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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Makes sense, I was just wondering. And yeah, I just paste in the direct image link (ie, the one that ends with .jpg, etc) and hit space and it auto embeds.
  2. So, looking at some images of IRL Zenits, I can't see any that have that hammerhead style fairing - indeed, it appears that the Blok-D in the mod is significantly wider that the IRL one. This isn't a criticism, more just curiosity - is there a Zenit configuration that I'm missing? Or is it just a result of artistic/gameplay considerations?
  3. tbh all I'd need is people telling me there was a big op going on in Arma but I just committed myself soooooooo
  4. Makes sense. I think its definitely worth considering the effect that contracts would have on a playthrough - such as what is being asked of the player at given points. But things like how other mods affect a playthrough, well... not our problem at that point I suppose. ~STREM TONITE~ Going to be trying to stream tonight at the usual place (promise I won't cut it short after someone buys me a game this time), with a possible appearance of a well known space journalist... Looking to start by 6 PM Eastern, but I'll have to see how my day progresses - I might be able to start earlier. I'd be looking to get more of Skylab done, maybe some other stuff. EDIT: Forgot the screenshot tax... I got the Skylab MDA mostly textured yesterday.
  5. Bobcat is long gone, but @Dragon01 still lurks.
  6. Thanks! I hate to be a bother about it, but since we tend to have big releases that add lots of new parts, I'd like to be able to confidently answer that we are supported by ETT when questions about tech tree compatibility come up. If it gets to be too much, I understand - it's not as if I'm helping by providing suggested placement.
  7. Don't know. I've never really gotten them to map correctly
  8. Yeah, the simplicity (you almost never have an SRB that doesn't light when told) that makes them useful on the ground also makes them useful in orbit, and with proper shaping of the grain and the nozzle, you can overcome a lot of the ISP disadvantages that solids face. They're not as useful in KSP because, well, we don't have teams of people paid a lot of money to do all the math for us
  9. You can't, so just pasting the direct link to one of the images (if you double click it after embedding, you can set the image to be a link as well!) is probably the best you can hope for right now. And it wasn't the forum software, it's Imgur removing most of their embedding functionality so that people have to visit the site. Their previous model wasn't sustainable - hosting images elsewhere without anyone ever visiting the site isn't a good way to bring in revenue.
  10. I know you have a link to the imgur albums in the OP, but you should either increase the size of that text and/or embed at least one for posterity.
  11. Of course. I was scratching my head for a minute, since I recognized the issue but couldn't remember what caused it. And no, all it does is add new resource definitions - you can't have multiple definitions for the same resource, so this lets modders have new resources (such as lqdHydrogen) without having their mods break each other.
  12. @Probus was the BDB compatibility ever updated for our Saturn/Apollo release?
  13. Hey y'all, @minepagan has pushed another tech tree balance pass to the dev branch on Github! Please take a look at it, play through a career save a bit and let him know if things feel right!
  14. Have fun with parts that are brokenly UP compared to stock, and every other part pack. Blame Squad.
  15. Of course! Last I heard there might still be some strangeness to the Umbilical tower.
  16. Yes, I believe ours are working currently. Feel free to rip out the edited cfgs and repackage them here for the standalone. I probably won't maintain the separate download.
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