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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. to explain further, once you're at the homepage of the github (not the releases page) click download zip at the right side of the screen.
  2. Huh. They're set up the same in Unity. It might be a config issue? I would rather not get into anything with another dev, so I think the offset colliders is the best course of action. Since you've already gotten this far, would you be able to experiment and find the correct offset? Either of the newer experiments (gravimeter or magnetometer) would do, as their attach nodes are aligned exactly with the flat bottom of the collider. I'm not sure what you mean by the second part of your bottom paragraph, but the collider is simply a box that is flush with the mating surface of the plug. The prongs are not represented in the physics at all.
  3. @RaendyLeBeau I have only received three donations to date. One was from an unknown person, the other two were from friends here on the forums to go towards new hardware that I needed. To (mis)quote @Felbourn, 'make mods that you want first, worry about what other people think second'. Make parts you want to be able to use in game. If you've found that you prefer working on other things, do that! Honestly your free time should be filled with the things that you enjoy most. If you're done with KSP modding, I think the community would appreciate it if you make sure someone else is in place to maintain the configs as needed for KSP updates. EDIT: And that model is awesome! I know the pain of trying to work with files that large.
  4. No need to bribe you, I think I may have PM'd it to already. Look at the cfg file for the Sarnus engine mounts. You basically just insert gameObjects in Unity with the Z+ determining the orientation. And yes, I'd appreciate it! Worst case is we double check some things and then close it. EDIT: Also, if you missed it, last night I started working on the LEM! It was a bit of a change of plans, as I had intended to do the remaining Saturn canonical Saturn parts first, but oh well. Unfortunately I had a migraine, that got worse as I streamed despite taking my medications for it. Tonight I'll try and stream to make up for it. It'll be starting a bit later than usual - somewhere between 6 and 7 eastern.
  5. I just use the NODE{ } thing that @InsaneDruid showed me. @Komodo that's awesome! I don't know if they'll actually fit, I really didn't intend for that to be a feature when I made the mesh haha. @kurld Yas! I was kind of hoping in the back of my head that my Apollo would work with your stuff. I'll have to PM you later with some questions regarding it. @akron btw, for the Sarnus 1, if you have a large fairing like that, what I do is, instead of the adapter tank, I place a second straight tank, disable the lobes shroud, and then use the 3.125m fairing base.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=convair+lunar+lander&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 I haven't looked through any of those, so I just gave a google search that hopefully has some good links. Stream is up!
  7. I believe we have managed to force @Sgt.Shutesie to make X-15 parts.
  8. Hopefully! We aren't going to be scaled exactly the same as FASA. I'm not sure what he means by 'There are so many different Saturn V mods'. FASA is the only one I know of with a complete Saturn V.
  9. Do you do any sort of Normal/Specular mapping on your parts? I noticed an extreme improvement on the Titan tanks when I did so. And Titan IV really is that tan color? I will have to bring it back in BDB.
  10. Who better to explain than myself: (Those images cover the majority of what I'd like to be possible, though the roadmap has more IIRC. I'd like to go back and add Pegasus satellite experiment parts, for example. I had no problem (well, with the docking ports themselves anyways... #PEBKAC) docking and undocking multiple times the other night. EDIT: I FORGOT THE WHOLE REASON I CAME ON TO POST AT 1:00 AM!!! Just wanted to give an absolutely 'UGE shoutout to @Cowboy_WY for busting his cuss on our Github the last week or so. He has not only been reporting numerous bugs and issues that have been slinking around under our radar, but also fixing many of them! Not only that, but he's redone our (previously haphazard) RemoteTech config! So I want a big thanks from all y'all out there that play BDB! I also want to shout out to @Jso (even though he's an author, but, whatever), @rasta013, and probably some other people I can't remember. As a result of their hard work, our contribution graph looks like this: So yeah, big thanks to them!
  11. does it affect similar KAS/KIS parts? Like the KAS port connector fuel line thing... Whatever its called. edit: Also, this is sufficiently far enough along that I feel ok teasing this. There is a very major overhaul to SEP on the way, thanks to a new contributor that I think many of y'all are familiar with. It doesn't add any new parts (those that follow my other work know why things are slow here at the moment) but it will comprehensively expand and flesh out everything that happens AFTER you've used an engineer to set up a SEP. I loathe to give any sort of time estimate (especially as I'm already working under at least one that I likely won't meet) but we hope to get a test build SOONtm. Additionally, I'd like to reiterate my plans to make a major expansion to SEP - including, among other things, a lunar rover - once the BDB LEM is released.
  12. You should. It makes it far easier for us to keep track of things. I am not sure what you mean? It docked fine for me. Are you sure that it's retracted?
  13. You should. It makes it far easier for us to keep track of things. I am not sure what you mean? It docked fine for me. Are you sure that it's retracted?
  14. Probe related parts live in: ProbesExpansion (obviously) Antennas Science (if you want those) Explorer (all the tiny early-game probes, with some associated parts like decouplers and stuff. They're generally 0.3125m, half the usual size0) And if you haven't checked it out yet, you should look into @akron's Probes+ mod.
  15. Uh, take a chill pill for a couple days to conserve it. I haven't been able to do anything today and won't tomorrow. Hopefully be back on the horse... idk, Monday I guess. I've been putting a minimum of something like 4hrs a day into BDB for two weeks straight, with more time than that on many days. Yesterday was prolly closer to 10 My contract work has been fairly quiet and I've been sacrificing sleep to get more done, which is why Apollo got done in only two weeks, despite being mostly fairly complex parts compared to what I usually make. Ahead of me is not only moving out of my current apartment, I also have two weeks before I can move into my new one. I'm sort of unsure whether I'll even have an internet connection, and I definitely won't have access to my desktop. So we'll have to see what I can get done, and how fast I can do it.
  16. ...i-is that how you are trying to fly it? Shuttle starts with the ET side facing the VAB (for a normal equatorial takeoff, at least) and slowly arcs backwards to be 'on its back' / 'belly up'. If you're trying to fly like that 'belly down' then you're fighting the built in arc created by the Shuttle's atypical thrust placement.
  17. (psst you can hack off a nozzle and turn it into the Soyuz 2.1v/Yamal/Soyuz3 NK33)
  18. >>asking someone to create wheels post-1.1. Are you trying to kill him?
  19. http://imgur.com/a/ErhdQ Kane-11 Beta is now available on GitHub! Download the master to give it a try.
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