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Everything posted by klesh

  1. If my post wasn't clear, I'm talking about something's option #2.
  2. I am not a mathematics player, so there is probably a more efficient answer. It sounds to me lkike you have the concept of what to do correct. I would ask your altitude and speed that you performed the planechange at? Do not try to planechange while trying to match orbits, rather perform your expensive planechange at a higher and slower altitude. From there, a few small adjustment burns to circularize and or raise or lower your orbit to catch the fuel station. If you're doing this at Kerbin, you can aerobrake to bring your newly raised AP back down, free of charge. A planechange at the AP of a very eccentric suborbital trajectory is going to be alot cheaper than trying to do it at the altitude of the (presumably low)orbital station. Make sense?
  3. Okay, so not console versions, check. Did you try validating the game's cache via steam (if you play through steam)?
  4. I am going to necro this, as it is still relevant. Steam still has trading cards, badges, backgrounds, and chat emoji for KSP, and you can still trade them etc. I have almost everything you can for this game. My steam profile is decked out in the common "Kerbin" KSP background, with a KSP screenshots showcase on it, and a fav game display as well. I have all 5 Kerbal face emoji, theyre kinda fun too. I've crafted 5 levels of KSP badges, the 500xp "To the Stars" one prominently featured on my profile too. You'd think KSP was the only game I had on Steam. The only thing I have left to do is the foil badge. Apparently the foil badges don't do anything extra, are only 100XP, and are essentially just more rare. So my question is if anyone has any foil badges they do not want. Let's make a deal!
  5. Oooh, that's bold, friend. I always wondered if that would skip a final saving that might need to occur. I'll try doing that from now on. Happy New Year!
  6. Oh, cool. Thank you. I have never even open that share section before.
  7. Thanks fellas, that's pretty much what I was was thinking. Indeed, its nothing major, just a slight annoyance (moreso compounded by the fact there isn't a quit to desktop function). I hate having to go through 2 menus to quit, and the fact the first of those menus teases you like that always made me wonder. Thanks for the replies!
  8. I think I recall it not working on my machine recently as well. I checked my GeForce Experience settings and Share seemed to be set to Alt + Z by default.
  9. We'll get 'em next time, fellas.
  10. Hello, I am wondering if this is just me, or what. Whenever I return to the Main Menu from playing, I receive this weird stutter... its long enough to potentially qualify as a freeze, but its more of a "long stutter". This only happens on the first of the Main Menu's you return to. Is this the "junk collecting" I have read about? I have a good machine, and the game is a flawless 60fps with all things maxed out, and runs smooth as butter in every other instance. When I back out of the Space Center to the first of the Main Menus, the actual menu pauses before it reaches the spot on the screen where the words are selectable, just for a moment, and then everything slides back to butterville. Shall I presume this is part of the efforts to optimize this cleanup process or somesuch? Do you all experience this too? Thanks.
  11. You can try flipping the Tail Connector B so it gives you more clearance on takeoffs and landings. Roll it, such that the straight edge is aligned on the dorsal portion of the plane (top spine) rather than the ventral (belly). The rest of the comments are good. One last fuel question. Are the two fuselage pieces you're using behind the cockpit Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage parts, or Structural Fuselage parts? If you have access to the latter, use them... you dont need a huge amount of fuel with jets and the smaller Mk0 tanks on the engines will be fine. If you only have access to the former, drain them both and only carry fuel in the smaller engine sized tanks. You're potentially carrying lots and lots of heavy extra fuel.
  12. Nice work dude. This is what KSP is all about. Building what feels groovy, identifying potential design flaws, and working them out one by one until you can achieve you self-appointed goal. That delivers some of the most satisfying gaming I have been able to find.
  13. Not sure if the page is translating the timezone for me automagically, or if they're using Valve time, which iirc is Pacific, or UTC-8. If the former, then results should be in in 3 hours!
  14. There is a training section in the game that covers this kind of thing. Did you try those?
  15. https://www.gimp.org/ There is a pretty decent free image editor if you haven't got one. That and some youtube tutorials about texturing should get you off to a good start.
  16. No, its like saying "the community is already fragmented, so there is no point in debating the subtle nuances of PC mod acquisition, when not every can even access mods (yet). 1) Steam 2) KSP Store 3) PS4 Store 4) XBox store Whats the 5th?
  17. Hey, welcome to KSP! Hopefully this will help you: http://imgur.com/a/Cxnk5
  18. Community gets fragmented? 2 of the 4 ways to play KSP don't even support mods at all!
  19. Start learning graphic arts? I'm not sure I understand. You want a better texture mod, are willing to do it yourself, but don't know how. So, learn texture editing first, then apply it to the types of files KSP uses. Right?
  20. Here is a thread where this topic came up in January. In it are links to ~10 or more threads discussing axial tilt over the years, including some (now gone) developer's input.
  21. While getting out and pushing works (be sure to push retrograde!), I would advise the rendezvous as your best bet. Its a great goal to have, one needs to learn orbital rendezvous at some point, and you'll have a great feeling once you rescue him and have him safely back on terra firma. I know one of my earliest flubs saw Jeb stranded in Munar orbit. He ran out of electricity. It was a blast unlocking some new parts and meeting up with him. I can still remember bringing a spotlight on the 2nd craft so as to light him up on his EVA between ships.
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