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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Last time I counted we were sitting around ~250 parts, before Apollo started. I don't know of a mod that has more than that. Considering I'm maybe halfway through the roadmap... EDIT: Also, I hesitate to speak too soon, but it appears that the solution for the LEM issue worked. I did not have any more issues tonight while I was working. Not too much to share with y'all that you haven't already seen, but here goes anyways:
  2. I pretty much agree with your assessment. Perhaps another way to word it would be - stockalike would be parts for the sake of gameplay niches, rather than parts that attempt to mimick the artstyle while being primarily about recreation. The difference between, say, @hoojiwana's fantastic RLA Stockalike and my own work.
  3. Out of curiosity, how would you rate my content (and, by extension, @Beale and @passinglurker, since they made BDB's Gemini and Mercury, respectively) for that sort of thing?
  4. It also involves how the parts go together. Stock parts are meant to be 'lego-y'. Some mods (such as Raidernick's launchers) only really go together one way.
  5. non-existant. I moved to a temporary living situation on Friday after spending all last week packing and cleaning, and since then have been having software issues that keep undoing what work I can achieve here and there. I keep running into an issue where the UV maps get 'scrambled' for no apparent reason. This somehow retroactively affects the saved files - as in, if I open a file from before the scrambling occurred, the messed up UV maps persist. Even if I close Maya or restart my computer before opening the old working one. The good news is that has only effected bits of the legs - the rest of the LEM is fine. I believe its something to do with the scene file getting corrupted - not as bad as it sounds. I basically need to export my work out of the scene, and import it into a new one. While not a common occurrence with Maya, its something that happens from time to time. If that does not fix it I might try to move to something else, or even grab my old laptop (which is stored, with the rest of my belongings, At a friends house) when I see him tomorrow. My priority right now is getting the LEM done. There isn't that much left to it - basically the antennas and some fiddly bits I probably wont notice until I start trying to clean it up for unity export. The SLA and the S-IVB (sans J2) are already roughly modeled thanks to @venomousrequiem, I need to go back and do a detail/cleanup pass on them before I can UV unwrap them. If you annoy/bug her more maybe she will do the same for the other stages. With that said, we have also run into issues with reference material. Andegraf's Saturn is proportioned incorrectly, and I've struggled to find more accurate orthographic drawings of the same level of detail. sooo, yeah. I fear we wont make our internal deadline of having a polished release by September 30th.
  6. Pap, since this concerns BDB, I'd like to try and help clarify. The Muo 1 is based on, to quote myself, the 'Atlas 1'. That is incorrect on my end. It should represent the Atlas D/E/F/G variants used for Mercury/Agena/Centaur launchers. they can be used to build all variants up to and including the Atlas 2AS (though we do not have Castor 4s or whatever the SRBs are). Hope that helps!
  7. you should get sick more often PS when's that gonna be in game?
  8. RN I need FASA updated.
  9. I meant Photoshop There are uncompressed PSD files in that link, you should be able to see how I build my textures. I paint my AO by hand. I'm lazy like that.
  10. We sized it for the stock PB-NUK. And unfortunately, I don't believe there's a way to see it. Perhaps @DMagic can program it into the right click menus via the new plugin.
  11. You should paint them by hand. I avoid sourced textures altogether. What texturing package do you use? Hopefully one that can understand PSD files! Here are a bunch of my textures, as well as DAE files if you want to see how I UV unwrap. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4ow2b6drcjlceyz/AADKm_ha60IKnD1XZYh0hdRJa?dl=0
  12. the one he showed on the last page is a 1.25m (iirc) core with built in RCS like Barquetta. He has a bunch of propulsion stuff in the works.
  13. I believe we both lost to @hraban if it's a three-way race, seeing as all three components (orbiter, lander, launcher) of his are done. Perhaps we should detail him to take care of the SLS while he is at it?
  14. Hermes was designed to fly on the Ariane 5, no? Why not just use Beale's, at least for testing? Or is his scaled wrong
  15. Idk. I usually don't make whole probes for BDB. Some more thoughts - The middle of the core truss wasn't a propellant tank, it was a retro SRB. So you need to leave a void space. I'll have to see what SRB was used - I might be able to send you an FBX that you can use with a different texture. I would just make one vernier, let the player attach them in 3x symmetry. Don't worry about having just one gimbal. @Beale's Fobos Grunt isn't that dissimilar, with having the legs+propellant+core in one part, and I love that thing. Bear in mind that Surveyor is HUGE compared to that though - it sits on top of an Atlas-Centaur and fills the whole 3m fairing. I think you'd want two experiments. The camera (like the one in FASA) and the scooper. I think you should be fine to start the lander stuff once you get P+ stable again. Just bounce between what you want to work on, don't worry too much about getting everything done for P+ before starting the landers.
  16. Some more thoughts for when you get to Surveyor: It originally was a 2 part program, that would have also had orbiter(s?). Interestingly, it seems they were already aware of the Moon's mascons. This was replaced by the Lunar Orbiter series, which could be launched on the already-available Atlas-Agena, rather than the larger (and behind schedule) Atlas-Centaur.
  17. No, I was just confused that @Beale was working on one. I'm not complaining - right now he has a serious advantage over me in terms of how much he needs to do to finish his Mun mission. Plus I can only simplify the J2 and F1 so much...
  18. small update here folks - I'm finally settled into my temporary living arrangements for the next couple weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to a regular work schedule. I have gotten some very small work done on LEM here and there - mostly UV unwrapping bits of the legs.
  19. I would be careful with that direction then. If they don't look right with other parts, a significant (though, not all. Possibly even a minority) amount of people will avoid them.
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