micha hey, I've made a PR with Kemini compatibility for Bluedog Design Bureau. Is there any particular reason that more advanced pods don't have support? I assume the experiments would have been run dry at that point but still...
  5. On my laptop, so no Reshade BUT higher resolution... These are still WIP but I had to go soon so I figured I'd throw it through Unity and see what it looked like in game... I think @passinglurker's models still hold up pretty well.
  6. Realized, I forgot to test the new nose cone! So have some more images by clicking the image below!
  7. Trying a new upload solution, check out 99 images from tonight's stream by clicking the image below!
  8. So, gonna have to do a big screenshot dump later, but I am done streaming and going to make dinner, so you'll have to live with this for now! EDIT: For comparison. #FollowYourDreams
  9. Near as I can tell, the third one (_new) is the correct one. @Jso do you concur? We gotta delete the old ones.
  10. So, thought of this after you left, but are you sure you didn't delete / overwrite the original config?
  11. Whelp, looks like I'm streaming for a bit this afternoon while I finish up the Apollo parts! Come by and say hi at https://www.twitch.tv/cobaltwolfy For those that can't make it, here is what I've gotten so far this morning.
  12. Did the gimballing work? I think that was part of the issue we were having at the time. The LR-87-AJ5 and -AJ9 are both modeled in sufficient detail by the mid-tier LR-87 in the mod IMO. There are already a lot of 'duplicate' Titan parts in the mod.
  13. Negative, I moved up to a 2K sheet at double the texel density to reduce the jaggies. There will be significant space leftover on the sheet however - enough to throw in smaller parts like the subsat, for example.
  14. @NotAgain whoever wrote them for FASA, I use theirs.
  15. Small update, was fairly busy yesterday but I corrected an issue in the last release that nobody seems to have mentioned - the Big G textures were really messed up! They now match the updated Gemini crew module.
  16. Blame @NathanKell for this, but I've made some unsolicited changes to things here... Alternate WAC textures for Aerobee, a couple new bits, and a rescale to a far more proper 0.125m...
  17. To be clear, that mesh change has been around for a while, but the emissives are new. It turns out they're super easy, but it'll be a while before all the engines have them just because... well, I'm behind on everything and it's a low priority. I would like to get them as I go through updating things, as I find time. And they are a nice visual touch for low effort... so any new engines should have them.
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