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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I was hoping not to touche the models apart from the telescope itself... sigh Yeah probably at some point but I'm probably going to put this back away for a while once the telescope is finished.
  2. @akron check to make sure there's no non-ASCII characters or typos in your sciencedefs file. That could be causing it.
  3. ^ Saturn 1B - balanced to perform relative to IRL - needs the Apollo tanks to be mostly empty to make orbit. Saturn 1, and then 1B, struggled to keep up with the ever-increasing weight of the Apollo CSM. Luckily for them, the orbital missions that the S1B needed to launch it into didn't need much dV.
  4. Oh really, the big one is Hexagon? I had assumed Dorian for some reason. In any case it's still 1.875m if it's meant to fit on a Titan 34D.
  5. Can you tell me if it's related to this issue on Github? EDIT: Starting to shift back towards BDB a bit... Got a bit of modeling done on Skylab this morning. I think the next step might be to unwrap the basic workshop itself, and get that textured - figure out some style guides for this new texture sheet and get things figured out.
  6. Fun fact: They won't. SLS isn't even supposed to fly... just something for Congress to dump money into...
  7. Supposed to be a Keyhole-8 Gambit, which I believe is what @DMagic based his parts off of. Trying to get it to match my Agena's textures.
  8. I can do an all black/dark grey version if it makes you happier.
  9. Uh, crap I'll have to talk to @DMagic about that then. He set up the complexity levels.
  10. I'd start with the PSE and Retroreflector cus those are the ones from the EASEP (Early Apollo Science Experiment Package) that was left by Apollo 11.
  11. Uhm, I think people mostly know by now. Mini Sample Return Capsule - Already updated with some help. Surface Experiment Pack update - admittedly, almost entirely DMagic's work. I think I edited some colliders... Taerobee - That expansion is pretty much done, I just need to put a bit more polish into it and add some things that are kicking around the Maya scene but aren't in game. Cacteye - Unfortunately it looks like that might require a bigger revamp than just the main telescope, but I don't know when I'll come back to it once that's done. Texture pack for DMagic Orbital Science - Been on the back burner for forever now, dunno how much I'll get around to. Plus some other projects that I provide enough technical support on outside the forums that take up a significant amount of time, but they aren't generally 'revealed' yet. And they're not really mine - though I do feel attached to them. The only thing that I don't think I've talked too much about, but have hinted at a bit, is a collaborative project between myself and @benjee10, with major contributions from @Beale and some other modders. I'm not really willing to talk too much about it yet, but it's a stockalike (in the same, increasingly vague sense that BDB is stockalike...) historical parts pack that doesn't involve US/NASA parts. Real work was started on that today, actually, so hopefully we'll have a dev thread up soon. Looking at your user info I daresay that it might interest you. But I won't comment on it here further. The problem is BDB itself is such a massive, endless project, it just sucks me in, but at the same time, I have so many cool ideas bouncing around my head... Ideally what I need to do is work on KSP projects full time but that will never happen.
  12. No. It's not even textured. I'm working on other projects right now, since when I come back to BDB they'll probably fall back on the wayside.
  13. Luckily, I don't think I'd have to edit the dish. And using a large texture atlas like that, it's no problem. It's more that I tend to UV unwrap and texture in a specific way, which makes it difficult to adapt to working with your textures, or anyone else's for that matter. I will see what I can do with them, as I said the surveillance stuff is particularly of interest to me since they can be considered integral to making some things in BDB possible (Keyhole satellites). Once I get those and the magnetometer polished I'll probably throw them up in an Addon Dev thread; after that I'll just make new skins based on demand.
  14. @DMagic I'll play around a bit more tonight and see what I come up with. Do you know what shader they're exported as? It would be helpful for knowing what I can/can't do - no point in making spec maps if they don't use any, for example. My first priority would be getting the surveillance stuff reskinned, and perhaps include a rescale cfg in BDB to make them fit our 0.9375m Agena and 1.875m Gemini/Titan.
  15. Just logged it for y'all. I already had GH open in another window.
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