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Kevin Kyle

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Everything posted by Kevin Kyle

  1. If you mean tweakscale, no I havent even used that as far as I know. If you mean moving it up and down like normal adjusting rocket height from surface, ya, I done that. I suppose that maybe by just installing tweakscale it somehow caused an issue. Im not sure I even need tweakscale. Ya, I wondered if the 2 Fasa's might somehow cause a problem. I guess the only way to know is to remove them tweakscale and launch clamps continued one at a time and see if it helps. I seen where it was mentioned that tweakscale might be causing problems in a different thread. I will try that as soon as the Nascar America vid shoot is over. I will be driving my simcar (65) for a vid shoot. <----------Shameless plug I drive for all of the iRacing vid shoots for Nascar America. Most of them are live but today we are taping the segment for another day.
  2. Havent done it yet but I will tonight. Doing the RO/RSS/RP0 thing following Nathan Kell's tutorial series. So tonight when I get home from work, Im going to put Sputnic in orbit for my first orbit. Already made my rocket. Its just a matter of making a successful launch. Much science to gather and then I will be ready for episode 5. So much different than Kerbin is, Really enjoying the whole RO/RSS/RP0 thing way more than I thought I would. Should have done this long ago. Not as hard as I thought it would be. If you have been on the fence about it, go for it.You wont regret it.
  3. Im doing the Realism Overhaul thing. I have FASA and FASA Launchclampscontinued installed. The issue I have is that on the TT-06 launch tower, the base of the tower is halfway up the lower part of the tower. It looks like it could hit the rocket possibly. Its not on the ground like it should be. Does anyone else see that happening? I used ckan to do the install. It looks correct in Nathan Kell's RO tutorials. Any ideas as to what the problem might be?
  4. I think I got it installed correctly. thanks for your help. I will test it more thoroughly later when I have more time.
  5. OK, thank you. Looks like I better do this again. Thanks for the help. I am so lost. lol
  6. Attempting to install this. I have mostly used CKan but as you all know, not everything can be installed that way. I really hope I am doing this right. What about installing TacLifeSupport, RemoteTech,SemiSaturable Reaction Wheels. Dmagic Orbital Science, KAS, Scansat and those new parts? I see by ckan that some are already installed but I chose them based on ckan optional installs for RO. Im stopping for some breakfest as my tummy and my head needed a break. Havent tried to fire it up yet. I did a few visual installs too. What a daunting task. Oh and contract packs and such, what about those or are they already there?
  7. Awesome stuff. Ive always wanted to,make my own mirror. I did take an old dob and rebuilt it to a real nice scope. The original had a very nice handmade mirror and its nice in the new scope. Enjoyed reading your post, wish I could see it first hand, Good job, it must be VERY rewarding.
  8. You did a fine job with that. Im impressed. I have to ask.....are you a simracer? We happen to be driving the 2017 Ford GTE in the league I am in. Just raced at Monza last night. I was surprised to see this here. Good job on that!
  9. This one right here takes me back to my childhood days of Saturday morning cartoons and the Road Runner. Of course, if it was to refer to the Coyote, probably not too good as he NEVER fared well. Might be appropriate. lol
  10. South Central Indiana- pretty boring here most of the time. Of course, the Indy 500 is only about 45mins away and there is a lot of sports here. There is also a LOT of corn. Someone clicked Antarctica...Im guessing they have a lot of time to play KSP on their hands. OH,and I dont know where else I would like to live but the Arctic and Antarctica isnt it.lol
  11. Does Nathan Kells RO tutorial series still apply? Ive been watching those. Im on #3 so far, had to rewatch a couple of them. Never stopped to consider all of those little details before. I did notice that not all that many people have watched them. It seems the RO group is a rather small proportion of the player base. Is there a better thread to be asking this stuff or is this thread fine for that?
  12. Yep, back when I was pretty newbish. Would do again if I had to. lol
  13. I just finished reading all the Wiki's and my head is spinning a bit. Im going to have to absorb it all over the next day or 2. Im sure I will have some questions as I go and I would bet a lot of them have already been asked an answered. I am curious though about which mode to start out on. I have to assume that starting out in career mode should probably be avoided during the learning stages of RO? I guess we are in waiting mode at this time for some things to get updated so I should just wait a bit for things to settle before trying to install this? Looks like CKAN is the recommended method of installing? Never used it before, always did the manual install in KSP up to this point. My head is still spinning. Is there a recommended tutorial to look at going forward from here? I seen the Scott Manley video of installing RO, is it still viable at this time? Im going to go watch it just for some guidance for now anyway. I feel more rookie than ever now. lol
  14. Im going to give it a try. Im hoping my cad.cam background will make it go a bit smoother. I have soooo much reading to do. I found those starting tutorials. I also need to find a spacecraft no one has done to work on. Ive already started reading. My only problem right now is I have a lot of Dyno parts to make before I have any real free time. Actually, maybe I should model one of my dyno parts as a first project since I know all those dimensions by heart. Would be worthless in KSP but might make a good first part to learn on. Sorry for straying a little off topic
  15. Thanks for the encouragement, Ive started reading and I am trying to keep may head from spinning. lol I bet it will be a long time before I manage my first orbit. I feel like a rookie again.
  16. Thanks for posting this. More reading I need to do. Hopefully; my background in cad/cam will come in handy.
  17. One of these days, I am going to get brave enough to try this. I have been wanting to for a long time but I probably lack the skills needed or I just think I do. Stock KSP is semi easy enough. But as soon as this becomes happy with 1.3, I might give it a try and see how inadequate my building and flying skill really are. I must do much reading first I see. Where is the best place to read up on all that is required? I will certainly be reading the links in the OP. I also wonder if 1.4 is going to cause some grief for RO. I bet it will probably cause some grief for all modders. I would help if I could. Always did want to learn how. Is it too late to start into modding? Im not exactly a young one any more. Im sure its much harder than programming my CNC. lol At any rate, I have a desire to get into the world of RO.
  18. I just wanted to thank you all because this is one of the nicest forums I go to. It very pleasant here compared to many other forums. Always a pleasure to come here. Im not going to name the other forums I speak of but I bet many of you feel the same with the forums you visit as well. So, I just wanted to express how awesome it is here and thank all those people who make it that way. Also want to thank the posters here for keeping it real. Even the complaint threads here are ok. You just dont get that at other forums. OH, and the game/simulation aint too bad either. Keep up the good work. That is all.
  19. I was actually hoping for a major comet passing close by and lighting the night skies like no other before it. Now THAT would be amazing.
  20. Lots of hours played but the hardest decision is always,...Do I start over again or wait for mod updates? BTW, no issues with the mod devs, that was not what I meant if that is what you got out of that. Our devs and mod devs have my greatest respect for all the awesome hours of fun I ever had with any game. Still playing after all this time. They must be doing something right!
  21. I believe its every 650,000 years roughly I should add, if it is really going to erupt anytime nearish future, we would all know before it happened. There would be no doubt.
  22. What, they were talking about Mars when Yellowstone is clearly ready to erupt and plunge the world into darkness? What kind of a news site is this? They are apparently behind the times. lol
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